

2020-2021 Season

Cleveland/Clackamas Holiday Edge Tournament

Open Congress (House 1) - 5th Place - Isabella Hartman
pen Congress (House 2) - 3rd Place - Kate Bingham
Open Congress (House 2) - Tournament Champion - Tara Subramaniam
Open SPAR - 4-0 Undefeated - Samantha Block
Open DUO - 2nd Place - Tara Subramaniam and Alyssia Menezes
Open Extemp - Finalist - Tara Subramaniam
Open Extemp - Finalist - Alyssia Menezes
Open Extemp - 3rd Place - Soren Westrey (Qualifying for Proven Excellence for State)
Novice Impromptu - Tournament Champion - Angela Zhang
Open Impromptu - 3rd Place - Samantha Block (Earning one leg towards Proven Excellence)
Novice Informative - 2nd Place - Maya Cole
Open Informative - Finalist - Leo Westrey
Open Informative - Tournament Champion - Kate Bingham (Qualifying for Proven Excellence for State)
Novice Oratory - Tournament Champion - Bella Lehmann
Open Oratory - Finalist - Tara Subramaniam
Open Oratory - Finalist - Kate Bingham
Novice Radio - 2nd Place - Amy Henrikson
Open Radio - 3rd Place - Samantha Block (Earning one leg towards Proven Excellence
Junior LD Debate - 3rd Place - Angela Zhang
Open LD Debate - 3rd Place - Samantha Block (Earning one leg towards Proven Excellence)
Open LD Debate - Tournament Champion - Alex Wei (Qualifying for Proven Excellence for State)
Open LD Top Speakers - 2nd Place - Samantha Block
Open Parli Debate - Tournament Champions - Owen Adams and Jasmine Weesner (Qualifying for Proven Excellence for State)
Open Parli Top Speakers - 3rd Place - Jasmine Weesner
Open Parli Top SPeakers - 1st Place - Owen Adams
Novice Policy Debate - 2nd Place - Iris Weaverbell and Taylor Levow
Novice Policy Debate - Tournament Champion - Erika Leung and Sarah Faik
Novice Policy Speaks - 5th Place - Iris Weaverbell
Novice Policy Speaks - 4th Place - Tanush Sistla
Novice Policy Speaks - 3ed Place - Sarah Faik
Novice Policy Speaks - 2nd Place - Taylor Levow
Novice Policy Speaks - 1st Place - Erika Leung
Open Policy Debate - Tournament Champions - Sasha Trukhnova and Danica Leung
Open Policy Speaks - 2nd Place - Danica Leung
Open Policy Speaks - 1st Place - Sasha Trukhnova

Wilson Invitational

Open LD - Tournament Champion - Alex Wei (Earning an Alt Qual for State)

Novice Parli - 3rd Place - Ekansh Gupta and Ben Labbee

Open Parli - 3rd Place - Leo and Soren Westrey (Earning an Alt Qual for State)

Open Parli - Tournament Champions - Owen Adams and Jasmine Weesner (Earning an Alt Qual for State)

Novice Policy - 2nd Place - Cherry Chen and Gwyneth Bao

Novice Policy - Tournament Champions - Erika Leung and Sarah Faik

Open Public Forum - Tournament Champions - Joey Mock and Bailey Armstrong (Earning an Alt Qual for State)

Open Extemp - 3rd Place - Soren Westrey (Earning an Alt Qual for State)

Novice Impromptu - Tournament Champion - Tanush Sistla

Open Impromptu - Finalist - Tara Subramaniam

Open Impromptu - 3rd Place - Samantha Block (Earning an Alt Qual for State)

Novice Informative - 3rd Place - Maya Cole

Open Informative - 3rd Place - Jina Lim (Earning an Alt Qual for State)

Open Informative - 2nd Place - Kate Bingham (Earning an Alt Qual for State)

Novice Oratory - Tournament Champion - Bella Lehmann

Open Oratory - 3rd Place - Kate Bingham

Novice Radio - Finalist - Amy Henrikson

Novice Radio - Finalist -Amelia Henriksen

Novice Radio - Finalist - Bella Lehmann

Novice Radio - Finalist - Isabella Hartman

Open Radio - Finalist - Tara Subramaniam

Open Radio - 3rd Place - Alyssia Menezes (Earning an Alt Qual for State)

Seattle Academy

Tara Subramaniam - Finalist - Congress

Erika Leung - Finalist - Congress

Alyssia Menezes - 5th Place - Editorial Commentary

Tara Subramaniam - 2nd Place - Editorial Commentary

Alyssia Menezes - 7th Place - Open Extemp - Earning a TOC Bid

Kate Bingham - 2nd Place - Informative - Earning a TOC Bid, a NIETOC Bid, and an Alt Qual for State

Kate Bingham - 6th Place - Oratory - Earning a TOC Bid and a NIETOC Bid


Cole Tomlinson & Ethan Reetz - Novice Parli - Tournament Champions

Cole Tomlinson - Novice Parli - 3rd Place Speaker

Ethan Reetz - Novice Parli - 2nd Place Speaker

Taylor Levow & Iris WeaverBell - Novice Policy - Tournament Champions

Alex Wei - Open LD - Tournament Champion

Soren & Leo Westrey - Open Parli - Semi Finalists - Earning an alt qual to State

South Coast Invitational - Oct 23 - 24

Charolette Galton & Amelia Henricksen - 2nd place Junior Public Forum

Lan Kenyon - Novice LD Top Speaker

Tanush Sistla & Kyle Chen - 3rd place Novice Policy

Erika Leung & Sarah Faik - 2nd place Novice Policy

Cole Tomlinson - 3rd place Novice Radio

Bella Lehmann - 2nd place Novice Radio

Isabella Hartman - Tournament Champion Novice Radio

Leo and Soren Westrey - Tournament Co-Champions Open Parliamentary

Sasha Trukhnova & Danica Leung - Tournament Champions Open Policy

Jina Lim - Finalist Open Informative

Alyssia Menezes - Finalist Open Informative

Kate Bingham - Tournament Champion Open Informative & Open Oratory

Kate Bingham - Finalist Open Radio

Soren Westrey - 2nd Place Open Radio

St. Mary's Congress - Oct 21

Bailey Armstrong (10th) - 4th place

Bella Lehmann (9th) - Top Novice

Tara Subramaniam (10th) - Tournament Champion

Yale TOC Tournament - Oct 2-4

Kate Bingham - Sophomore - Advanced to Semis in Info

Alyssia Menezes - Sophomore - Advanced to Double Octos in JV LD

UK Tournament of Champions Season Opener - Sept 12-14

Kate Bingham (Soph) - Broke to Semis in Orignial Oratory

Alex Wei (Senior) - Broke to Octafinals in Varsity LD - Earned 4th place in LD Speaks

William Guo (Junior) - Earned 16th Place in V LD speaks

Alyssia Menezes (Soph) - Tournament Champion JV LD - Earned 6th Place speaks in JVLD

2019-2020 Nationals

2020 NSDA Championship - Online

Worlds Debate

Leo Westrey - Worlds Debate Oregon Team Blue - Advanced past Preliminary rounds to Triple Octofinals, placing them in the Top 64 Teams in the nation.

Soren Westrey - Worlds Debate Oregon Team Gold - Advanced past Preliminary rounds to Double Octofinals, placing them in the Top 32 Teams in the nation.

Original Oratory

Kate Bingham - As a Freshman, Kate is one of the youngest competitors at the Nationals tournament.

Expository Speaking

Kate Bingham - Advanced, not once, but twice, earning her a seat in the top 30 competitors in the nation.

Big Questions Debate

Samantha Block - Advanced twice past Prelim rounds all the way to Octofinals, placing her in the top 16 Debaters in the country in that event.

Extemporaneous Debate

Samantha Block - Sam went 4-0 in preliminary rounds, ultimately making it to Round 9 before being eliminated with a record of 7-2. This placed her in the top 20 debaters in a field of over 400 of the best debaters in the country.

2018-19 Season

2019 NSDA Championship - June 17-22, 2019 in Dallas, Texas

Congressional Debate

Natalie Wang, Quarterfinalist, House

Lincoln Only Big Question Debate - Online debate between May 2019

1st – Soren Westrey

2nd – Samantha Block

3rd- Leopold Westrey

4th- Joey Mock

2019 State Championship - April 18-20, 2019


· Tavie Kittredge & Andrew Sheiman, Semifinalists, Parliamentary Debate

· Joseph Schlechter & Madeline Gochee, Quarterfinalists, Oregon Style Cross-Examination Style Debate (Policy)

· Andrew Wei, Octofinalist, Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Individual Events

· Hunter Webb, Finalist, Extemporaneous Speaking

· Beisong Lyu, 2nd Place, Literary Interp for English Language Learners

· Tavie Kittredge, Semifinalist, Extemporaneous Speaking

· Natalie Wang, Semifinalist, Informative Speaking & Original Oratory

Student Congress

· Kyler Wang, Finalist

· Sadie Nelson, 3rd Place


· 6th in 6A

North Oregon Congressional Debate National Qualifying Tournament - Clackamas Middle College - April 13, 2019

· Sophomore Sadie Nelson, Senate, alternate

· Junior Hunter Webb, House 2, 2nd place, Nats Qualifier

· Junior Natalie Wang, House 1, 2nd place, Nats Qualifier

Sweeps: 3rd place in Congress Sweepstakes

Also, Soren & Leopold Westrey were selected to be on North Oregon's World Schools Debate Team for the NSDA National Championship in Dallas, June 17-22, 2019.

District 13 Championship - March 13-18, 2019


Congressional Debate

Sadie Nelson (Selected for State)

Kyler Wang (Selected for State)

Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Alex Wei, 3rd Place (Qualified to State)

William Guo, 4th Place (Alternate)

Parliamentary Debate

Tavie Kittredge & Andrew Sheiman, 2nd Place (Qualified to State)

Hunter Webb & Nate Brunk (Alt Qual to State)

Policy Debate

Madeline Gochee & Joe Schlechter, 1st Place (Qualified to State)

Sasha Trukhnova & Leila Besic, 3rd Place (Qualified to State)

Public Forum Debate

Cate Bikales and Kyler Wang, 4th place (Alternate)


Dramatic Interp

Aidan Henrikson, 3rd Place (Alternate)

Duo Interp

Cate Bikales and Zoe Tomlinson, 2nd place (Qualified to State)

Extemporaneous Speaking

Hunter Webb, 2nd Place (Qualified to State)

Tavie Kittredge, 3rd Place (Alt Qual to State)

Impromptu Speaking

Hunter Webb, Finalist

Informative Speaking

Natalie Wang, 2nd Place ((Qualified to State)

Literary Interp for ELL (LIELL)

Besong Lyu, 1st Place (Qualified to State)

Kerem Aygun, 3rd Place (Alternate)


Natalie Wang, 1st Place (Qualified to State)

Poetry Reading

Sriya Chinnam, 1st Place (Qualified to State)

Cate Bikales, 3rd Place (Alternate)

Prose Reading

Olivia Webb, Finalist

Radio Commentary

Jina Lim, 4th Place (Alternate)

Sriya Chinnam, Finalist

TEAM SWEEPS- 2nd Place

Oregon City HS - March 2, 2019

Individual Events-

Beisong Lyu, 1st Place, Literary Interp for English Language Learners (Tournament Champion)

Karem Aygun, 3rd Place, Literary Interp for English Language Learners

Evan Reynolds, picket fenced (1,1,1) in prelims

Tavie Kittredge, Finalist, Extemporaneous Speaking

Hunter Webb, Finalist, Extemporaneous Speaking

Joey Mock, Finalist, Radio Commentary


Hunter Webb & Nate Brunk, tied for first place (Tournament Co-Champions, earning one leg of alt qual to the State Championship)

Debate Speaker Awards

William Guo, 2nd Place, Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Nate Brunk, tied for 1st Place, Parliamentary Debate

Hunter Webb, tied for 1st Place, Parliamentary Debate

Congressional Debate-

Sadie Nelson, 1st Place (Tournament Champion)

Rose City Round Robin and Congressional Debate Tournament - Feb 22-23, 2019

· Natalie Wang, 1st Place Congressional Debate (CONGRESS CHAMPION), earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship as well as one bid to the Tournament of Champions

  • Sadie Nelson, 6th Place Congressional Debate, earning one bid to the Tournament of Champions

· Joe Schlechter & Madeline Gochee, 1st Place, Open Policy Debate (TOURNAMENT CHAMPIONS), earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

Debate Speakers (based on excellent oratory in debate)

Madeline Gochee, 1st Place, Open Policy Debate

Nate Brunk, 2nd Place, Open Parliamentary Debate

Sadie Nelson, Outstanding Presiding Officer in Semifinals.

Andrew Sheiman, Outstanding Presiding Officer in Prelims

Linfield Singletary High School Tournament - Feb 1-2, 2019

Individual Events

Cate Bikales, 5th Place, Novice Prose

Efe Ertem, Finalist, Novice Radio Commentary

Evan Reynolds, 1st, Open After Dinner Speaking (Tournament Champion), earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

Hunter Web, 4th Place, Open Extemporaneous Speaking

Sasha Trukhnova, 2nd Place in both Novice Impromptu & Novice Extemporaneous Speaking

Shail Weesner, 4th Place, Novice Extemporaneous Speaking

William Guo, 5th Place, Novice Extemporaneous Speaking


Efe Ertem & Shail Weesner, 2nd Place, Novice Parli Debate

Sasha Trukhnova & Leila Besic, 1st Place, Novice Parli Debate (Tournament Champions)

Alex Wei, 2nd Place, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

Debate Speaker Awards

Shail Weesner, 4th place speaker, Novice Parli Debate

Alex Wei, 5th place speaker, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Team Sweepstakes

3rd place out of 19 teams

Lewis & Clark Jean Ward Tournament - Jan 19-20, 2019

Individual Events

§ Shail Weesner, finalist, Novice Impromptu Speaking

§ Andrew Sheiman, finalist, Open Impromptu Speaking

§ Hunter Webb, semifinalist, Open Impromptu and Extemporaneous Speaking

§ Tavie Kittredge, semifinalist, Open Extemporaneous Speaking


· Andrew Sheiman & Zoe Tomlinson, quarterfinalists, Open Parliamentary Debate

· Hunter Webb & Nate Brunk, semifinalists, Open Parliamentary Debate, earning one leg of alt qual to the State Tournament

· Natalie Wang, semifinalist, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate, earning one leg of alt qual to the State Tournament

· William Guo, octofinalist, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate

· Madeline Gochee & Joe Schlechter, quarterfinalists, Open Policy Debate

· Cate Bikales & Leo Nelson, 2nd place, Novice Public Forum Debate

Speaker Awards

Madeline Gochee, 1st Place Speaker, Open Policy Debate

Joe Schlechter, 2nd Place Speaker, Open Policy Debate

Debate Sweeps

1st Place - Lincoln High School

Pacific Hap Hingston Forensics Invitational Tournament - Jan 13-14, 2019

Individual events

· Beisong Lyu, 1st place, Junior Literary Interp for English Language Learners (LIELL), TOURNAMENT CHAMPION

· Evan Reynolds, 2nd place, Open After Dinner Speaking, thereby earning one leg of alt qual to the State Championship in ADS

· Hunter Webb, 3rd place, Open Extemporaneous Speaking, thereby earning one leg of alt qual to the State Championship in Extemp

· Natalie Wang – 5th place, Open Oratory, and 3rd place, Open Radio thereby earning one leg of alt qual to the State Championship in Radio


· Natalie Wang, Semifinalist, Senior Lincoln-Douglas Debate, thereby earning one leg of alt qual to the State Championship in LD

· Hunter Webb & Evan Reynolds, 1st Place, Senior Parliamentary Debate, thereby earning one leg of alt qual to the State Championship in Parli, TOURNAMENT CHAMPIONS

