
This webpage contains maps we think Longhorsley residents might find useful or interesting.

Longhorsley Points of Interest

View the Longhorsley Points of Interest map full screen.

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St Helen's Parish

This is St Helen's Parish taken from the Church of England map at

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Longhorsley Parish

This is the Longhorsley Parish taken from the 'Boundaries' map on NCC's Digital maps webpage - select the 'Parish Boundaries' layer.

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Longhorsley Tree Delivery Area

Click on the map to see it full screen.

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Longhorsley Inset and Settlement Boundaries

This is the Longhorsley Green Belt Inset Boundary as defined in the Draft Local Plan Policies Map:

This is the Policies Map in the referendum version of the Longhorsley Neighbourhood Plan:

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Longhorsley Conservation Area

This is the Longhorsley Conservation Area taken from the 'Conservation' map on NCC's Digital maps webpage.

Trees in Conservation Areas

The NCC website says:
"In Conservation Areas, anyone wishing to cut down or carry out works to trees must give the council six weeks’ notice in writing.
Trees with a stem diameter greater than 75mm or more when measured at a height of 1.5 metres from ground level are protected.
You can apply online via the planning portal or make an application using the form on the council’s website.
You must provide details of the tree’s location, the species and a description of the proposed works.
Upon receipt of a valid application a decision will be issued within a 6 week period."
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St Helen's 1st School Catchment Area

This is the Longhorsley St Helen's CofE First School catchment area taken from the 'Conservation' map on NCC's Digital maps webpage - select the 'First School Catchements' layer.

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Public Right of Way

Note that the existence of a footpath does not mean their is a public right of way - see the Rights of way and accessing land webpage
NCC include a Public Right of Way (PROW) map in their Digital maps system - see below.
You can also see PROW at
This is their map starting at Longhorsley
RED = footpath; FUCHSIA = bridleway; GREEN = restricted byway; BLUE = byway open to all traffic.

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NCC Map Options

The NCC Digital maps system is interactive mapping with many options.

As of April 2018 these were:

Land ownership map

Adopted highways map

Public rights of way map

Historic landscape character map

Map of schools (and catchment areas)

Roadworks map (takes you to - see below)

Cycle network map

Renewable energy

Conservation (Areas)


Strategic housing land availability assessment (SHLAA)

Parking restrictions (TROs)

Timber transport

Winter services


There are also static maps (PNG and PDF) maps on NCC's Map Library webpage including Ward and Parish maps.

The ArcGIS system can have additional maps.

As of April 2018 these were:

Brownfield Register (2017)

Elections Data (2017)

Employment Land Schedule 2016 - 17

Using the Roadworks map

Some of the Map Layers available:

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Longhorsley Postcodes

Postcodes in Longhorsley Parish and Longhorsley Village - all start with NE65 8

Sub page Village Green