Longhorsley Village Green

There are four original Longhorsley Village Green maps dated April 2nd 1968:

S-17 VG-18, S-18 VG-18 and S-19 VG-18 - three Ordnance Survey maps with Village Green marked on them - they are PDFs.

Sinset-17-18-19 VG-18 - an inset map extracting Village Green detail from the three Ordnance Survey maps - there are PDF and JPG versions.

The inset map shows the most detail - if you download the JPG version you can zoom in and see all the detail.

The inset map identifies two areas as being excluded from Village Green..

There are black and blue hashes on the inset map but there is no indication of what they mean.

The Democratic Services Apprentice who showed us the maps thought these were areas excluded from Village Green - which does tie up with the 1970 map not showing the East Road allotments.

There are also four maps dated September 10th 1970 showing 'roads excluded from registration' - they are JPGs.

Roads excluded from registration 1/2/3/4

Between them, they cover all Village Green (apart from the very east end of East Road) in good, clear detail BUT these maps do not show exactly the same Village Green areas.

For example, the road next to Adamson Park is not shown as Village Green in the 1968 map but it is on the 1970 map.

Conversely, the allotments on East Road are on the 1968 map but not on the 1970 map.

Map 3 shows the centre of the village and shows the new parking area outside St Helen's as being excluded from Village Green.

I have created three composite JPGs:

Longhorsley Village Green April 1968 - from the Ordnance Survey maps

Longhorsley Village Green April 1968 Detail - from the inset maps roads excluded from registration

Longhorsley Village Green Detail with Roads - from Longhorsley Village Green April 1968 Detail overlaid with the 'roads excluded from registration' maps.

Alan Etchells May 28th 2016

Sinset-17-18-19 VG-18.pdf - Inset Detail as PDF

Sinset-17-18-19 VG-18.jpg - Inset Detail as JPG

S-19 VG-18.pdf - Ordnance Survey Sheet 19

S-18 VG-18.pdf - Ordnance Survey Sheet 18

S-17 VG-18.pdf - Ordnance Survey Sheet 17

Longhorsley Village Green Detail with Roads.jpg - From the inset and roads excluded from registration maps

Longhorsley Village Green April 1968.jpg - From the Ordnance Survey maps