Gonzaga Conway, Spokane, WA - Jan 5-6, 2019


· Joe Schlechter & Madeline Gochee, 2nd Place out of 54 teams, Open Policy Debate, thereby earning one bid to the Tournament of Champions (two needed to qualify fully for the TOC in KY in April 2019) as well as one leg of alt qual to the Oregon State Championship

  • Hunter Webb, Finalist, Congressional Debate

Speaker Awards

-Madeline Gochee, 1st Place Speaker, Open Policy Debate out of 108 speakers

-Joseph Schlechter, 13th Place speaker, Open Policy Debate out of 108 speakers

South Albany Student Congress - Dec 11, 2018

  • Sadie Wiswall, Finalist

  • Kyler Wang, Finalist

Ridgefield Spudder - Dec 7-8, 2018

Student Congress

  • Soren Westrey, finalist

  • Leopold Westrey, finalist

  • Joey Mock, finalist

  • Sadie Nelson, finalist

  • Hunter Webb, finalist

  • Natalie Wang, 3rd place, Open Student Congress, earning one leg of alt qual to State


· Kyler Wang, 3rd Place , Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate

· Cate Bikales & Avery Dunn, 3rd Place, Novice Public Forum Debate

Individual Events

· Hunter Webb, 3rd Place, Open Extemporaneous Speaking, earning one leg of alt qual to State

· Natalie Wang, 2nd Place, Open Editorial Commentary and 3rd Place, Open Oratory

· Jina Lim, 3rd Place, Open Humorous Interp Sadie Nelson, Finalist, Open Impromptu

· Sadie Nelson, Finalist, Open Impromptu

· Evan Reynolds, 1st Place, Novice Extemporaneous Speaking (Tournament Champion) & 2nd Place, Novice Impromptu

· Kyler Wang, 2nd Place, Novice Extemporaneous Speaking

· Cate Bikales & Avery Dunn, 2nd Place, Novice Duo Interp


· Lincoln High School: 3rd Place amongst large schools

Holiday Edge/Edgy - Nov 30-Dec 1, 2018


Aaron Zhang, 4th place, Novice Congressional Debate & Quarterfinalist, Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Alex Wei, Semifinalists, Open SPAR Debate

Claire Reynolds, Quarterfinalist, Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate,

Danica Leung & Tasneem Sarkez, 1st place, Novice Policy Debate (Tournament Champions)

Leopold & Soren Westrey, Quarterfinalists, Open Parliamentary Debate

Mackenzie Carnes, 3rd place, Open Congressional Debate, earning one leg of alt qual to State

Maximus Milazzo, Quarterfinalist, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Samantha Block, Quarterfinalist, Novice SPAR Debate & Quarterfinalist, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate

William Guo & Kyler Wang, Quarterfinalists, Novice Parliamentary Debate

William McCormick & Tavie Kittredge, Quarterfinalists, Open Parliamentary Debate


Cate Bikales, finalist Novice Duo Interp

Kevin Qiu, finalist, Novice Extemporaneous Speaking & finalist, Novice Impromptu Speaking

Jina Lim, 3rd place, Open Storytelling

Sriya Chinnam, 2nd place, Open Radio Commentary, earning one leg of alt qual to the State Championship

Zoe Tomlinson, finalist, Novice Poetry Reading & finalist, Novice Duo Interp


2nd Place


3rd Place

Beaverton Congress - Nov 20, 2018

106 chamber

4th Andrew Sheiman (chaired)

2nd Kyler Wang, earning one leg of alt qual to State

102 chamber:

4th Hunter Webb

1st Sadie Nelson (chaired/earned one leg of alt qual to State/Tournament Champion of 102 chamber)

Oak Hill - Nov 17, 2018


· Ethan Rodriguez & Joe Schlechter, tied for 3rd, Open Policy Debate

· Tasneem Sarkez & Danica Leung, 1st Place, Novice Policy Debate (Tournament Champions)

Speaker Awards (based on excellence in oratory)

 Joe Schechter - Open

 Sasha Trukhnova - Novice

 Addison Taylor – Novice

Congressional Debate

Mei Xu, 1st Place, Congressional Debate (Tournament Champion/earned one leg of alt qual to Sate)

Sadie Nelson, 2nd Place, Congressional Debate ( earned one leg of alt qual to State)

Amanda Rau, Outstanding Chair


2nd Place

Silverton Fox Invitational - Nov 10, 2018

Individual Events

  • Tavie Kittredge, 3rd Open Extemporaneous Speaking, earning one leg of alt qual to State

  • Cate Bikales, finalist, Novice Poetry Reading

  • Leo Nelson, 3rd place, Novice After Dinner Speaking & 2nd place, Novice Informative Speaking

  • Efe Ertem, finalist, Novice Impromptu Speaking

  • Jiwon Lim, 2nd place, Open Humorous Interp


· Samantha Block and Evan Reynolds, 1st Place, Novice Parliamentary Debate (Tournament Champions)

· Ethan Rodriguez & Madeleine Riley, 2nd place, Novice Policy Debate


· 6th out of 19 teams

Sprague Debate Invitational - Nov 3, 2018

Debate- recognized with Outstanding Awards:

· Nathan Hunter and Hunter Webb were 3-1 in Open Public Forum debate;

· Minga Mandekor and Sriya Chinnam were 3-1 in Big Question Debate

· Allison Asbock was 3-1 in Novice Lincoln-Douglas debate

· Samantha Block was 3-1 in Open Lincoln-Douglas debate

Debate Speakers (based on excellence in oration in debate)

· Minga Mandekor– 5th Place, Open Big Question Debate

Wilson HS Invitational - Oct 13, 2018

Debate Results

  • Madeline Gochee & Joseph Schlechter, Open Policy Debate Finalists (still awaiting results from third rd for final ranking)

  • Natalie Wang, Semifinalist, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate (earned a leg of Proven Excellence)

  • Samantha Block, Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate, tied for 1st (Co-Tournament Champion)

  • Hues Gibson & Robert Menezes, Semifinalists, Open Parli Debate (earned a leg of Proven Excellence)

  • Danica Leung & Tasneem Sarkez. 1st Place, Novice Policy Debate (Tournament Champions)

Individual Events

  • Adriana Agudelo & Eliana Andrews, Finalists, Open Duo Interp

  • Alex Wei, 3rd Place, Open Impromptu (earned a leg of Proven Excellence)

  • Andrew Sheiman, 1st place, Open Humorous Interp (Tournament Champion)

  • Brooke Phillips, Finalist, Novice Radio Commentary

  • Eliana Andrews & Adriana Agudelo, Finalists, Open Duo Interp

  • Evan Reynolds, 1st Place, Novice After Dinner Speaking (Tournament Champion)

  • Kevin Chen, Finalist, Open Oratory

  • Leo Nelson, 1st Place, Novice Informative Speaking (Tournament Champion)

  • Natalia Bermudez, 3rd Place, Novice Dramatic Interp

  • Natalie Wang, Finalist, Open Oratory

  • Olivia Webb, 3rd Place, Novice Radio Commentary

  • Sasha Trukhova, 3rd Place, Novice Impromptu

  • Shail Weesner, Finalist, Novice Impromptu

  • Sriya Chinnam, Finalist, Open Radio Commentary

  • Tavie Kittredge, 3rd Place, Open Extemp (earned a leg of Proven Excellence)

  • Zoe Tomlinson, Finalist, Novice Poetry Reading

2017-18 Season

2018 NSDA Championship - June 2018 in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida


  • Clara Schwab & Madeline Gochee, Policy Debate, advanced to rounds 8 & 9

Lincoln Only Big Question Debate - Online debate between May 2-May 23, 2018

-Alex Wei, 4th place

-Leopold Westrey, 3rd place

-Nikhil Samudrala, 2nd place

-Soren Westrey, 1st place


· Tavie Kittredge, Octofinalist, Lincoln-Douglas Debate

· Clara Schwab & Madeline Gochee, Quarterfinalists, Oregon Style Cross-Examination Style Debate (Policy)

· Jay Sharabu and Ashok Kaushik, Quarterfinalists, Oregon Style Cross-Examination Style Debate (Policy)

· Kate Weeks & Joseph Schlechter, 2nd Place, Oregon Style Cross-Examination Style Debate (Policy)

Individual Events

· Jamie Bikales, Finalist, Extemporaneous Speaking

· Jiachen Zhang, 2nd Place, Literary Interp for English Language Learners

· Lia Voigt & Natalie Shershow, Semifinalist, Dual Interp

· Natalie Shershow, 3rd Place, Humorous Interp

· Natalie Wang, Semifinalist, Expository Speaking

Student Congress

· Isaac Hoffman, Finalist

· Sadie Nelson, Finalist


· 5th in 6A

North Oregon National Qualifying Tournament for Congressional Debate, April 2018

· Freshperson Sadie Nelson, House 1, alternate

· Sophomore Natalie Wang, House 2, alternate

Lincoln Poetry Slam - April 9th

1st- Zahra De Shaw

2nd - Zoe Fanning

Alternate - Edward Yu

North Oregon National Qualifying Tournament, March 2018 at Clackamas Community College

  • Clara Schwab & Madeline Gochee, Policy Debate

2018 Eagle Classic at Marjory Stone Douglas HS, Parkland, Fl - March 7, 2018

-Jay Sharabu and Madeline Gochee- 3rd Place, Open Policy Debate

2018 District 13 Finals at Cleveland & Lincoln High Schools in Portland – March 15-17


· Alex Wei & Nathan Brunch: alternates, Parliamentary Debate,

· Andrew Sheiman: qualifying to State with Proven Excellence, Congressional Debate

· Ashok Kaushik and Jay Sharabu: 3rd place, Cross-Examination Debate qualifying to State

· Clara Schwab & Madeline Gochee, 1st place (tournament Champion), Cross-Examination Debate, qualifying to State

· Isaac Hoffman: Qualifying to State in Congressional Debate

· Joe Schlechter and Kate Weeks: 2nd place, Cross-Examination Debate, qualifying to State

Nikhil Samudrala & Joey Mock, alternates, Public Forum Debate

· Sadie Nelson: Qualifying to State in Congressional Debate

· Soren Westrey & Leopold Westrey, qualifying to State with Proven Excellence

· Tavie Kittredge: 1st place (Tournament Champion), Lincoln-Douglas Debate, qualifying to State

Individual Events

· Jamie Bikales, 1st Place (Tournament Champion), Extemporaneous Speaking, qualifying to State

· Lia Voigt and Natalie Shershow, 2nd place, Dual Interpretation, qualifying

to State

· Mei Xu, Alternate, Prose Reading

· Natalie Wang: Expository Speaking, tie for 1st place (tournament co-champion), qualifying to State, and alternate, Radio Commentary;

· Natalie Shershow, 1st place (Tournament Champion), Humorous Interpretation, qualifying to State; 2nd place, Duo Interp, qualifying to State

· Sadie Nelson & Zahra DeShaw, alternates, Dual Interpretation,

· Jiachen Zhang , 2nd place, Literary Interp for English Language Learners (LIELL), qualifying to State;

The Diana Vazques Invitational at Oregon City HS - March 3, 2018

Individual Events

· Hunter Webb, finalist, Extemporaneous Speaking

· Natalie Shershow, finalist, Humorous Interp

· Natalie Shershow & Lia Voigt, finalists, Duo Interp

· Sadie Nelson & Zahra DeShaw, finalists, Duo Interp

· Jiachen Zhang, 1st Place, Literary Interp for English Language Learners (Tournament Champion)


· Leopold & Soren Westrey, Semifinalists, Parliamentary Debate, earning one leg of alt qual to the State Championship

Rose City Round Robin Debate Tournament - OnLine & at Lincoln High School in Portland - Feb 22-24, 2018


· Sadie Nelson, 1st Place Congressional Debate, Senate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

· Leopold Westrey, Outstanding Chair, Senate

· Andrew Sheiman, 1st Place Congressional Debate, House, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

· Natalie Wang, 2nd Place, House

· Amanda Rau, 3rd Place, House

· Isaac Hoffman, Outstanding Chair, House

· Ashok Kaushik & Jay Sharabu, Semifinalists, Open Policy Debate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

· Clara Schwab & Madeline Gochee, Finalists, Open Policy Debate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

· Alex Wei- Semifinalist, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

· Leopold & Soren Westrey, Semifinalists, Open Parli Debate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

Debate Speakers (based on excellent oratory in debate)

Ashok Kaushik, Tie for 1st, Open Policy Debate

Jay Sharabu, Tie for 1st, Open Policy Debate

University of Oregon Clark Invitational in Eugene - Feb. 17-18, 2018

Individual Events

· Aidan Henrikson, Finalist, Junior Impromptu Speaking

· Andrew Sheiman, Finalist, Senior After Dinner Speaking

· Joey Mock, Finalist Impromptu Speaking

· Jamie Bikales, Finalist, Senior Extemporaneous

· Leopold Westrey, Finalist, Senior Expository Speaking

· Minga Mandekor, Finalist, Open Radio Commentary

· Sadie Nelson, Finalist, Junior Radio Commentary

· Soren Westrey, 3rd Place, Junior Poetry Reading

Debate Speakers (based on excellence in Oratory in debate)

· Tavie Kittredge 10th Place in Senior Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Student Congress

· Amanda Rau, Outstanding Chair & 4th Place Speaker

· Sadie Nelson, 2nd Place Speaker

· Mei Xu, 5th Place Speaker

Lincoln Poetry Out Loud - Feb 12, 2018

  • Jaden Schiffhaur, 1st Place

  • Leopold Westrey, 2nd Place

McMinnville - January 27, 2018

Individual events

· Andrew Sheiman, 6th Place, Open Impromptu Speaking

· Natalie Wang, 3rd Place, Open Expository Speaking, earning one point toward automatic qualification to the State Championship

Student Congress

· Amanda Rau, 1st Place (Tournament Champion of Senate), Open Student Congress

· Jamie Bikales, 4th Place, Open Student Congress

· Mei Xu, 5th Place, Open Student Congress

Lewis & Clark Jean Ward Tournament - Jan 20-21, 2018

Individual Events

  • Jiwon Lim, Semifinalist, Novice Impromptu,

  • Alex Wei, 1st Place, Novice Extemporaneous Speaking (tournament champion)

Student Congress

· Sadie Nelson, 3rd Place, Open Student Congress

· Soren Westrey, 4th Place, Open Student Congress

· Mei Xu, 5th Place, Open Student Congress

Pacific U Hap Hingston Forensics Invitational Tournament - Jan 12-13, 2018

Individual events:

· Alex Wei, 4th Place, Junior Impromptu Speaking

· Andrew Sheiman, next out from finals (no award but a fun prize), Sr Extemporaneous Speaking

· Helena Gallivan, 1st Place (Tournament Champion), Junior Prose Reading

· Jaden Schiffhauer, 6th Place, Junior Expository Speaking

- Jiwon Lim, next out from finals (no award but a fun prize), Jr After Dinner Speaking

· Leopold Westrey, 4th Place, Junior Expository Speaking

- Lia Voigt, 3rd Place, Sr. Duo Interp with N. Shershow, earning one point toward automatic qualification to the State Championship

- Mei Xu, 5th Place, Junior After Dinner Speaking

· Nate Brunk, 5th Place, Junior Impromptu Speaking, 2nd Place, Junior Extemporaneous Speaking

- Natalie Shershow, 3rd Place, Sr Duo Interp with L. Voigt, and 2nd Place, Sr Humorous Interp, earning one point for each event toward automatic qualification to the State Championship

· Minga Mandakor, 1st Place (Tournament Champion), Junior Radio Commentary

· Robert Menezes, next out from finals (no award but a fun prize), Junior Expository Speaking

· Sadie Nelson, 2nd Place, Jr Duo Interp with Z. DeShaw

· Tessa Cannon, next out (no award but a fun prize), Senior Radio Commentary

· Zahra DeShaw , 2nd Place, Jr Duo Interp with S. Nelson

Student Congress

· Sadie Nelson, 1st Place (Tournament Champion of Senate), Open Student Congress, earning one point toward automatic qualification to the State Championship

