
What is a study?

League members recommend issues for study each year at the spring Lively Issues meeting. If a study is approved during the May Annual Business Meeting, a committee is formed to research all sides of the issue. Speakers are invited to educate members and the public through Food for Thought Lunch meetings. Committee work may result in papers or reports or public informational meetings.  

A formal member consensus meeting may be held to establish the LWV Winnebago County position on the issue.

Past Studies

Poverty in Winnebago County

LWV Winnebago County undertook a study on the scope of poverty in the county: who are the poor? where do they live? what are their food security, basic shelter, and health issues? A public forum entitled "Poverty in our Midst -- a Persistent Ache" presented the findings. 

2009 Parks Report

DEI Focus (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion)

Members will define the elements of diversity in Winnebago County and the real vs perceived issues involved. To join this committee, email


Summary report on the Extent of Poverty in Winnebago County 2012-2014. Homeless Study Report - 2005

The LWV Oshkosh undertook a study of the role of local government in providing shelter for the homeless. A League committee collected data and conducted interviews with service providers as well as with the City of Oshkosh Community Development Department. This report focuses on the issue of homeless people in Oshkosh and includes data on the estimated number of homeless persons, availability of shelter beds and identifies gaps in services to the homeless. Read the study,

Homeless Study Report -- 2005

Oshkosh Parks-- 2009

The Winnebago County League of Women Voters published a report entitled Parks in the Oshkosh Area in October 2009. This report includes our LWV Parks and Recreation Position, Action Plan for 2009-2010, Parks Issues in the Oshkosh Area, and Individual Park Recommendations. 

Additional research led to a report highlighting interesting Historic Oshkosh Park Signs This report explains some of the history behind the names (e.g., people, places, industry).