Upanayana prakaranam

By Smt.Meera & Shri Kesava Rao Tadipatri

Painting by Smt.Vani Rao, Baton Rouge,LA

Upanayana prakaraNam-short


Upanayana Prakaranam DOC - English

Upanayana Prakaranam DOC - Kannada

Upanayana Prakaranam DOC - Sanskrit

A brief summary:

Shri Hari Vayu Gurubhyo namaH

Though I gave strI lingapara usage in Texas - I thought that it may be more appropriate to give Pullinga usage as Ravi is male form of deity. The artha remains the same. I gave the meaning both Vayupara and Vishnupara.

1. Upanayana is taking one closer to God and that becomes possible with mantra shakti only when the right anusandhana is there, with all the necessary associated ingredients to do sAdhana properly.

2. For a vipra, who is like a tree, the sandhya vandana is like a root, vedas are like branches, dharma karmas are like leaves and without root, there is no tree and no branches.

3. A mantra will yield the full fruits, only when the Rishi, Chandas, Devata and meaning are known.

4. The Vishvamitra Gayatri Mantra has to be recited in five parts with breaks in between as Omkara, Vyahritis and three segments of Gayatri mantra.

5. OMkAra has Bhagavaan as Rishi, Gayatri as chandas, anantaguNapUrNa Narayana as devata and means many things like sarva shakti, kAnti, rakShakatva, etc.

6. The vyahritis, BhuH, BhuvaH and SuvaH as aggregate has Brahma as Rishi, Gayatri as chandas and two handed form of Sri Hari as devata, having effulgence like rising Sun, bearing jnaana and abhaya mudra and each has again Rishi, chandas and devata and means many things like greatest effulgence for BhuH, greatest chivalry for BhuvaH, and greatest strength for SuvaH, which help us to bear in mind Lord Narayana with Aniruddha as head, Pradyumna as hands/shoulders, Sankarshana as legs/feet and Vaasudeva as trunk of body.

7. Gayatri mantra has Vishvamitra as Rishi, Gayatri as Chandas and SavitRu naamaka sarva Srishti karta Sri Narayana as devata and one among many meanings is "Let us meditate on the all-bearing, knowledge-yielding, Lila purusha, Who pervades everywhere, creates all that get created, All-Supreme, Who instigates the intellects of all of us."

8. While the inbuilt form of the first letter "tat" is Parashurama, the 24 KeshavAdi rupas are the devatas of 24 letters of Gayatri mantra.

9. Gayatri naamaka Lord bears again six kinds of forms like sun-like effulgent feminine form of Hayagriva, etc.

10. Each of the six directions namely East, South, West, North, Up and down have two male devatas and their wives with one controlling Lord's form for each of those six like East having Indra, Shachi, Agni and Svaaha being controlled by Vaasudeva, etc.

Just want to mention that the word asurUPi applies to Vishnu also as He is known as prAnasya prANaH