· Andrew Sheiman, 2nd Place, Open Student Congress, earning one point toward automatic qualification to the State Championship

· Mei Xu, 1st Place (National House Champion), junior Student Congress

· Amanda Rau, 2nd Place in National House, junior Student Congress


· Lia Voigt and Isaac Hoffman, Semifinalists, Senior Public Forum Debate, earning one point toward automatic qualification to the State Championship

· Robert Menezes & Hues Gibson, Quarterfinalists, Senior Parliamentary Debate

· Jiwon Lim & Alex Wei, Quarterfinalists, Junior Parliamentary Debate

· Leopold Westrey & Soren Westrey, Quarterfinalists, Junior Parliamentary Debate

· Kevin Chen & Vivian Wang, next out (fun prize but no award), Junior Public Forum Debate


§ Teams ~ Lincoln High School, 2nd Place in large school entries with 106 points

Conway Classic at Gonzaga University- January 5-6, 2018

  • Joe Schlechter & Kate Weeks, Octo Finalists, Open Policy Debate

  • Madeline Gochee & Clara Schwab, Quarterfinalist, Open Policy Debate

Ridgefield Spudder, Ridgefield, WA, December 9-10, 2017

Student Congress

  • Mei Xu – 3rd Place, Novice Student Congress

  • Natalie Wang, 1st Place (Tournament Champion), Open Student Congress

  • Sadie Nelson – 2nd Place, Novice Student Congress


· Adriana Agudelo, 3rd Place Tie, Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate

· Alex Wei, 1st Place (Tournament Champion), Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate

· Lia Voigt & Tessa Cannon, 1st Place, Open Public Forum Debate, earning one alternate qualification leg to the State Championship

· Sadie Nelson, 3rd Place, Novice SPAR debate

Individual Events

· Alex Wei, 2nd Place, Novice Impromptu and 2nd Place, Novice Extemporaneous Speaking

· Eve O’Hanlon & Adriana Agudelo, 3rd Place, Novice Duo Interp

· Jamie Bikales, 1st Place (Tournament Champion), Open Editorial Commentary and 2nd Place, Open Extemporaneous Speaking

· Jina Lim, 2nd Place, Novice Humorous Interp

· Leopold Westrey and Soren Westrey, 1st Place, Novice Duo Impromptu

· Natalie Wang, 1st Place Expository Speaking and 2nd Place, Editorial Commentary

· Nicholas Sloan, 3rd Place, Novice Extemporaneous Speaking

· Soren Westrey, 3rd Place, Novice Impromptu

· Zahra DeShaw & Sadie Nelson, 3rd Place, Open Duo Interp


· Top open individual point earner for her team: Sophomore Natalie Wang earned the coveted Aja Gerrity Award.*

· Lincoln High School: 1st Place amongst large schools

Clackamas Holiday Edge for Individual Events, December 2, 2017

Individual Events

· Natalie Shershow, 3rd Place, Open Dramatic Interp

· Natalie Shershow & Lia Voigt, 2nd Place, Open Duo Interp

· Nicholas Sloan, 3rd Place, Novice Extemporaneous Speaking

Cleveland Holiday Edgy Debate Tournament, December 2, 2017

Debate at Cleveland (Note: No finals were held)

· Alex Wei, Finalist, Novice SPAR (tournament co-champions)

· Andrew Sheiman, Semifinalist, Open SPAR

· Edward Yu and Zoe Greenwald, Finalists, Novice Policy Debate (tournament co-champions)

· Jaden Schiffhauer, 3rd Place, Novice Student Congress

· Nikhil Samudrala and Sandra Thein, Semifinalists, Novice Public Forum Debate

· Sadie Nelson, 4th Place, Novice Student Congress

· Soren & Leopold Westrey, Finalists, Novice Public Forum Debate (tournament co-champions)

Debate Sweeps

· Lincoln- 1st Place

Cumulative Debate and IE Sweeps for Clack/Cleveland

· Lincoln – 3rd Place

Galentine at the UW-Seattle, Dec. 1-2.

· Joe Schlechter & Kate Weeks, Octofinalists, Open Policy Debate

Oak Hill Pure Policy Tournament, Eugene, OR - November 18, 2017


· Kate Weeks & Joe Schlechter, Co-Champions, Open Policy Debate

· Clara Schwab & Madeline, Semifinalists, Open Policy Debate

· Ella Ramos-O’Neill & Eliana Andrews, tied for Second Place, Novice Policy Debate

Speaker Awards (based on excellence in oratory)

  • Ashok Kaushik

  • Clara Schwab

  • Joe Schechter

  • Kate Weeks

  • Madeline Gochee


2nd Place

Central Valley High School Bear Brawl, Spokane Valley, WA, November 10-11, 2017

OPEN Super Congress (finalists of congress)

  • Zahra DeShaw

  • Robert Menezes

  • Natalie Wang

NOVICE Student Congress (finalists of congress)

  • 2nd Place – Sadie Nelson

Open Policy Debate-

  • Octafinalists- Jay Sharabu & Ashok Kaushik

  • Quarterfinalists- Clara Schwab & Madeline Gochee

Speakers Awards in Open Policy Debate

  • 3rd Place - Madeline Gochee

  • 9th Place - Clara Schwab

Mt Hood Community College All Saints Speech and Debate Tournament, November 4, 2017

Individual Events

  • Adriana Agudelo, 2nd Place, Novice Dramatic Interp

  • Amanda Rau – 2nd Novice in Collapsed Open Humorous Interp

  • Ella Ramos-O’Neill, 5th Place Novice Radio Commentary

  • Eve O’Hanlon, 3rd Place, Novice Dramatic Interp

  • Helena Gallivan, 3rd Place, Novice Prose Reading

  • Jiwon Lim – 7th Place, Novice Impromptu Speaking, 1st Novice and 3rd Overall in Open Humorous Interp

  • Mei Xu- 4th place, Novice After Dinner Speaking

  • Sandra Thein, 5th Place, Novice Prose Reading

  • Soren Westrey – 1st Place, Novice Impromptu Speaking (Tournament Champion)

  • Stuti Bakshi – 5th Place, Open Radio Commentary


  • Edward Yu and Zoe Greenwald, 2nd Place, Novice Policy Debate

  • Caleb Moon and Nikhil Samudrala, 2nd Place, Novice Public Forum Debate


4th out of 25 teams

Willamette Jerry Hudson Speech & Debate Tournament - October 20-21, 2017

Individual Events

§ Adriana Agudelo, 3rd Place, Junior Dramatic Interpretation

§Eve O’Hanlon, 1st Place, Junior Dramatic Interpretation (Tournament Champion)

§ Helena Gallivan, Finalist Junior Prose Reading

§Issa Okamoto, 3rd Place, Junior Poetry Reading

§ Natalie Shershow & Lia Voigt, 1st Place, Senior Dual Interpretation (Tournament Champions)

§Tessa Cannon, Finalist, Senior Radio Commentary


§Issa Okamoto, Semifinalist, Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate, and 10th Place Speaker in Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Wilson High School Invitational – October 13-14, 2017

Student Congress Results

· Isaac Hoffman, Outstanding Chair of Open Congress

· Jamie Bikales, 5th Speaker in Open Congress

· Natalie Wang, 2nd Speaker in Open Congress

· Nikhil Samudrala, 2nd Speaker in Novice Congress

· Sadie Nelson, 4th Speaker in Novice Congress

Debate Results

· Ashok Kaushik & Jay Sharabu, 1st-Place Tie (Lincoln Close Out), Open Policy Debate (Tournament Champions)

· Madeline Gochee & Natalie Wang, 1st-Place Tie (Lincoln Close Out), Open Policy Debate (Tournament Champions)

· Mei Xu & Anika Pillai, Semifinalists, Novice Parli Debate

· Zoe Greenwald & Edward Yu, 2nd place, Novice Policy Debate

Individual Events

· Ashok Kaushik, 3rd Place, Open Impromptu (earning one leg of proven excellence towards alt qual for State)

· Ella Ramos-O’Neill, 2nd Place, Novice Radio Commentary

· Gehrig Baur, Finalist, Novice Oratory

· Hayden Hedinger, 2nd Place Tie, Novice Humorous Interp

· Jess Andersen, 3rd Place Tie, Novice Extemp

· Jiwon Lin, Novice Humorous Interp, 2nd Place Tie, Novice Impromptu Speaking

· Kevin Chen, 1st Place, Novice Oratory (Tournament Champion)

· Leopold Westrey, Finalist, Novice Expository Speaking

· Mei Xu- 2nd Place, Novice After Dinner Speaking

· Natalie Wang, 2nd Place, Open Radio Commentary (earning one leg of proven excellence towards alt qual for State)

Team Sweeps

· 2nd out of 27 Teams (this ranking included novice and open results)


2016-17 Season

National Speech and Debate Tournament - Birmingham, AL, June 18-23

Individual Events

  • Brad Subramaniam, Semifinalist in the Senate

Oregon State Speech & Debate Championship - Western Oregon University in Monmouth, April 20-22


· Tavie Kittredge, Semifinalist, Lincoln-Douglas Debate

· Clara Schwab & Madeline Gochee, 1st Place (State Champions), Oregon Style Cross-Examination Style Debate (Policy)

· Andia Tattersfield & Kate LeBlanc, Octofinalists, Parli Debate

· Kelsey Dunn & Laurel McGrane, 1st Place (State Champions), Public Forum

Individual Events

· Daniel Cohen, Finalist, Impromptu Speaking

· Emily Ma, Finalist, Expository Speaking

· Kate LeBlanc, Finalist, Extemporaneous Speaking & Semifinalist, Oratory

· Laurel McGrane, 2nd Place, Radio Commentary

· Maia Abbruzzese, 1st Place (State Champion), Oratory & Semifinalist, After Dinner Speaking

· Michelle Lu, 3rd Place, Literary Interp for English Language Learners

· Natalie Shershow, Finalist, Humorous Interp

Student Congress

· Brad Subramaniam, 1st Speaker (State Champion)

· Jake Ehlers, Finalist

Sweepstakes (award for overall school performance)

  • Lincoln High School: 1st place overall and 6A State Champions

See complete cumes at: Lincoln scored 95 points in cumes and the next closest team was Cleveland with 52 points. For more details, go to:

2017 North Oregon National Qualifying Student Congress at Sprague High School - April 15th

  • Senior Brad Subramaniam, Senate, NATIONAL QUALIFIER

  • Senior Zachary Nash, House 1, NATIONAL QUALIFIER

  • Senior Srinik Chinnam, House 1, alternate

  • Freshman Natalie Wang, House 2, alternate

Sweeps -

1st place in Student Congress

2017 District 13 Finals at Cleveland & Lincoln High Schools in Portland - April 6-8th


· Anisha RajBhandary & Emily Ma: 3rd place, Public Forum Debate, qualifying to State

· Ashok Kaushik and Jay Sharabu, 2nd place, Cross-Examination Debate, qualifying to State

· Brad Subramanian: Qualifying to State in Student Congress

· Clara Schwab & Madeline Gochee, 1st place (tournament Champion), Cross-Examination Debate, qualifying to State

· Daniel Cohen: 1st place (Tournament Champion), Lincoln-Douglas Debate, qualifying to State

· Jake Ehlers: Qualifying to State in Student Congress

· Joe Schlechter and Kate Weeks: 3rd place, Cross-Examination Debate, qualifying to State

· Kate LeBlanc & Andria Tattersfield: 2nd place, Parliamentary Debate, qualifying to State

· Kelsey Dunn & Laurel McGrane: 1st place (Tournament Champion), Public Forum Debate, qualifying to State

· Nancy Wu: Lincoln-Douglas Debate, alternate to State

· Sheila Panyam & Serenity Wade 1st place (Tournament Champion), Parliamentary Debate, qualifying to State

· Tavie Kittredge: Lincoln-Douglas: Debate, qualifying to State with Proven Excellence


Individual Events

· Clara Schwab, 2nd place, Prose Reading, qualifying to State

· Danny Cohen: 2nd place, Impromptu Speaking, qualifying to State;

· Emily Ma: Expository Speaking, qualifying to State with Proven Excellence

· Laurel McGrane 1st Place (Tournament Champion), Radio Commentary, qualifying to State;

· Lia Voigt and Sammy Webb, 2nd place, Dual Interpretation, qualifying to State;

· Kate LeBlanc, 1st Place (Tournament Champion), Oratory, qualifying to State; 1st Place (Tournament Champion), Extemporaneous Speaking, qualifying to State;

· Maia Abbruzzese: 2nd place, After Dinner Speaking, qualifying to State; 2nd place Oratory, qualifying to State

· Michelle Lu, 3rd place, Literary Interp for English Language Learners (LIELL), alternate to State

· Natalie Shershow, 1st place (Tournament Champion), Humorous Interpretation, qualifying to State; 2nd place, Dramatic Interpretation, qualifying to State

· Tessa Cannon and Julia Dodson, 3rd Place, Dual Interpretation, alternates to State

· Touko Aoki: 2nd place, Literary Interp for English Language Learners (LIELL), qualifying to State;

· Tavie Kittredge, 3rd place, Impromptu Speaking, alternate to State

Sweepstakes (out of all PIL Teams competing)

  • Lincoln took 1st in Debate Sweeps

  • Lincoln took 1st in Speech Sweeps

  • Lincoln won 1st in Overall Sweeps

North Oregon NSDA Qualifying Tournament, Clackamas Community College, March 23-25, 2017

  • Junior Natalie Shershow - 2nd Place, Humorous Interp (NATIONAL QUALIFIER)

  • Senior Maia Abbruzzese - 1st Place, Oratory (NATIONAL QUALIFIER)

  • Senior Kate LeBlanc - 3rd Place, International Extemporaneous Speaking (NATIONAL QUALIFIER)

The North Oregon District Student of the Year award was presented to Lincoln Senior, Maia Abbruzzese.

Southwest Speech & Debate Institute (SWSDI) at Hamilton HS in Chandler, AZ, March 4, 2017

Super Congress (finalists of congress- out of 26 student, 12 broke including)

  • Maia Abbruzzese

  • Brad Subramaniam

Tournament of Champion BID in Student Congress (top six of Super Congress received)

  • Brad Subramaniam, 5th Place, Open Student Congress (Tournament Champion)

Oregon High School Forensics Invitational, March 4, 2017.

