2025 Candidate Information

Your Vote Counts!
Guide to Voting
Información de Votación​, Información del votante en español aquí
LWV hosts Vote411.org with candidates answers to questions and more

Do Not Be Swayed by Misinformation
Most television and social media ads are misleading.

April 1, 2025: Candidates on Ballots in Winnebago County (all nonpartisan)
Scroll down to the bottom for information on the statewide referendum.

State Supreme Court
Susan Crawford and Brad Schimel are running for a 10-year term on the Wisconsin Supreme Court.

State Superintendent of Public Instruction
Incumbent Jill Underly and Brittany Kinser are running for a 4-year term.

Court of Appeals Judge District II
Incumbent  Mark D. Gundrum is unopposed.

Winnebago County Executive
Incumbent Jon Doemel and former State Assembly Minority Leader Gordon Hintz are running for a 4-year term.
NOTE: The League of Women Voters of  Winnebago County, along with Oshkosh Media, will hold a forum with these candidates on Thursday, March 13, at 8:00pm at Oshkosh City Hall, 215 Church Avenue. Candidates will answer questions from the public. Attend in person, watch the forum live here, watch your local cable channel, or view it later - the link will be posted here.

NOTE: The League of Women Voters of  Winnebago County, along with Oshkosh Media, will hold a forum with the candidates for Oshkosh Common Council and Oshkosh Area Board of Education on Thursday, March 13, at 6:00pm  and 7:00pm respectively at Oshkosh City Hall, 215 Church Avenue. Candidates will answer questions from the public. Attend in person, watch the forum live here, watch your local cable channel, or view it later - the link will be posted here.

Watch this Candidate Forum hosted by the LWV of Winnebago County and the City of Neenah with contested candidates for Neenah Common Council and the candidates for Neenah Board of Education

Watch this Candidate Forum hosted by the LWV of Winnebago County with contested candidates for Menasha Common Council and the candidates for Menasha Board of Education:


Fox Crossing


Black Wolf 

Statewide Referendum
Photographic identification for voting.
Shall section 1m of article III of the constitution be created to require that voters present valid photographic identification verifying their identity in order to vote in any election, subject to exceptions which may be established by law?