Easter Reflections: from Wherence Doth Miracles!

If you do not believe in anything, you can you can believe in anything.

That’s what comes to mind when you come across some weird, if sometimes illegal, advertisements on the streets. Sample a popular one: Doctor Idmi, from coast; for lost wife or husband, make profits in your business, for job promotion etc.

The advertisement may, at first, appear ludicrous to a casual observer. A second thought, however, may jolt you to a revelation. Not a damn one, but never the less, a revelation It is a reflection of what the society is, or is becoming.

Let’s be clear on some issues here: If a product or service becomes popular you, ordinarily, expect suppliers to fall head over heals trying to out do one another. In other words, the market for the service is there.

Secondly, advertising, even on the streets is not free. So, either the government or someone else is benefiting. Whichever way the public is damned.

For you and me who may not see the sense in, some of, the advertisements, an equal number may be responding positively to them. Whether the claims are true or not, may be a lifetime debate. Empirically, nothing supports the veracity of the claims.

Fortunately, there exists something to cheer about. Humans are the most complex beings. They are able to adapt and evolve.

One of the most revered teachers, Jesus Christ, actually said: my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. He predicted a future where the ability of human beings would surpass His very own: greater miracles shall you perform. Said He.

In his experiments, Sigmund Freud, another teacher, developed the concept of transference. Patients are encouraged to use their mind to heal themselves.

Both, Jesus and Freud, have an important point that can be contextualized: engage your senses and faith. Senses are common to everyone. Faith without sense is incomplete; and vice versa.

If you want, for example, your wife or husband; or, promotion and the many other things that drive human ambition, you may have to, really, start by gaining some knowledge about it.

What exactly do you want; why; how; when and where.

In other words, the answer to: from whence doth your miracle come from? Is not as simple as responding to an advert that is preying on your fundamental human needs.

Otherwise, only the fittest would survive. Life would be so dull.