Individual Events

  • Emily Ma, 2nd Place, Open Expository Speaking, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Kate LeBlanc, 2nd Place in both Open Impromptu Speaking & Open Extemporaneous Speaking earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship in each event

  • Natalie Wang, Finalist, Open Expository Speaking

  • Zachary Nash, Finalist, Open Extemporaneous Speaking


  • Tavie Kittredge, Semifinalist, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Madeline Gochee and Natalie Wang, 1st Place (Tournament Champions), Open Policy Debate

  • Jake Ehlers, 1st Place (Tournament Champion), Open Student Congress

Team Sweepstakes

5th place out of 31 teams

Rose City Round Robin - Lincoln High School, Feb 24-25, 2017

Brad Subramaniam, 3rd Place Student Congress, Groening Chamber (Alt Qual), earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship & Outstanding Chair

· Jake Ehlers, Outstanding Chair/Volunteer, Smith Chamber (Open)

· Zachary Nash, Outstanding Chair/Volunteer, Rothko Chamber (Novice)

· Lang Ming, 2nd Place, Smith Chamber (Open)

· Sadie Wiswall, 2nd Place, Rothko Chamber (Novice)

· Ashok Kaushik & Jay Sharabu, Semifinalists, Open Policy Debate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

· Kate LeBlanc – Tied for 1st place (no semi or final held) in the Big Questions Debate

· Andria Tattersfield - Tied for 1st place (no semi or final held) in the Big Questions Debate

Debate Speakers (based on excellent oratory in debate)

· Ashok Kaushik, 3rd Place, Open Policy Debate

University of Oregon Clark Forensic Invitational - February 18-19, 2017

Individual Events

· Andrew Liu, top jr competitor in collapsed Senior Duo Interp

· Andrew Sheiman, top jr competitor in collapsed Senior Duo Interp

· Anisha RajBhandary, Finalist, Senior Prose Reading

· Brad Subramaniam, Finalist, Senior Radio Commentary

· Breanna Guo, Finalist, Junior Radio

· Emily Ma, 3rd Place, Senior Expository Speaking, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

· Julia Dodson, 3rd Place, Senior Duo Interp

· Kate LeBlanc, 1st Place, Senior Extemporaneous Speaking (Tournament Champion) and 2nd Place, Senior Impromptu Speaking, earning one leg of alternate qualification in each of those events to the State Championship

· Lia Voigt, Finalist, Senior Duo Interp,

· Maia Abbruzzese, 1st Place, Senior Oratory (Tournament Champion) & 1st Place Senior Impromptu Speaking (Tournament Champion), earning one leg of alternate qualification in each of those events to the State Championship, and Finalist, Senior Expository Speaking

· Natalie Shershow, 1st Place, Humorous Interp (Tournament Champion),

· Olivia Weissflog, Finalist, Senior Radio Commentary

· Sammy Webb, Finalist, Senior Duo Interp

· Sriya Chinnam, 1st Place, Junior Radio Commentary (Tournament Champion)

· Tessa Cannon, 3rd Place, Senior Duo Interp

· Zachary Nash, Finalist, Senior Extemporaneous Speaking

· Zahra DeShaw, top jr competitor in collapsed Senior After Dinner Speaking


· Daniel Cohen, 2nd Place, Senior Lincoln-Douglas Debate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

· Kelsey Dunn & Laurel McGrane – 1st-Place Tie (Lincoln Close Out), Senior Public Forum Debate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship and one bid to the Tournament of Champions

· Isaac Hoffman & Anisha RajBhandary - 1st-Place Tie (Lincoln Close Out), Senior Public Forum Debate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship and one bid to the Tournament of Champions

· Andria Tattersfield & Kate LeBlanc, 2nd Place, Senior Parli Debate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

· Maia Abbruzzese & Zachary Nash, Semifinalists, Senior Parli Debate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

Debate Speakers (based on excellence in Oratory in debate)

§ Andrew Sheiman, 1st Place in Junior Parliamentary Debate

§ Anisha RajBhandary, 4th Place in Senior Public Forum Debate

§ Daniel Cohen, 2nd Place in Senior Lincoln-Douglas Debate

§ Tavie Kittredge 3rd Place in Senior Lincoln-Douglas Debate

§ Kate LeBlanc, 10th Place in Senior Parliamentary Debate

§ Zachary Nash, 1st Place in 10th in Senior Parliamentary Debate

§ Maia Abbruzzese, 4th Place in Senior Parliamentary Debate

§ Andria Tattersfield, tied for 2nd in Senior Parliamentary Debate

§ Joe Schlechter, 6th Place in Senior Policy Debate

§ Kate Weeks, 8th Place in Senior Policy Debate

§ Jonathan Huang, 9rd Place in Senior Public Forum Debate

§ Tessa Cannon, 5th Place in Senior Public Forum Debate

Student Congress

§ Brad Subramanian, 1st Place Speaker & Outstanding Chair


Mt Hood Community College All Saints Invitational - February 11, 2017

Individual Events

· Emily Ma, 2nd Place, Senior Expository Speaking, earning one leg of alt qual to the State Championship, Finalist, Senior Radio Commentary

· Jamie Bikales, Finalist, Senior Expository Speaking

· Kate LeBlanc, 2nd Place, Senior Extemporaneous Speaking, earning one leg of alt qual to the State Championship, Finalist, Senior Oratory

· Laurel McGrane, 1st Place, Senior Radio Commentary, (Tournament Champions), earning one leg of alt qual to the State Championship,

· Maia Abbruzzese, 2nd Place, Senior After Dinner Speaking, earning one alt qual to the State Championship, 3rd Place, Senior Oratory, earning one leg of alt qual to the State Championship

· Michelle Lu, 1st Place, Senior Literary Interp for English Language Learners (Tournament Champion)

· Natalie Shershow, 1st Place, Senior Dramatic Interp (Tournament Champions), earning one alt qual to the State Championship, 2nd Place, Senior Humorous Interp, earning one alt qual to the State Championship

· Sheila Panyam, Finalist, Senior Radio Commentary

· Zoie Brauser, Semifinalist, Senior Radio Commentary


· Kate LeBlanc & Andria Tattersfield, 1st Place Tie, Senior Parli Debate (Tournament Champions), earning one leg of alt qual to the State Championship,

· Clara Schwab & Madeline Gochee, 1st Place Tie, Senior Policy Debate, (Tournament Champions), earning one leg of alt qual to the State Championship,

· Zoie Brauser & Olivia Weissflog, 1st Place Tie, Senior Public Forum Debate, (Tournament Champions), earning one leg of alt qual to the State Championship,

· You Li Weiner & Anisha RajBhandary, 1st Place Tie, Senior Public Forum Debate, (Tournament Champions), earning one leg of alt qual to the State Championship

Student Congress

· Brad Subramaniam, 1st Place Speaker, (Tournament Champion)

Team Sweepstakes

· 1st Place out of 34 teams

Pacific University Hap Hingston Forensics Invitational Tournament - January 21-22, 2017

Individual events:

· Emily Ma, 3rd Place, Senior Expository Speaking, earning one point toward automatic qualification to the State Championship

· Gray White, 3rd Place, Junior Impromptu, 1st Place, Junior After Dinner Speaking (Tournament Champion)

· Hues Gibson, 1st Place, Junior Extemporaneous Speaking (Tournament Champion)

· Jamie Bikales, next out from finals (no award but a fun prize), Senior Expository Speaking

· Julia Dodson, 5th Place, Senor Duo Interp

· Lauren Watt, next out from finals (no award but a fun prize), Junior Prose

· Lia Voigt, next out from finals (no award but a fun prize), Senior Duo Interp

· Madelynne Reifsteck, 1st Place, Junior Radio Commentary (Tournament Champion), 4th Place, Junior Prose Reading

· Maia Abbruzzese, 2nd Place Senior Oratory, earning one point toward automatic qualification to the State Championship, semifinalist, Senior Impromptu Speaking, 4th Place, Senior Expository Speaking and 4th Place, Senior After Dinner Speaking

· Michelle Lu, 2nd Place, Junior Literary Interp for English Language Learners (LIELL)

· Natalie Wang, 1st Place, Junior Expository Speaking (Tournament Champion)

· Natalie Shershow, 1st Place, Senior Humorous Interp (Tournament Champion), earning one point toward automatic qualification to the State Championship, 3rd Place, Senior Dramatic Interp, earning one point toward automatic qualification to the State Championship

· Sammy Webb, next out from finals (no award but a fun prize), Senior Duo Interp

· Tessa Cannon, 5th Place, Senior Duo Interp

· Touko Aoki, 1st Place, Junior Literary Interp for English Language Learners (LIELL Tournament Champion)

· Zahra DeShaw, 2nd Place, Junior After Dinner Speaking


· Nancy Wu, Quarterfinalist, Senior Lincoln-Douglas Debate

· Lia Voigt and Sammy Webb, Quarterfinalists, Senior Public Forum Debate

Tessa Cannon and Julia Dodson, Next Out to Elims, Senior Public Forum Debate


§ Teams ~ Lincoln High School, 2nd Place out of 29 teams

Clackamas Holiday Edge, December 3, 2016

Individual Events

  • Emily Ma, Semifinalist, Open Storytelling

  • Ethan Dennis, Finalist, Open Humorous Interp

  • Jamie Bikales, 3rd Open Expository Speaking, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Kate Weeks, 2nd Place, Open Prose Reading, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Madelynne Reifsteck, Semifinalist, Open Storytelling

  • Maia Abbruzzese, 1st Place, Open Oratory (Tournament Champion), earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship and Semifinalist, Open After Dinner Speaking,

  • Michelle Lu, 1st Place Open Literary Interp for English Language Learners (Tournament Champion)

  • Nancy Wu, 3rd Place, Novice Radio Commentary

  • Sheila Panyam, 2nd Place, Open Oratory and 3rd Place, Open Radio Commentary, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship in both events

  • Tavie Kittredge, 1st Place, Novice Extemporaneous Speaking (Tournament Champion)

  • You Lian Weiner, Semifinalist, Novice Radio Commentary


§ Tavie Kittredge, Tied for 1st (no final held), Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

§ Alec Leng,1st Place, Open Congressional Debate (Tournament Champion), earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

§ Lang Ming, 2nd Place, Novice Congressional Debate

§ Dana Smiley, 1st Place, Novice Congressional Debate (Tournament Champion)


· 1st Place out of 46 schools

Oakhill Pure Policy Tournament Eugene, OR - November 19, 2016

o Ashok Kaushik & Jay Sharabu, 1st Place, Open Policy Debate (Tournament Champions)

o Belle Butler & Madeline Gochee, 1st Place, Junior Varsity Policy Debate (Tournament Champions)

o Marshal Xu & Natalie Wang, tie for 3rd place, Novice Policy Debate

Speaker Awards (based on excellence in oratory)

  • Joe Schlechter, Junior Varsity Policy Debate

  • Marshal Xu, Novice Policy Debate

  • Madeline Gochee, Junior Varsity Policy Debate

  • Robert Cagle, Junior Varsity Policy Debate


  • 2nd out of ten teams

Beaverton Winter Student Congress - Nov. 17, 2016

  • Brad Subramaniam – 2nd Place in Open Senate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Maia Abbruzzese – 3rd Place in Open Senate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Mackenzie Carnes – 1st Place in Novice House

Central Valley Bear Brawl in Spokane Valley, WA - Nov 11-12, 2016

Individual Events

  • Kate LeBlanc, Finalist, Open Oratory Speaking

  • Maia Abbruzzese, 2nd Place, Open Original Performance

Student Congress

Super Congress (finalists of congress- out of 51 student, 18 broke including all five of our entries)

  • Jake Ehlers

  • Maia Abbruzzese

  • Brad Subramaniam

  • Alec Leng

  • Srinik Chinnam

Tournament of Champion BIDS in Student Congress (top six of Super Congress received)

  • Brad Subramaniam, 1st Place, Open Student Congress (Tournament Champion)

  • Jake Ehlers, 4th Place, Open Student Congress

  • Maia Abbruzzese, 5th Place, Open Student Congress


  • Kate Weeks & Joe Schlechter, Octafinalists, Open Policy Debate

  • Clara Schwab & Madeline Gochee, Quarterfinalists, Open Policy Debate

  • Laurel McGrane & Kelsey Dunn, Octafinalists, Open Public Forum Debate

  • Jonathan Huang and Andria Tattersfield, Quarterfinalists, Open Public Forum Debate

Silverton Fox Speech & Debate Tournament - Nov 5, 2016

Individual Events

  • Emily Ma, 1st, Open Impromptu Speaking (Tournament Champion)*

  • Ethan Dennis, Finalist, Open Dramatic Interpretation

  • Jay Sharabu, Finalist, Open Impromptu Speaking

  • Julia Dodson & Tessa Cannon, Finalists, Open Dual Interpretation

  • Kate LeBlanc, 1st Place, Open Extemporaneous Speaking (Tournament Champion)*

  • Maia Abbruzzese, 2nd Place, Open Expository Speaking*, 2nd Place, Open Impromptu Speaking* and Finalist, Open After Dinner Speaking

  • Nancy Wu, Finalist, Novice Radio Commentary

  • Sammy Webb & Lia Voigt, Finalists, Open Dual Interpretation

  • Tavie Kittredge, 1st Place, Novice Extemporaneous Speaking (Tournament Champion)

  • Tori Siegel, Finalist, Novice Prose Reading

  • Will Duffy, Finalist Novice Prose Reading


  • Ashok Kaushik & Jay Sharabu, 2nd Place, Open Policy Debate

  • Kate LeBlanc, Finalist (tie for 1st Place), Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate*


  • 2nd out of 34 teams

Willamette University Jerry Hudson Tournament - Oct 21-22, 2016

Individual Events

§ Andrew Sheiman, Finalist, Junior Extemporaneous Speaking

§ Emily Ma, Finalist, Senior Radio Commentary

§ Isabel Kirschner, 2nd Place, Junior Prose Reading

§ Kate LeBlanc, Finalist, Senior Oratory

§ Kelsey Dunn, Finalist, Senior Prose Reading

§ Laurel McGrane, 3rd Place, Senior Radio Commentary, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

§ Maia Abbruzzese, 2nd Place, Open After Dinner Speaking,

§ Natalie Shershow, 3rd Place, Open Serious-Interp, 1st Place, Open Humorous Interp (Tournament Champion)

§ Tavie Kittredge, 2nd Place, Junior Extemporaneous Speaking

§ Zachary Nash, Finalist, Open Extemporaneous Speaking


§ Andria Tattersfield and Kate LeBlanc, Quarterfinalists, Open Parli Debate

§ Gray White, tied for 1st, Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate

§ Kate Weeks, Quarter-finalist, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate

§ Kelsey Dunn and Laurel McGrane, Semifinalists, Open Public Forum Debate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

§ Tavie Kittredge, tied for 1st, Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate

§ Lauren Watt and Zahra DeShaw, Semifinalists, Novice Parli Debate

§ Maia Abbruzzese and Zachary Nash, Quarterfinalists, Open Parli Debate

Speakers (based on oratory in debate)

§ Daniel Cohen, 4th Place, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate

§ Gray White, 5th Place, Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate

§ Kate Weeks, 6th Place, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate

§ Lauren Watt, 5th Place, Novice Parli Debate

§ Maia Abbruzzese, 6th Place, Open Parli Debate

§ Tavie Kittredge, 3rd Place, Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate

§ Zahra DeShaw, 2nd Place, Novice Parli Debate

Team Sweepstakes –

Out of 29 schools Lincoln placed 3rd overall in sweepstakes (3rd in Debate & 4th in individual events).

