LHS' SLAM PREP STARTS IN DECEMBER: Literary Arts Offers Free Poetry Slam Workshops

Post date: Nov 21, 2014 6:47:27 PM

Starting next month, Literary Arts will offer free poetry slam workshops taught by top slam poets and frequent judges on the slam circuit. These workshops serve as the perfect place to learn more about SLAM and prepare for our school's poetry slam which will take place on April 7th after school in the Library. LHS' slam will be open to all Lincoln High School students and registration opens March 1st when. students can sign up on-line through the Speech & Debate Team website or in person in the Lincoln HS Library. Our school's top two finishers will progress to Verselandia, the PPS-wide poetry slam, on April 20th, where students compete for fame and other prizes. Should you have questions, please contact jowen@pps.net. DEADLINE FOR SIGN UP in April 1st. Sign up now at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1bDdEPDGfOdd9xPuIaBSa3vcg8T_EDXRiJ9UMRqjI1jo/viewform