The Birth of a Revolution

Empowering the Masses

January 10th to 12th of 2013 has marked an important milestone in the process of social reengineering in east Africa. Africomm Development Center (ADEC) successfully launched the revolutionary participatory empowerment program that aims at changing the way African societies deal with their development challenges. The program was launched at Kinaawa village on the outskirts of Kampala vide a four day seminar, themed ‘Towards Self Help Vision for Africa’ project. (watch video)

The three day affair, conducted by a facilitator from ADEC, covered: Self Help Project Conceptualization, Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation. The program was made possible by the kind support of House of Peace Mercy Grace Children’s Home and targeted people of ages 13 to 65. The facilitation was done by representation from ADEC in collaboration with local leaders who included Pastor Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Mbabazi of Global Revival Ministries alongside other volunteers.

The program is set be rolled out across east Africa where development challenges have not benefited from economic development normally measured by Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The aim of the program is to contribute to the empowerment of local people through the development of leadership skills as well as through mobilization of local resources. The program also aims to support other initiatives that have been put in place by Government and non Government agencies.