Wilson High School Invitational – October 15-16, 2016

Student Congress Results

· Zachary Nash, Outstanding Chair & 2nd Speaker in Super Congress, earning one leg of proven excellence to the State Championship

· Maia Abbruzzese, 5th Speaker in Super Congress

Debate Results

· Kate LeBlanc & Andria Tattersfield, Semifinalists, Open Parliamentary Debate, earning one leg of proven excellence to the State Championship

· Nancy Wu – Tied for 1st place in Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate (Co-tournament champion)

· Tavie Kittredge – Tied for 1st place in Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate (Co-tournament champion)

· Gray White – Finalist, Novice Prose

Individual Events

§ Jamie Bikales, 1st Place Open Expository Speaking (Tournament Champion)

§ Kate LeBlanc, 1st Place Open Oratory (Tournament Champion)

§ Kelsey Dunn, Finalist, Open Prose Reading

§ Maia Abbruzzese, 3rd Place, Open After Dinner Speaking

§ Nancy Wu, 1st Place, Novice Radio Commentary (Tournament Champion)

§ Nicholas Niehaus, Finalist, Novice Radio Commentary

- Tavie Kittredge, 2nd Place, Novice Extemporaneous Speaking

§ Zachary Nash, 2nd, Open Extemporaneous Speaking, earning one leg of proven excellence to the State Championship

Sam Barlow Fall Frenzy - October 8, 2016

Individual Events

· Clara Schwab, Finalist, Open Prose Reading

· Cedric Wong, Finalist, Open Impromptu Speaking

· Laurel McGrane, 1st Place, Open Radio Commentary (Tournament Champion)

· Lia Voigt, 3rd Place, Open Expository Speaking, 2nd Place Open Duo Interpretation

· Maia Abbruzzese, 1st Place, Open After Dinner Speaking (Tournament Champion), 2nd Place, Open Original Oratory

· Marshal Xu, 3rd Place, Novice Radio Commentary

· Nancy Wu, Finalist, Novice Radio Commentary

· Natalie Shershow, 1st Place, Open Program Oral Interpretation (Tournament Champion), 1st Place, Open Humorous Interpretation (Tournament Champion)

· Natalie Wang, 1st Place, Novice Radio Commentary (Tournament Champion)

· Sammy Webb, 2nd Place, Open Duo Interpretation

· Sheila Panyam, Finalist, Open Radio Commentary

· Sydney Dunn, Finalist, Open Expository Speaking

· Will Duffy, 3rd Place, Novice Poetry

· Zachary Nash, Finalist, Open Extemporaneous Speaking


· Natalie Wang and Marshal Xu, 1st Place, Novice Policy Debate (Tournament Champions)

· Kelsey Dunn & Laurel McGrane, 3rd Place, Open Public Forum Debate

· Zoie Brauser & Olivia Weissflog, 1st Place, Open Public Forum Debate (Tournament Champions)

· Sheila Panyam & Serenity Wade, 1st Place, Open Parliamentary Debaurnament Champions)

Past Tournament Results


Oregon State Speech & Debate Championship @ Western Oregon University in Monmouth - April 21-23, 2016


  • Kelsey Dunn & Laurel McGrane, Quarterfinalists, Public Forum Debate

  • Kate LeBlanc, Quarterfinalist, Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Orion Cleaver, Quarterfinalist, Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Colin Phipps & Andria Tattersfield, Octofinalists, Parliamentary Debate

Individual Events

  • Yikai Peng, 1st Place (State Champion) Literary Interpretation for English Language Learners

  • Loy Msafiri, 2nd Place, Literary Interpretation for English Language Learners

  • Maia Abbruzzese, Finalist, After Dinner Speaking

  • Sheila Panyam, Finalist, Radio Commentary

  • Kate LeBlanc, Semifinalist, Original Oratory

  • Ruby Belle Booth, Semifinalist, Radio Commentary

Student Congress

  • Brad Subramanian, 3rd Place Speaker, Super Congress

  • Jake Ehlers, Finalist, Super Congress

Sweepstakes (award for overall school performance)

  • Lincoln High School: 3rd place in the 6A

Verselandia (the Grand Poetry Slam of PPS) at the Newmark - April 18, 2016

  • Sheila Panyam, Finalist

  • Maia Abbruzzese, tied for 4th

Nat Quals for STUCO/WORLDS - April 16, 2016

  • Sheila Panyam, House 2, 2nd Alternate Speaker (NATIONAL QUALIFIER)

  • Zachary Nash, House 1 ,1st Speaker (NATIONAL QUALIFIER)

  • Orion Cleaver, North Oregon Worlds Debate Team Member (NATIONAL QUALIFIER)

Beaverton High School Hawaiian Student Congress - April 14, 2016

Overall Awards (Based on Performance in Both Sessions)- All 11 LHS students were in all in Nakatani House with BHS students

  • Brad Subramaniam- 1st place speaker in Nakatani House

  • Colin Phipps- 3rd place speaker in Nakatani Hale

Best Hawaiian Attire

  • Maia Abbruzzese - top prize winner of all student congress people (prize=ripe pineapple)

2016 District 13 Finals at Cleveland & Lincoln High Schools in Portland - April 7-9th


  • Colin Phipps & Andria Tattersfield: 3rd place, Parliamentary Debate, qualifying to State

  • Jack Sanders and Hank Sanders: 4th place, Parliamentary Debate, alternate to State

  • Zachary Nash & Maia Abbruzzese: qualifying to State with Proven Excellence

  • Kelsey Dunn & Laurel McGrane: 2nd place, Public Forum Debate, qualifying to State

  • Kate LeBlanc: 2nd place, Lincoln-Douglas Debate, qualifying to State

  • Orion Cleaver, Lincoln-Douglas, qualifying to State with Proven Excellence

  • Joe Schlechter and Cedric Wong: 1st place, Cross-Examination Debate, qualifying to State

  • Robert Cagle/Zelda Offermann, Raja Moreno & Belle Butler, 2nd place, Cross-Examination Debate,

  • Ashok Kaushik and Madeline Gochee 3rd place, Cross-Examination Debate, qualifying to State

  • Brad Subramanian: Qualifying to State in Student Congress

  • Jake Ehlers: Qualifying to State in Student Congress

Individual Events

  • Danny Cohen: 3rd place, Impromptu Speaking, qualifying to State;

  • Kate LeBlanc, 1st Place (Tournament Champion), Oratory, qualifying to State;

  • Loy Msfari: 2nd place, Literary Interp for English Language Learners (LIELL), qualifying to State;

  • Lia Voigt and Natalie Shershow, 4th place, Dual Interpretation, alternate to State;

  • Maia Abbruzzese: 1st Place (Tournament Champion), After Dinner Speaking, qualifying to State;

  • Ruby Belle Booth: 3rd place, Radio Commentary, qualifying to to State;

  • Sheila Panyam, 2nd place, Radio Commentary, qualifying to State;

  • Yikai Peng: 1st place, Literary Interp for English Language Learners (LIELL), qualifying to State;

Sweepstakes (out of five PIL Teams competing)

  • Lincoln took 1st in Debate Sweeps

  • Lincoln took 2nd in Overall Sweeps

Lincoln High School Poetry Slam, March 30, 2016

  • 1st Place- Junior Maia Abbruzzese

  • 2nd Place – Junior Sheila Panyam

  • Runner Up – Senior Fiona Lett-Alagoz

North Oregon NSDA Qualifying Tournament, Clackamas Community College, March 17-19, 2016

  • Kate LeBlanc, 3rd (Alternate to Nationals), International Extemporaneous Speaking

  • Maia Abbruzzese, 3rd (Alternate to Nationals), Informative Speaking

Oregon Poetry Out Loud Contest at Willamette University in Salem, March 12, 2016

  • Sheila Panyam, finalist (top four)

Northern Oregon Regional Poetry Out Loud Contest at Powell's in Beaverton, -March 5, 2016

  • Sheila Panyam, top three

Southridge High School Forensics Invitational, March 5, 2016

Individual Events

· Colin Phipps, 3rd Place, Open Radio Commentary, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

· Hank Sanders, Finalist, Open Impromptu Speaking

· Jack Sanders, Semifinalist, Open Expository Speaking

· Kate LeBlanc, Finalist, Open Extemporaneous Speaking

· Kelsey Dunn, Semifinalist, Open Prose

· Laurel McGrane, 2nd Place, Open Radio Commentary, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

· Lia Voigt, 3rd Place, Open Duo Interpretation

· Loy Msafiri, 2nd Place, Open Literary Interpretation for English-Language Learners

· Maia Abbruzzese, 3rd, Open After Dinner Speaking and Finalist, Open Expository Speaking

· Natalie Shershow, 3rd Place, Open Duo Interpretation

· Ruby Belle Booth, 1st Place (Tournament Championship), Open Radio Commentary, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

· Yikai Peng, 1st Place (Tournament Champions) Open Literary Interpretation for English-Language Learners

· Zachary Nash, Finalist, Open Extemporaneous Speaking


· Laurel McGrane and Kelsey Dunn, Finalists, Open Public Forum Debate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

· Madeline Gochee and Ashok Kaushik, 2nd Place, Open Policy Debate

Team Sweepstakes

2nd place out of 22 teams

2015-16 Tournament Results -

2nd Annual Rose City Round Robin Debate Invitational


· Daniel Cohen, 2nd Place, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

· Adam Selker & Serenity Wade, Semifinalists, Open Public Forum Debate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

· Anisha RajBandary – 1st Place, Worlds Schools Debate (on a three person team with a students from Sunset and Oak Hills High Schools)

Debate Speakers (based on excellence oratory in debate)

  • Kate LeBlanc, 3rd Place, Worlds Schools Debate

University of Oregon Clark Forensic Invitational - February 19-20, 2016

Individual Events

  • Hank Sanders, Finalist in both Open Impromptu & Open Poetry

  • Jack Sanders, Finalist, Open Expository Speaking

  • Kate LeBlanc, Finalist in Extemporaneous Speaking and 3rd place in Open Impromptu Speaking, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Lia Voigt, 2nd Place, Duo Interp, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Maia Abbruzzese, 2nd Place, After Dinner Speaking, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Champiosnip

  • Natalie Shershow, 2nd Place, Duo Interp, and 1st Place, Prose Reading (Tournament Champion), earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship in each event

  • Noah Hoffman, 1st Place, Duo Interp (Tournament Champion), earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Orion Cleaver, 1st Place, Duo Interp (Tournament Champion), earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Sheila Panyam, 2nd Place in both Open Oratory Open and Radio Commentary, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship in each event


  • Orion Cleaver, 2nd Place, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Serenity Wade, Quarterfinalist, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Joe Schlechter and Madeline Gochee, Quarterfinalists, Open Policy Debate

Debate Speakers (based on excellence in Oratory in debate)

  • Orion Cleaver, 5th Place in Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Daniel Cohen, 1st Place in Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Kate LeBlanc, 4th Place in Open Parliamentary Debate

  • Ruby Belle Booth, 5th Place in Open Parliamentary Debate

Student Congress

  • Brad Subramanian, 1st Place Speaker

Lincoln High School Poetry Slam - February 17, 2016

  • Sheila Panyam, 1st Place

  • Hank Sanders, 2nd Place

Mt Hood Community College - February 13, 2016

Individual Events

  • Maia Abbruzzese, 1st, Open After Dinner Speaking (Tournament Champion), earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Zachary Nash, Finalist, Open Extemporaneous Speaking

  • Lia Voigt & Natalie Shershow, Finalists, Open Duo Interp


· Andria Tattersfield & Colin Phipps, Semifinalists, Open Parli Debate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

Student Congress

  • Jake Ehlers, 2nd Place Speaker

Team Sweepstakes

  • 6th place out of 28 teams

Lewis & Clark Jean Ward Invitational - January 15 & 16, 2016

Debate Results

  • Orion Cleaver, Semifinalist, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate, earning one leg to alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Kelsey Dunn & Laurel McGrane, Octo Finalists, Open Public Forum Debate

Debate Speakers (based on oratory)

  • Kelsey Dunn, 5th Place, Open Public Forum Debate

  • Laurel McGrane, 4th Place, Open Public Forum Debate

Individual Events

  • Kate LeBlanc, 3rd Place, Oratory, earning one leg to alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Maia Abbruzzese, 4nd Place, Open Informative Speaking & 3rd Place, Open After Dinner Speaking, earning one leg to alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Loy Msafiri, 2nd Place, Junior Literary Interp for English Language Learners

Pacific University Hap Hingston Forensics Invitational Tournament - January 7-8, 2016

Individual events

  • Andria Tattersfield: 6th place, Program Oral Interp

  • Angela Chow: 3rd place, Junior Literary Interp for Beginning and Intermediate English earners (LIELL)

  • Daniel Cohen: 2nd place, Open Radio Commentary, earning one point toward automatic qualification to the State Championship, Next Out After Finals, Open Impromptu

  • Jack Sanders: 5th place, Open Expository Speaking

  • Kate LeBlanc: 1st place, Open Extemporaneous Speaking (tournament champion), earning one point toward automatic qualification to the State Championship, 5th place, Open Oratory

  • Loy Msafiri: 2nd place, Junior Literary Interp for Beginning and Intermediate English earners (LIELL)

  • Maia Abbruzzese: 2nd place, Open After-Dinner speaking, earning one point toward automatic qualification to the State Championship, 4th Place Program Oral Interp, Semi-finalist, Open Radio Commentary

  • Natalie Shershow: 3rd place, Open Prose Reading, earning one point toward automatic qualification to the State Championship, 1st place (tournament champion), Open After-Dinner Speaking, earning one point toward automatic qualification to the State Championship,

  • Wilson Walker: Semifinalist, Junior Impromptu

  • Yikai Peng: 1st place (tournament champion) Junior Literary Interp for Beginning and Intermediate English Learners (LIELL)

  • Zachary Nash: 6th place, Open Extemporaneous Speaking


  • Joe Schlechter, Finalist, Junior Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Orion Cleaver, Semifinalist, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Daniel Cohen, 1st place, (tournament champion), Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Jack & Hank Sanders, Semifinalists, Open Parliamentary Debate, earning one point toward automatic qualification to the State Championship

  • Kelsey Dunn and Laurel McGrane: 1st place (tournament champion), Open Public Forum Debate, earning one point toward automatic qualification to the State Championship

Speakers (based on oratory in debate)

  • Daniel Cohen, 4th Place, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Hank Sanders, 4th Place, Open Parli Debate

  • Orion Cleaver, 2nd Place, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Wilson Walker, 2nd Place, Junior Parli Debate

  • Zoie Brauser, 5th Place, Open Public Forum Debate


· Teams~Lincoln High School, 1st Place out of 23 teams

· Individual Events Point Earners ~ Natalie Shershow, 3rd

Ridgefield Spudder - December 11-12, 2015

Student Congress

· Brad Subramaniam, 1st Place (Tournament Champion), Open Student Congress

· Maia Abbruzzese, 2nd Place, Open Student Congress

· Zachary Nash – 3rd Place, Open Student Congress

· Zelda Offermann – 2nd Place, Novice Student Congress


· Anisha Rabhandary- 1st Place (tournament champion), Open Public Forum Debate, earning one alternate qualification leg to the State Championship

· Orion Cleaver -1st Place (tournament champion), Open Public Forum Debate and 3rd Place, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate, earning one alternate qualification leg to the State Championship in both PF & LD

Individual Events

· Brad Subramaniam, Finalist, Dual Impromptu

· Emily Ma- Finalist, Editorial Commentary

· Maia Abbruzzese – 2st Place Expository Speaking & Finalist, Editorial Commentary

· Noah Hoffman, Finalist, Impromptu Speaking, and 3rd Place, Open Dual Interp, earning one bid the National Individual Event Tournament of Champions (NIETOC)

· Orion Cleaver, 3rd Place, Open Dual Interp, earning one bid the National Individual Event Tournament of Champions (NIETOC)

· Srinik Chinnam, Finalist, Dual Impromptu


§ Lincoln High School: 4th place out of 16 competing schools

Clackamas Holiday Edge - December 5, 2015

Individual Events

  • Christopher Schuring, 2nd Place, Novice Duo Interp

  • Ethan Dennis, Semifinalist, Open Dramatic Interp

  • Hank Sanders, Semifinalist, Open Storytelling and Open Poetry Reading

  • Jack Sanders, Semifinalist, Open Expository Speaking

  • Jamie Bikales, 3rd Place, Open Extemporaneous Speaking, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship and finalist, Open Expository Speaking

  • Illiana Schuring, Finalist, Novice Expository Speaking & 2nd Place, Novice Duo Interp

  • Loy Msafiri, 3rd Place, Open Literary Interp for English Language Learners

  • Lorna Perez, 1st Place, Open Literary Interp for English Language Learners (Tournament Champion)

  • Sheila Panyam, 2nd Place, Open Oratory tying for 1st and 3rd Place, Open Radio Commentary, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship in each event

  • Yikai Peng, 2nd Place, Open Literary Interp for English Language Learners

  • Zachary Nash, 2nd Place, Extemporaneous Speaking, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship


  • Maia Abbruzzese & Zachary Nash, Semifinalists, Open Parli Debate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Orion Clever, Semifinalist, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Zoie Brauser and Olivia Weissflog, Finalists, Open Public Forum Debate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Zelda Offerman & Ashok Kaushik, 1st place, Novice Policy Debate (Tournament Champions)


· 2nd out of 44 schools

Glencoe Crimson Tide – November 21, 2015


  • Orion Cleaver, 2nd Place, Open Lincoln-Douglas, earning one leg of alternate qualifications to the State Championship

Individual Events

  • Hank Sanders, 1st Place (Tournament Champion), Open Poetry, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Maia Abbruzzese: 1st Place (tournament champion), Open Radio Commentary, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship and 3rd Place, Open After Dinner Speaking, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Sheila Panyam, 2nd Place, Open Original Oratory

  • Ethan Dennis, 3rd Place, Open Memorized Serious Interp

Talent Show-

  • Maia Abbruzzese and Orion Cleaver, 3rd Place, Tournament Talent Show

Beaverton Winter Congress - November 19, 2015

Overall Awards (Based on Performance in Both Sessions)

  • Brad Subramaniam – 1st Place in Hottman* Senate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Orion Cleaver- 2nd Place in Hottman* Senate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Maia Abbruzzese – 3rd Place in Hottman* Senate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Kate LeBlanc – 1st Place in Evans House

*Alt Qual Senate had 20 pre-designated Open Members

Additionally, while not receiving awards, the following LHS S&D members received nominations for top speakers as follows:

  • Joseph Schlechter, 3rd place in session one & 7th place in session two of Evans House

  • Christopher Schuring– 2nd place in session one of Blanton House

  • Srinik Chinnam – 4th place in session one of Blanton House

  • Jake Ehlers – 5th place in session one of Hottman Senate

  • Zachary Nash – 8th place in session one of Hottman Senate

  • Jamie Bikales – 9th place in session one of Hottman Senate

Central Valley High School Bear Brawl in Spokane Valley, WA - November 13-14, 2015

Individual Events

  • Maia Abbruzzese, 1st Place (Tournament Champion), Open Original Performance


  • Laurel McGrane & Kelsey Dunn, Quarter Finalists, Open Public Forum Debate

Student Congress

  • Maia Abbruzzese - Super Congress Finalist (top 16 of 46)

  • Jake Ehlers -Super Congress Finalist (top 16 of 46)

  • Brad Subramaniam - 6th Place, Super Congress, thereby earning his first of two bids needed to qualify for the to the NATIONAL TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS in Kentucky in April 2016.

