

Marcuse Society's Youtube Channel 

The Marcuse Society's YouTube channel will launch officially in 2024. Beginning in September 2023, videos will begin to appear, featuring material from: 

This segment featuring Herbert Marcuse is excerpted from the film ANATOMY OF VIOLENCE, produced and directed by Peter Davis at Villon Films.  Marcuse's remarks -- "Liberation from the Affluent Society" -- were presented in London, England, at the Symposium on the Dialectics of Liberation and the Demystification of Violence, organized by R.D.Laing, with Allen Ginsberg, Paul Sweezey, Paul Goodman, Herbert Marcuse, Stokely Carmichael, Malcolm X, and others. 

See this website for additional information about the 1967 Dialectics of Liberation conference:

This section presents audio and video material featuring Herbert Marcuse and many other theorists/activists and topics -- all of which may be accessed by clicking on the various Subpages at the bottom of the page.  This material is provided exclusively for non-commercial, educational purposes.

Marcuse interviewed by François Moreuil

Les Archives de la TSR (14 June 1971)

Herbert Marcuse, interviewed by Wiltrud Mannfeld (197?), Broadcast in ZDF, Series "Zeugen des Jahrhunderts", (Witness of the Century).  Script first published in Jansen, Peter-Erwin (Hrsg.), Befreiung denken - ein politischer Imperativ.  Materialienbuch zu Herbert Marcuse, Offenbach 1990.


Peter Marcuse

Planner; lawyer; Professor Emeritus Urban Planning, Columbia University (NYC) Utopias can be good (humanist) or bad (neo-liberal), achievable (the city of plenty) or unachievable (the dream city), strategic (utopias of process) or illusory (architectural fantasies). Critical approaches to planning and urban activism would incorporate the former images of utopia into meaningful programs of change. The Right to the City is an example of the effort at such a use of utopian thinking.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) / ODL Video Services

Uploaded April 12, 2018