Terror is Not Divine

Terror is not religious: Religion can Help

According to the United States Embassy in Nairobi, terror hangs in the air in this beautiful East African city.

The veracity of such an announcement from such a high profile office is, without doubt.

It is also not likely to be related to the current electioneering in the country. If it were, a big yawn would be enough therapy.

photo: late chief terrorist/ courtesy

As disappointing as it is to see terror reigning supreme, perhaps the most startling is the mule muteness with which mainstream religion has responded. It would appear that religious leaders are more at home politicking, and even then, on matters other than terror related. It doesn’t help matters that, religion and religious, agenda setting mandate is presumed to be in the hands of anointed servants. Those that are, therefore, treated as, sort of, deities. To be revered. They call Crusades and Jihads and thousands of souls respond with unquestioning sacrifice.

Evidence, for instance, has indicated that majority of suicide bombers are indoctrinated through religious overtones; and made to believe of the ‘just cause’. In the same breath, Israel makes its case based on Biblical prophesy. The two meet somewhere; terror seems to emanate at this junction.

When Major Gen Gration warned of terror threat in Nairobi, the police, as expected, were the first to respond. Politicians, most likely, tightened their personal security; the media reported.

Perhaps the missing link is the religious leaders. With their huge following, they could seize such moments to call back those that may have fallen to devil’s tricks. Better still, they can mobilize prayers against terror.

Last Sunday was a revealing one: a former terror gang leader-turned-pastor-politician was delivering his Sunday summon when someone walked in. The intruder had come to deliver bad news: the former chief terrorist’s life was in danger.

The summon was suspended and police were informed. When they responded, the worshippers turned on them; not with prayers, but with kicks and blows. They accused them of being part of the wider plot.

What cock-and-bull?

This gives an indication of the thin line between religion and terror; at least as experienced today.

A reason why religious leaders of goodwill have their work cut out; in and out of places of worship. It’s why their ingenuity can come to bear in the here and now, even as they prepare their followers for life after. And shame the devil.

When writer Salman Rushdie wrote, his infamous book, Satanic verses, religious leaders seized the moment to call for his ‘goddamned head’. Perhaps the same synergies can be marshaled against terror and terrorists from the same quarters.

Meanwhile, it is advisable to know your neighbor and build a personal network that is hostile to terror.

Other things within individual abilities include: avoiding drink driving, ensuring your kids are brought up morally, avoiding corruption, loving your life and taking care of the disadvantaged.

Terror must not be revered.