Sprague Debate Tournament - November 14, 2015


· Ashok Kaushik and Robert Cagle were undefeated in Policy Debate

· Ruby Belle Booth and Kate LeBlanc won three of four debates and Certificates for Outstanding Open Parli Debate

· Zachary Nash, Worlds Debate Recognition

· Joe Schlecter, Worlds Debate Recognition

· Ethan Dennis, Worlds Debate Recognition

Debate Speakers (based on excellence in oration in debate)

  • · Ashok Kaushik – 1st Place, Novice Policy Debate

  • · Robert Cagle – 2nd Place, Novice Policy Debate

  • · Madeline – 3rd Place, Novice Policy Debate

  • · Kate LeBlance – 2nd Place, Junior Parli Debate

Rose City Student Congress - November 10, 2015

Super Congress (top 20 out of 80 competitors)

Alison Bowden - Beaverton

Brad Subramaniam - LHS

Christopher Schuring- LHS

Jake Ehlers - LHS

Jonathan Huang- LHS

Kate LeBlanc - LHS

Lia Voigt - LHS

Maia Abbruzzese - LHS

Nina Spellman - Beaverton

Orion Cleaver - LHS

Rachel Wilczweski - Sam Barlow

Raja Moreno - LHS

Riley Wolfe - Beaverton

Robert Harris - Gresham

Silas Barman - Beaverton

Taylor Lewis - Cleveland

Terrel Cunningham - Cleveland

Veronika Kulik - Beaverton

Zachary Nash - LHS

The top three speakers (all earned one leg of alt qual to State) from the Super Congress-

1. Jake Ehlers- lhs

2. Kate LeBlanc- lhs

3. Orion Cleaver -lhs

Chair - Brad Subramaniam - lhs

The recognized chair as well as the top novice & open speakers in the other houses for the second session were as follows:


Novice/Open - both won by Hank Sanders - lhs

Chair - Jack & Hank Sanders - lhs

Best Portland Attire - Orion Cleaver- lhs

St. Johns-

Novice/Open - both won by Lucy Bishop - Beaverton

Chair - Kerissa Engin --Clatskanie

Best Portland Attire - Sid David - lhs


Open - Bill Qureshi - lhs

Chair - Srinik Chinnam - lhs

Novice - Illiana Schuring - lhs

Best Portland Attire- Illiana Schuring


Open- Katie Treanor - Sam Barlow

Novice- Indigo Allred - lhs

Chair - Alli Eroh - lhs

Best Portland Attire - Brad Subramaniam

Silverton Fox Invitational - November 7, 2015

Individual Events

  • Hank Sanders, 1st Place, Novice Impromptu (Tournament Champion)

  • Illiana Schuring, 2nd Place, Novice Expository Speaking & 3rd Place, Novice Humorous Interp

  • Loy Msafiri, 2nd Place, Open Literary Interp for English Language Learners

  • Lorna Perez, 1st Place, Open Literary Interp for English Language Learners (Tournament Champion)

  • Kelsey Dunn, Finalist, Open Prose Reading

  • Maia Abbruzzese, 2nd Place, Open Radio Commentary earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship, 2nd After Dinner Speaking earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship, Finalist Expository Speaking

  • Natalie Sherwood, 1st Place, Novice After Dinner Speaking (Tournament Champion), 3rd Place Novice Oratory and 1st Place Novice Prose (Tournament Champion)

  • Sheila Panyam, 3rd Place, Open Oratory tying for 1st, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Yikai Peng, 3rd Place, Open Literary Interp for English Language Learners

  • Zachary Nash, 2nd Place, Extemporaneous Speaking earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship


  • · Maia Abbruzzesse & Zachary Nash tying for 1st, Open Parli Debate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • · Robert Cagle & Ashok Kaushik, 1st place, Novice Policy Debate (Tournament Champions)


· 2nd out of 32 schools

Wilson High School Invitational, Portland, OR – Oct 23-24, 2015

Student Congress

The following students qualified for Super Congress (the finals made up of 20 competitors):

Andria Tattersfield

Brad Subramaniam

Hank Sanders

Kate LeBlanc

Jack Sanders

Jake Ehlers

Jamie Bikales

Jonathan Huang

Maia Abbruzzese

Zachary Nash

  • Kate LeBlanc, 1st Speaker in Super Congress, earning one leg of proven excellence to the State Championship

  • Zachary Nash, 3rd Speaker in Super Congress, earning one leg of proven excellence to the State Championship

  • Srinik Chinnam, 3rd Place in Wilson House


  • Kate LeBlanc & Ruby Belle Booth, 1st Place Novice Parliamentary Debate (Tournament Champions)

Individual Events

  • Brad Subramaniam, 2nd Place, Open Radio Commentary, earning one leg of proven excellence to the State Championship

  • Maia Abbruzzese, 2nd Place, Open After Dinner Speaking

  • Jonathan Huang, Finalist, Open Extemporaneous Speaking

  • Kate LeBlanc, 1st Place in Novice & Open Extemporaneous Speaking (Tournament Champion) earning one leg of proven excellence to the State Championship, Finalist, Novice Impromptu

  • Kelsey Dunn, 3rd Place, Open Prose Reading, earning one leg of proven excellence to the State Championship

  • Noah Hoffman and Orion Cleaver, 3rd Place Open Dual Interpretation

  • Noah Hoffman, 3rd Place, Open Poetry

  • Sheila Panyam, 2nd Place, Open Oratory, earning


Third out of 22 schools.

Oakhill Pure Policy Tournament Eugene, OR - Oc. 24, 2015

o Ashok Kaushik & Zelda Offermann, 2nd Place, Novice Policy Debate

o Raja Moreno & Madeline Gochee, 3rd Place, Novice Policy Debate

o Jay Sharubu & Cedric Wong, 2nd Place, JV Policy Debate

o Clara Schwab & Kate Weeks, 3rd Place, JV Policy Debate

Speaker Awards (based on excellence in oratory)

o Raja Moreno, Novice Policy Debate

o Madeline Gochee, Novice Policy Debate


  • 1st out of nine teams

South Albany Student Congress - Oct 20, 2015

  • Maia Abbruzzese - 1st Speaker, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Brad Subramaniam - 2nd Speaker, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

Willamette's Jerry Hudson High School Tournament, Salem, OR - Oct 17-18, 2015

Individual Events

  • Andria Tattersfield, Finalist, Junior Poetry Reading

  • -Bill Qureshi, Finalist, Junior Impromptu

  • Brad Subramaniam, Finalist, Senior Radio,

  • Hannah Wilson, 2nd Place, Junior Prose Read ing

  • Jack Sanders, 3rd Place, Open Expository Speaking

  • Julia Dodson, Finalist, Junior Poetry Reading

  • Kelsey Dunn, Finalist, Open Prose Reading

  • Lia Voigt and Natalie Shershow, 1st Place, Junior Dual Interpretation (Tournament Champions)

  • Maia Abbruzzese, First Place, 1st Place, Open After Dinner Speaking (Tournament Champion)

  • Noah Hoffman & Orion Cleaver, 1st Place, Dual Interpretation (TournamentChampions)

  • Srinik Chinnam, 2nd Place, Junior Extemporaneous

  • Tessa Cannon, Finalist, Junior Radio Commentary


  • Daniel Cohen, Quarter-finalist Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Hank Sanders, Semi-finalist, Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Andria Tattersfield and Jack Sanders, Quarterfinalists, Open Parli Debate

  • Lia Voigt and Natalie Shershow, Quarterfinalists, Novice Parli Debate

Speakers (based on oratory in debate)

  • Daniel Cohen, 1st Place, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Hank Sanders, 4th Place, Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Jack Sanders, 10th Place, Open Parli\Debate

  • Ethan Dennis, 10th Place, Junior Parli Debate

  • Hannah Wilson, 9th Place, Junior Parli Debate

  • Lia Voigt, 8th Place, Junior Parli Debate

  • Bill Qureshi, 4th Place, Junior Public Forum Debate

Team Sweepstakes –

Lincoln took 3rd in Sweepstakes out of 24 schools in Individual events.

We are still awaiting word on Debate & Overall Sweepstakes.

Silverton Novice Tournament - Silverton, OR - Oct 10, 2015

Individual Events-

  • Natalie Shershow, 1st Place in Novice Prose Reading (Tournament Champion) and 1st Place in Novice Oratory (Tournament Champion)

  • Ruby Belle Booth, Finalist in Novice Impromptu Speaking

  • Kate LeBlanc, 3rd in Novice Impromptu Speaking


  • Illiana Schuring & Olivia Weissflog, 1st place in Novice Public Forum Debate

  • Raja Moreno & Madeline Gochee, 2nd place in Novice Cross-Examination (as known as policy) Debate

Sam Barlow Fall Frenzy - Gresham, OR - Oct 3, 2015

Individual Events-

  • Brad Subramaniam, 3rd place, Open Radio Commentary

  • Emily Ma, Finalist, Open Radio Commentary

  • Hank Sanders, 1st Place, Novice Poetry, and Finalist, Novice Impromptu

  • Jack Sanders, 2nd Place, Open Expository Speaking

  • Jamie Bikales, 3rd Place, Open Program Oral Interpretation

  • Laurel McGrane, Finalist, Open Prose Reading

  • Mai Abbruzzese, 1st Place, Open After Dinner Speaking (Tournament Champion)

  • Michael McPhee, 3rd Place, Novice Radio Commentary

  • Natalie Shershow, 1st Place, Novice Prose Reading (Tournament Champion)

  • Noah Hoffman, 1st Place Tie, Open Humorous Interpretation (Tournament Champion)

  • Olivia Weissflog, 2nd Place, Novice Radio Commentary

  • Raja Moreno, 1st Place, Novice Impromptu Speaking (Tournament Champion)

  • Sheila Panyam, 2nd Place, Open Oratory

  • Zachary Nash, Finalist, Extemporaneous Speaking


  • Hank Sanders, 1st Place, Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate (Tournament Champion)

  • Kelsey Dunn & Laurel McGrane, 2nd Place, Open Public Forum Debate

  • Danny Cohen, Semi-finalist, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate


2014-15 Tournament Results

Oregon State Speech & Debate Championship @ Western Oregon University in Monmouth - April 21-23, 2016


  • Kelsey Dunn & Laurel McGrane, Quarterfinalists, Public Forum Debate

  • Kate LeBlanc, Quarterfinalist, Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Orion Cleaver, Quarterfinalist, Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Colin Phipps & Andria Tattersfield, Octofinalists, Parliamentary Debate

Individual Events

  • Yikai Peng, 1st Place (State Champion) Literary Interpretation for English Language Learners

  • Loy Msafiri, 2nd Place, Literary Interpretation for English Language Learners

  • Maia Abbruzzese, Finalist, After Dinner Speaking

  • Sheila Panyam, Finalist, Radio Commentary

  • Kate LeBlanc, Semifinalist, Original Oratory

  • Ruby Belle Booth, Semifinalist, Radio Commentary

Student Congress

  • Brad Subramanian, 3rd Place Speaker, Super Congress

  • Jake Ehlers, Finalist, Super Congress

Sweepstakes (award for overall school performance)

  • Lincoln High School: 3rd place in the 6A

Verselandia (the Grand Poetry Slam of PPS) at the Newmark - April 18, 2016

  • Sheila Panyam, Finalist

  • Maia Abbruzzese, tied for 4th

Nat Quals for STUCO/WORLDS - April 16, 2016

  • Sheila Panyam, House 2, 2nd Alternate Speaker (NATIONAL QUALIFIER)

  • Zachary Nash, House 1 ,1st Speaker (NATIONAL QUALIFIER)

  • Orion Cleaver, North Oregon Worlds Debate Team Member (NATIONAL QUALIFIER)

Beaverton High School Hawaiian Student Congress - April 14, 2016

Overall Awards (Based on Performance in Both Sessions)- All 11 LHS students were in all in Nakatani House with BHS students

  • Brad Subramaniam- 1st place speaker in Nakatani House

  • Colin Phipps- 3rd place speaker in Nakatani Hale

Best Hawaiian Attire

  • Maia Abbruzzese - top prize winner of all student congress people (prize=ripe pineapple)

2016 District 13 Finals at Cleveland & Lincoln High Schools in Portland - April 7-9th


  • Colin Phipps & Andria Tattersfield: 3rd place, Parliamentary Debate, qualifying to State

  • Jack Sanders and Hank Sanders: 4th place, Parliamentary Debate, alternate to State

  • Zachary Nash & Maia Abbruzzese: qualifying to State with Proven Excellence

  • Kelsey Dunn & Laurel McGrane: 2nd place, Public Forum Debate, qualifying to State

  • Kate LeBlanc: 2nd place, Lincoln-Douglas Debate, qualifying to State

  • Orion Cleaver, Lincoln-Douglas, qualifying to State with Proven Excellence

  • Joe Schlechter and Cedric Wong: 1st place, Cross-Examination Debate, qualifying to State

  • Robert Cagle/Zelda Offermann, Raja Moreno & Belle Butler, 2nd place, Cross-Examination Debate,

  • Ashok Kaushik and Madeline Gochee 3rd place, Cross-Examination Debate, qualifying to State

  • Brad Subramanian: Qualifying to State in Student Congress

  • Jake Ehlers: Qualifying to State in Student Congress

Individual Events

  • Danny Cohen: 3rd place, Impromptu Speaking, qualifying to State;

  • Kate LeBlanc, 1st Place (Tournament Champion), Oratory, qualifying to State;

  • Loy Msfari: 2nd place, Literary Interp for English Language Learners (LIELL), qualifying to State;

  • Lia Voigt and Natalie Shershow, 4th place, Dual Interpretation, alternate to State;

  • Maia Abbruzzese: 1st Place (Tournament Champion), After Dinner Speaking, qualifying to State;

  • Ruby Belle Booth: 3rd place, Radio Commentary, qualifying to to State;

  • Sheila Panyam, 2nd place, Radio Commentary, qualifying to State;

  • Yikai Peng: 1st place, Literary Interp for English Language Learners (LIELL), qualifying to State;

Sweepstakes (out of five PIL Teams competing)

  • Lincoln took 1st in Debate Sweeps

  • Lincoln took 2nd in Overall Sweeps

Lincoln High School Poetry Slam, March 30, 2016

  • 1st Place- Junior Maia Abbruzzese

  • 2nd Place – Junior Sheila Panyam

  • Runner Up – Senior Fiona Lett-Alagoz

North Oregon NSDA Qualifying Tournament, Clackamas Community College, March 17-19, 2016

  • Kate LeBlanc, 3rd (Alternate to Nationals), International Extemporaneous Speaking

  • Maia Abbruzzese, 3rd (Alternate to Nationals), Informative Speaking

Oregon Poetry Out Loud Contest at Willamette University in Salem, March 12, 2016

  • Sheila Panyam, finalist (top four)

Northern Oregon Regional Poetry Out Loud Contest at Powell's in Beaverton, -March 5, 2016

  • Sheila Panyam, top three

Southridge High School Forensics Invitational, March 5, 2016

Individual Events

· Colin Phipps, 3rd Place, Open Radio Commentary, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

· Hank Sanders, Finalist, Open Impromptu Speaking

· Jack Sanders, Semifinalist, Open Expository Speaking

· Kate LeBlanc, Finalist, Open Extemporaneous Speaking

· Kelsey Dunn, Semifinalist, Open Prose

· Laurel McGrane, 2nd Place, Open Radio Commentary, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

· Lia Voigt, 3rd Place, Open Duo Interpretation

· Loy Msafiri, 2nd Place, Open Literary Interpretation for English-Language Learners

· Maia Abbruzzese, 3rd, Open After Dinner Speaking and Finalist, Open Expository Speaking

· Natalie Shershow, 3rd Place, Open Duo Interpretation

· Ruby Belle Booth, 1st Place (Tournament Championship), Open Radio Commentary, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

· Yikai Peng, 1st Place (Tournament Champions) Open Literary Interpretation for English-Language Learners

· Zachary Nash, Finalist, Open Extemporaneous Speaking


· Laurel McGrane and Kelsey Dunn, Finalists, Open Public Forum Debate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

· Madeline Gochee and Ashok Kaushik, 2nd Place, Open Policy Debate

Team Sweepstakes

2nd place out of 22 teams

2015-16 Tournament Results -

2nd Annual Rose City Round Robin Debate Invitational


· Daniel Cohen, 2nd Place, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

· Adam Selker & Serenity Wade, Semifinalists, Open Public Forum Debate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

· Anisha RajBandary – 1st Place, Worlds Schools Debate (on a three person team with a students from Sunset and Oak Hills High Schools)

Debate Speakers (based on excellence oratory in debate)

  • Kate LeBlanc, 3rd Place, Worlds Schools Debate

University of Oregon Clark Forensic Invitational - February 19-20, 2016

Individual Events

  • Hank Sanders, Finalist in both Open Impromptu & Open Poetry

  • Jack Sanders, Finalist, Open Expository Speaking

  • Kate LeBlanc, Finalist in Extemporaneous Speaking and 3rd place in Open Impromptu Speaking, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Lia Voigt, 2nd Place, Duo Interp, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Maia Abbruzzese, 2nd Place, After Dinner Speaking, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Champiosnip

  • Natalie Shershow, 2nd Place, Duo Interp, and 1st Place, Prose Reading (Tournament Champion), earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship in each event

  • Noah Hoffman, 1st Place, Duo Interp (Tournament Champion), earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Orion Cleaver, 1st Place, Duo Interp (Tournament Champion), earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Sheila Panyam, 2nd Place in both Open Oratory Open and Radio Commentary, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship in each event


  • Orion Cleaver, 2nd Place, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Serenity Wade, Quarterfinalist, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Joe Schlechter and Madeline Gochee, Quarterfinalists, Open Policy Debate

Debate Speakers (based on excellence in Oratory in debate)

  • Orion Cleaver, 5th Place in Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Daniel Cohen, 1st Place in Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Kate LeBlanc, 4th Place in Open Parliamentary Debate

  • Ruby Belle Booth, 5th Place in Open Parliamentary Debate

Student Congress

  • Brad Subramanian, 1st Place Speaker

Lincoln High School Poetry Slam - February 17, 2016

  • Sheila Panyam, 1st Place

  • Hank Sanders, 2nd Place

Mt Hood Community College - February 13, 2016

Individual Events

  • Maia Abbruzzese, 1st, Open After Dinner Speaking (Tournament Champion), earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Zachary Nash, Finalist, Open Extemporaneous Speaking

  • Lia Voigt & Natalie Shershow, Finalists, Open Duo Interp


· Andria Tattersfield & Colin Phipps, Semifinalists, Open Parli Debate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

Student Congress

  • Jake Ehlers, 2nd Place Speaker

Team Sweepstakes

  • 6th place out of 28 teams

Lewis & Clark Jean Ward Invitational - January 15 & 16, 2016

Debate Results

  • Orion Cleaver, Semifinalist, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate, earning one leg to alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Kelsey Dunn & Laurel McGrane, Octo Finalists, Open Public Forum Debate

Debate Speakers (based on oratory)

  • Kelsey Dunn, 5th Place, Open Public Forum Debate

  • Laurel McGrane, 4th Place, Open Public Forum Debate

Individual Events

  • Kate LeBlanc, 3rd Place, Oratory, earning one leg to alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Maia Abbruzzese, 4nd Place, Open Informative Speaking & 3rd Place, Open After Dinner Speaking, earning one leg to alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Loy Msafiri, 2nd Place, Junior Literary Interp for English Language Learners

Pacific University Hap Hingston Forensics Invitational Tournament - January 7-8, 2016

Individual events

  • Andria Tattersfield: 6th place, Program Oral Interp

  • Angela Chow: 3rd place, Junior Literary Interp for Beginning and Intermediate English earners (LIELL)

  • Daniel Cohen: 2nd place, Open Radio Commentary, earning one point toward automatic qualification to the State Championship, Next Out After Finals, Open Impromptu

  • Jack Sanders: 5th place, Open Expository Speaking

  • Kate LeBlanc: 1st place, Open Extemporaneous Speaking (tournament champion), earning one point toward automatic qualification to the State Championship, 5th place, Open Oratory

  • Loy Msafiri: 2nd place, Junior Literary Interp for Beginning and Intermediate English earners (LIELL)

  • Maia Abbruzzese: 2nd place, Open After-Dinner speaking, earning one point toward automatic qualification to the State Championship, 4th Place Program Oral Interp, Semi-finalist, Open Radio Commentary

  • Natalie Shershow: 3rd place, Open Prose Reading, earning one point toward automatic qualification to the State Championship, 1st place (tournament champion), Open After-Dinner Speaking, earning one point toward automatic qualification to the State Championship,

  • Wilson Walker: Semifinalist, Junior Impromptu

  • Yikai Peng: 1st place (tournament champion) Junior Literary Interp for Beginning and Intermediate English Learners (LIELL)

  • Zachary Nash: 6th place, Open Extemporaneous Speaking


  • Joe Schlechter, Finalist, Junior Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Orion Cleaver, Semifinalist, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Daniel Cohen, 1st place, (tournament champion), Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Jack & Hank Sanders, Semifinalists, Open Parliamentary Debate, earning one point toward automatic qualification to the State Championship

  • Kelsey Dunn and Laurel McGrane: 1st place (tournament champion), Open Public Forum Debate, earning one point toward automatic qualification to the State Championship

Speakers (based on oratory in debate)

  • Daniel Cohen, 4th Place, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Hank Sanders, 4th Place, Open Parli Debate

  • Orion Cleaver, 2nd Place, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Wilson Walker, 2nd Place, Junior Parli Debate

  • Zoie Brauser, 5th Place, Open Public Forum Debate


· Teams~Lincoln High School, 1st Place out of 23 teams

· Individual Events Point Earners ~ Natalie Shershow, 3rd

Ridgefield Spudder - December 11-12, 2015

Student Congress

· Brad Subramaniam, 1st Place (Tournament Champion), Open Student Congress

· Maia Abbruzzese, 2nd Place, Open Student Congress

· Zachary Nash – 3rd Place, Open Student Congress

· Zelda Offermann – 2nd Place, Novice Student Congress


· Anisha Rabhandary- 1st Place (tournament champion), Open Public Forum Debate, earning one alternate qualification leg to the State Championship

· Orion Cleaver -1st Place (tournament champion), Open Public Forum Debate and 3rd Place, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate, earning one alternate qualification leg to the State Championship in both PF & LD

Individual Events

· Brad Subramaniam, Finalist, Dual Impromptu

· Emily Ma- Finalist, Editorial Commentary

· Maia Abbruzzese – 2st Place Expository Speaking & Finalist, Editorial Commentary

· Noah Hoffman, Finalist, Impromptu Speaking, and 3rd Place, Open Dual Interp, earning one bid the National Individual Event Tournament of Champions (NIETOC)

· Orion Cleaver, 3rd Place, Open Dual Interp, earning one bid the National Individual Event Tournament of Champions (NIETOC)

· Srinik Chinnam, Finalist, Dual Impromptu


§ Lincoln High School: 4th place out of 16 competing schools

Clackamas Holiday Edge - December 5, 2015

Individual Events

  • Christopher Schuring, 2nd Place, Novice Duo Interp

  • Ethan Dennis, Semifinalist, Open Dramatic Interp

  • Hank Sanders, Semifinalist, Open Storytelling and Open Poetry Reading

  • Jack Sanders, Semifinalist, Open Expository Speaking

  • Jamie Bikales, 3rd Place, Open Extemporaneous Speaking, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship and finalist, Open Expository Speaking

  • Illiana Schuring, Finalist, Novice Expository Speaking & 2nd Place, Novice Duo Interp

  • Loy Msafiri, 3rd Place, Open Literary Interp for English Language Learners

  • Lorna Perez, 1st Place, Open Literary Interp for English Language Learners (Tournament Champion)

  • Sheila Panyam, 2nd Place, Open Oratory tying for 1st and 3rd Place, Open Radio Commentary, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship in each event

  • Yikai Peng, 2nd Place, Open Literary Interp for English Language Learners

  • Zachary Nash, 2nd Place, Extemporaneous Speaking, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship


  • Maia Abbruzzese & Zachary Nash, Semifinalists, Open Parli Debate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Orion Clever, Semifinalist, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Zoie Brauser and Olivia Weissflog, Finalists, Open Public Forum Debate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Zelda Offerman & Ashok Kaushik, 1st place, Novice Policy Debate (Tournament Champions)


· 2nd out of 44 schools

Glencoe Crimson Tide – November 21, 2015


  • Orion Cleaver, 2nd Place, Open Lincoln-Douglas, earning one leg of alternate qualifications to the State Championship

Individual Events

  • Hank Sanders, 1st Place (Tournament Champion), Open Poetry, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Maia Abbruzzese: 1st Place (tournament champion), Open Radio Commentary, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship and 3rd Place, Open After Dinner Speaking, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Sheila Panyam, 2nd Place, Open Original Oratory

  • Ethan Dennis, 3rd Place, Open Memorized Serious Interp

Talent Show-

  • Maia Abbruzzese and Orion Cleaver, 3rd Place, Tournament Talent Show

Beaverton Winter Congress - November 19, 2015

Overall Awards (Based on Performance in Both Sessions)

  • Brad Subramaniam – 1st Place in Hottman* Senate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Orion Cleaver- 2nd Place in Hottman* Senate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Maia Abbruzzese – 3rd Place in Hottman* Senate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Kate LeBlanc – 1st Place in Evans House

*Alt Qual Senate had 20 pre-designated Open Members

Additionally, while not receiving awards, the following LHS S&D members received nominations for top speakers as follows:

  • Joseph Schlechter, 3rd place in session one & 7th place in session two of Evans House

  • Christopher Schuring– 2nd place in session one of Blanton House

  • Srinik Chinnam – 4th place in session one of Blanton House

  • Jake Ehlers – 5th place in session one of Hottman Senate

  • Zachary Nash – 8th place in session one of Hottman Senate

  • Jamie Bikales – 9th place in session one of Hottman Senate

Central Valley High School Bear Brawl in Spokane Valley, WA - November 13-14, 2015

Individual Events

  • Maia Abbruzzese, 1st Place (Tournament Champion), Open Original Performance


  • Laurel McGrane & Kelsey Dunn, Quarter Finalists, Open Public Forum Debate

Student Congress

  • Maia Abbruzzese - Super Congress Finalist (top 16 of 46)

  • Jake Ehlers -Super Congress Finalist (top 16 of 46)

  • Brad Subramaniam - 6th Place, Super Congress, thereby earning his first of two bids needed to qualify for the to the NATIONAL TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS in Kentucky in April 2016.

Sprague Debate Tournament - November 14, 2015


· Ashok Kaushik and Robert Cagle were undefeated in Policy Debate

· Ruby Belle Booth and Kate LeBlanc won three of four debates and Certificates for Outstanding Open Parli Debate

· Zachary Nash, Worlds Debate Recognition

· Joe Schlecter, Worlds Debate Recognition

· Ethan Dennis, Worlds Debate Recognition

Debate Speakers (based on excellence in oration in debate)

  • · Ashok Kaushik – 1st Place, Novice Policy Debate

  • · Robert Cagle – 2nd Place, Novice Policy Debate

  • · Madeline – 3rd Place, Novice Policy Debate

  • · Kate LeBlance – 2nd Place, Junior Parli Debate

Rose City Student Congress - November 10, 2015

Super Congress (top 20 out of 80 competitors)

Alison Bowden - Beaverton

Brad Subramaniam - LHS

Christopher Schuring- LHS

Jake Ehlers - LHS

Jonathan Huang- LHS

Kate LeBlanc - LHS

Lia Voigt - LHS

Maia Abbruzzese - LHS

Nina Spellman - Beaverton

Orion Cleaver - LHS

Rachel Wilczweski - Sam Barlow

Raja Moreno - LHS

Riley Wolfe - Beaverton

Robert Harris - Gresham

Silas Barman - Beaverton

Taylor Lewis - Cleveland

Terrel Cunningham - Cleveland

Veronika Kulik - Beaverton

Zachary Nash - LHS

The top three speakers (all earned one leg of alt qual to State) from the Super Congress-

1. Jake Ehlers- lhs

2. Kate LeBlanc- lhs

3. Orion Cleaver -lhs

Chair - Brad Subramaniam - lhs

The recognized chair as well as the top novice & open speakers in the other houses for the second session were as follows:


Novice/Open - both won by Hank Sanders - lhs

Chair - Jack & Hank Sanders - lhs

Best Portland Attire - Orion Cleaver- lhs

St. Johns-

Novice/Open - both won by Lucy Bishop - Beaverton

Chair - Kerissa Engin --Clatskanie

Best Portland Attire - Sid David - lhs


Open - Bill Qureshi - lhs

Chair - Srinik Chinnam - lhs

Novice - Illiana Schuring - lhs

Best Portland Attire- Illiana Schuring


Open- Katie Treanor - Sam Barlow

Novice- Indigo Allred - lhs

Chair - Alli Eroh - lhs

Best Portland Attire - Brad Subramaniam

Silverton Fox Invitational - November 7, 2015

Individual Events

  • Hank Sanders, 1st Place, Novice Impromptu (Tournament Champion)

  • Illiana Schuring, 2nd Place, Novice Expository Speaking & 3rd Place, Novice Humorous Interp

  • Loy Msafiri, 2nd Place, Open Literary Interp for English Language Learners

  • Lorna Perez, 1st Place, Open Literary Interp for English Language Learners (Tournament Champion)

  • Kelsey Dunn, Finalist, Open Prose Reading

  • Maia Abbruzzese, 2nd Place, Open Radio Commentary earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship, 2nd After Dinner Speaking earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship, Finalist Expository Speaking

  • Natalie Sherwood, 1st Place, Novice After Dinner Speaking (Tournament Champion), 3rd Place Novice Oratory and 1st Place Novice Prose (Tournament Champion)

  • Sheila Panyam, 3rd Place, Open Oratory tying for 1st, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Yikai Peng, 3rd Place, Open Literary Interp for English Language Learners

  • Zachary Nash, 2nd Place, Extemporaneous Speaking earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship


  • · Maia Abbruzzesse & Zachary Nash tying for 1st, Open Parli Debate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • · Robert Cagle & Ashok Kaushik, 1st place, Novice Policy Debate (Tournament Champions)


· 2nd out of 32 schools

Wilson High School Invitational, Portland, OR – Oct 23-24, 2015

Student Congress

The following students qualified for Super Congress (the finals made up of 20 competitors):

Andria Tattersfield

Brad Subramaniam

Hank Sanders

Kate LeBlanc

Jack Sanders

Jake Ehlers

Jamie Bikales

Jonathan Huang

Maia Abbruzzese

Zachary Nash

  • Kate LeBlanc, 1st Speaker in Super Congress, earning one leg of proven excellence to the State Championship

  • Zachary Nash, 3rd Speaker in Super Congress, earning one leg of proven excellence to the State Championship

  • Srinik Chinnam, 3rd Place in Wilson House


  • Kate LeBlanc & Ruby Belle Booth, 1st Place Novice Parliamentary Debate (Tournament Champions)

Individual Events

  • Brad Subramaniam, 2nd Place, Open Radio Commentary, earning one leg of proven excellence to the State Championship

  • Maia Abbruzzese, 2nd Place, Open After Dinner Speaking

  • Jonathan Huang, Finalist, Open Extemporaneous Speaking

  • Kate LeBlanc, 1st Place in Novice & Open Extemporaneous Speaking (Tournament Champion) earning one leg of proven excellence to the State Championship, Finalist, Novice Impromptu

  • Kelsey Dunn, 3rd Place, Open Prose Reading, earning one leg of proven excellence to the State Championship

  • Noah Hoffman and Orion Cleaver, 3rd Place Open Dual Interpretation

  • Noah Hoffman, 3rd Place, Open Poetry

  • Sheila Panyam, 2nd Place, Open Oratory, earning


Third out of 22 schools.

Oakhill Pure Policy Tournament Eugene, OR - Oc. 24, 2015

o Ashok Kaushik & Zelda Offermann, 2nd Place, Novice Policy Debate

o Raja Moreno & Madeline Gochee, 3rd Place, Novice Policy Debate

o Jay Sharubu & Cedric Wong, 2nd Place, JV Policy Debate

o Clara Schwab & Kate Weeks, 3rd Place, JV Policy Debate

Speaker Awards (based on excellence in oratory)

o Raja Moreno, Novice Policy Debate

o Madeline Gochee, Novice Policy Debate


  • 1st out of nine teams

South Albany Student Congress - Oct 20, 2015

  • Maia Abbruzzese - 1st Speaker, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Brad Subramaniam - 2nd Speaker, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

Willamette's Jerry Hudson High School Tournament, Salem, OR - Oct 17-18, 2015

Individual Events

  • Andria Tattersfield, Finalist, Junior Poetry Reading

  • -Bill Qureshi, Finalist, Junior Impromptu

  • Brad Subramaniam, Finalist, Senior Radio,

  • Hannah Wilson, 2nd Place, Junior Prose Read ing

  • Jack Sanders, 3rd Place, Open Expository Speaking

  • Julia Dodson, Finalist, Junior Poetry Reading

  • Kelsey Dunn, Finalist, Open Prose Reading

  • Lia Voigt and Natalie Shershow, 1st Place, Junior Dual Interpretation (Tournament Champions)

  • Maia Abbruzzese, First Place, 1st Place, Open After Dinner Speaking (Tournament Champion)

  • Noah Hoffman & Orion Cleaver, 1st Place, Dual Interpretation (TournamentChampions)

  • Srinik Chinnam, 2nd Place, Junior Extemporaneous

  • Tessa Cannon, Finalist, Junior Radio Commentary


  • Daniel Cohen, Quarter-finalist Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Hank Sanders, Semi-finalist, Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Andria Tattersfield and Jack Sanders, Quarterfinalists, Open Parli Debate

  • Lia Voigt and Natalie Shershow, Quarterfinalists, Novice Parli Debate

Speakers (based on oratory in debate)

  • Daniel Cohen, 1st Place, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Hank Sanders, 4th Place, Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Jack Sanders, 10th Place, Open Parli\Debate

  • Ethan Dennis, 10th Place, Junior Parli Debate

  • Hannah Wilson, 9th Place, Junior Parli Debate

  • Lia Voigt, 8th Place, Junior Parli Debate

  • Bill Qureshi, 4th Place, Junior Public Forum Debate

Team Sweepstakes –

Lincoln took 3rd in Sweepstakes out of 24 schools in Individual events.

We are still awaiting word on Debate & Overall Sweepstakes.

Silverton Novice Tournament - Silverton, OR - Oct 10, 2015

Individual Events-

  • Natalie Shershow, 1st Place in Novice Prose Reading (Tournament Champion) and 1st Place in Novice Oratory (Tournament Champion)

  • Ruby Belle Booth, Finalist in Novice Impromptu Speaking

  • Kate LeBlanc, 3rd in Novice Impromptu Speaking


  • Illiana Schuring & Olivia Weissflog, 1st place in Novice Public Forum Debate

  • Raja Moreno & Madeline Gochee, 2nd place in Novice Cross-Examination (as known as policy) Debate

Sam Barlow Fall Frenzy - Gresham, OR - Oct 3, 2015

Individual Events-

  • Brad Subramaniam, 3rd place, Open Radio Commentary

  • Emily Ma, Finalist, Open Radio Commentary

  • Hank Sanders, 1st Place, Novice Poetry, and Finalist, Novice Impromptu

  • Jack Sanders, 2nd Place, Open Expository Speaking

  • Jamie Bikales, 3rd Place, Open Program Oral Interpretation

  • Laurel McGrane, Finalist, Open Prose Reading

  • Mai Abbruzzese, 1st Place, Open After Dinner Speaking (Tournament Champion)

  • Michael McPhee, 3rd Place, Novice Radio Commentary

  • Natalie Shershow, 1st Place, Novice Prose Reading (Tournament Champion)

  • Noah Hoffman, 1st Place Tie, Open Humorous Interpretation (Tournament Champion)

  • Olivia Weissflog, 2nd Place, Novice Radio Commentary

  • Raja Moreno, 1st Place, Novice Impromptu Speaking (Tournament Champion)

  • Sheila Panyam, 2nd Place, Open Oratory

  • Zachary Nash, Finalist, Extemporaneous Speaking


  • Hank Sanders, 1st Place, Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate (Tournament Champion)

  • Kelsey Dunn & Laurel McGrane, 2nd Place, Open Public Forum Debate

  • Danny Cohen, Semi-finalist, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate


2014-15 Tournament Results-

2015 OSAA State Speech & Debate Championship - Western Oregon University, Monmouth - April 23-25


  • Kelsey Dunn & Laurel McGrane, 2nd Place, Public Forum Debate

  • Miles Stepleton & Lukas Schwab, Semifinalists, Oregon Style Cross-Examination Debate

  • Daniel Cohen, Octofinalist, Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Brian Yang: Octofinalist, Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Daniel Lawrence & Orion Cleaver: Octofinalists, Parliamentary Debate

  • Alex Serrurier & William Leo: Octofinalists, Parliamentary Debate

  • Colin Phipps & Amy Qiu: Octofinalists, Parliamentary Debate

Individual Events

  • JiaHui Liu, State Champion, Literary Interpretation for Beginning English Language Learns (LIBELL)

  • Noah Hoffman: Finalist, After Dinner Speaking

  • Sheila Panyam: Semifinalist, Original Oratory

  • Daniel Lawrence: Semifinalist, After Dinner Speaking

Student Congress

  • Brad Subramanian, 2nd Place Speaker, Super Congress

  • Jake Ehlers, Finalist, Super Congress

Sweepstakes (award for overall school performance)

  • Lincoln High School: 3rd place in the 6A division (out of 29 total schools); 3rd out of 65 high schools within Oregon (including all divisions)

North Oregon National Speech & Debate Association's Qualifying Tournament for Student Congress

  • Brian Yang: 1st Place in House 1, Qualifier to 2015 National Speech & Debate Championship in Dallas, TX, in June

Beaverton High School Hawaiian Student Congress - April 9, 2015

Overall Awards (Based on Performance in Both Sessions)

  • Zachary Nash- 1st place speaker in Hottman Hale

  • Jack Sanders - 2nd place speaker in Nakatani Hale

  • Jake Ehlers - 3rd place in Nakatani Hale

Best Hawaiian Attire

  • Maia Abbruzzese - top prize winner of a ripe pineapple

Lincoln High School's Poetry Slam (top two go to Verselandia) - April 7, 2015

  • Rona Wang & Jamie Bikales - Tied for 1st

  • Maia Abbruzzese - alternate

2015 District 13 Finals at Cleveland & Lincoln High Schools in Portland - April 2st, 3th and 4th of 2015


  • Alex Serrurier & William Leo: 1st place, Parliamentary Debate, qualifying to State

  • Orion Cleaver & Daniel Lawrence: 2nd place, Parliamentary Debate, qualifying to State

  • Colin Phipps & Amy Qui: 3rd place, Parliamentary Debate, qualifying to State

  • Kelsey Dunn & Laurel McGrane: 1st place, Public Forum Debate, qualifying to State

  • Daniel Cohen: 2nd place, Lincoln-Douglas Debate, qualifying to State

  • Brian Yang, Lincoln-Douglas, qualifying to State with Proven Excellence

  • Lukas Schwab & Miles Stepleton: 1st place, Cross-Examination Debate, qualifying to State

  • Alli Eroh, Cedric Wong, Jay Sharabu & Laurel Douthit, 5th place, Cross-Examination Debate, alternate to state

  • Kate Weeks & Clara Schwab: 4th place, Cross-Examination Debate, qualifying to State

  • Brad Subramanian: Qualifying to State in Student Congress

  • Jake Ehlers: Qualifying to State in Student Congress

Individual Events

  • Brian Yang: 3rd place, Impromptu Speaking, qualifying to State;

  • Clara Schwab: 4th place, Prose Reading, alternate to State;

  • Daniel Lawrence, 1st place, After Dinner Speaking, qualifying to State;

  • Juhui Lui: 1st place, Literary Interp for Beginning and Intermediate English Learners (LIBIELL), qualifying to State;

  • Lukas Schwab: 3rd place, Radio Commentary, qualifying to to State;

  • Maia Abbruzzese, 4th place, Impromptu Speaking, alternate to State;

  • Noah Hoffman, After Dinner Speaking, qualifying to State with Proven Excellence;

  • Sheila Panyam, 2nd place, Original Oratory, qualifying to State;

  • Zachary Nash, 3rd place, Extemporaneous Speaking, alternate to State


  • Lincoln took 2nd place out of five schools competing

North Oregon National Speech & Debate Association's Qualifying Tournament at Mt. Hood Community College in Gresham - March 19-21, 2015

  • Brian Yang, 3rd Place, Lincoln-Douglas Debate (1st Alternate NATIONAL QUALIFIER & earning one leg to alternate qualification to the State Championship)

  • Miles Stepleton & Lukas Schwab, 3rd Place, Policy debate (1st Alternate NATIONAL QUALIFIER)

Oregon City High School Forensics Invitational, March 7, 2015

Individual Events

  • Anisha RajBhandary, Finalist, Open Prose

  • Daniel Lawrence, 3rd Place, Open After Dinner Speaking, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Juhui Liu: 1st place (tournament champion), Senior Literary Interpretation for Beginning & Intermediate English-Language Learners

  • Noah Hoffman, 1st Place (tournament champion), Open After Dinner Speaking, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Sheila Panyam, Finalist, Open Radio

  • Will Leo, Finalist, Open Extemporaneous Speaking


  • Alex Serrurier & Will Leo, Finalists (no final round held), Open Parli Debate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

Student Congress

  • Brad Subramaniam, 3rd Place Speaker

Team Sweepstakes

2nd place out of 31 teams

Rose City Round Robin @ Lincoln High School - February 27-28, 2015


  • Brian Yang, 1st Place, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Orion Cleaver, Semifinalist , Open Lincoln-Douglas, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

Debate Speakers (based on excellence oratory in debate)

  • Brian Yang, 1st Place, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Lukas Schwab, 2nd Place, Open Policy Debate

Lincoln High School Poetry Out Loud Recitation Contest - February 26, 2015

  • Anna Smiley, 1st Place Speaker

  • Mai O'Neill, 2nd Place Speaker

University of Oregon Clark Forensic Invitational - February 20-21, 2015

Individual Events

  • Brian Yang, 7th Place, Open Impromptu

  • Sheila Panyam, 3rd Place, Open Oratory, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship and 7th Place, Open Radio Commentary

  • Kelsey Dunn, 4th Place, Open Prose

  • Noah Hoffman, 2nd Place, After Dinner Speaking, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Maia Abbruzzese, 6th Place, Open Impromptu


  • Orion Cleaver & Daniel Lawrence, Quarterfinalists, Open Parliamentary Debate

  • Danielle Zusman & Noah Hoffman, Semifinalists, Open Parliamentary Debate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Julia Dodson & Tessa Cannon, Semifinalists, Junior Public Forum Debate

  • Miles Stepleton & Lukas, 2nd Place, Open Policy Debate

Debate Speakers (based on excellence in Oratory in debate)

  • Orion Cleaver, 3rd Place in Open Parliamentary Debate

  • Clara Schwab, 10th Place in Open Policy Debate

  • Lukas Schwab, 6th Place in Open Policy Debate

  • Miles Stepleton, 4th Place in Open Policy Debate

Student Congress

  • Jakes Ehlers, 6th Place Speaker

  • Brad Subramanian, 4th Place Speaker

Mt Hood Community College All Saints Invitational - February 14, 2015

Individual Events

  • Anisha RajBhandary, Finalist, Open Prose

  • Maia Abbruzzese, Finalist, Open Poetry

  • Sheila Panyam, 2nd Place, Open Oratory, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Noah Hoffman, Finalist, Open Impromptu

  • Emily Ma, 3rd Place, Open Radio, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship


  • Sheila Panyam & Emily Ma, Semifinalists, Open Parli Debate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

Student Congress

  • Jake Ehlers, Most Influential Congress Person

  • Brad Subramaniam, 1st Place Speaker

  • Jake Ehlers, 2nd Place Speaker

Team Sweepstakes

Tie for 5th place out of 20 teams

Canby High School Student Congress - February 12, 2015

  • Jake Ehlers, 1st Place Speaker

  • Leo Wiswall, 2nd Place Speaker

Also receiving nominations for outstanding speaker

  • Maia Abbruzzese

  • Brad Subramaniam

OUTSTANDING CHAIR (elected to serve and in charge of 2 of 2 sessions; however, he did not compete for speaker awards)

  • Zachary Nash

Wilson High School Invitational – February 7, 2015

Debate Results

  • Miles Stepleton & Lukas Schwab, 1st Place, Policy Debate (Tournament Champion)

  • Amy Qiu & Colin Phipps, Finalists, tying for 1st, Open Parli Debate, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Mai O’Neill & Stella Augustine, 1st Place, Open Public Forum Debate

  • Zoie Brauser & Kelsey Dunn, 2nd Place, Open Public Forum Debate

Individual Events

  • Noah Hoffman, 1st Place, After Dinner Speaking and 2nd Place, Open Impromptu Speaking, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Alex Serrurier, 1st Place, Open Extemporaneous Speaking

  • Will Leo, 2nd Place, Open Extemporaneous Speaking

  • Clara Schwab, 3rd Place, Open Poetry Reading

  • Maia Abbruzzese, Finalist, Open Poetry Reading

  • Anisha RajBhandary, Finalist, Open Prose Reading

  • Mai O’Neill, 3rd Place, Open Radio Commentary, earning one leg of alternate qualification to the State Championship, and Finalist in Open Impromptu

  • Amy Qiu, Finalist, Open Radio Commentary

  • Jack Sanders, Finalist, Open Radio Commentary


  • 1st Place, Debate Sweepstakes

  • 1st Place, Individual Events Sweepstakes

  • 1st Place, Overall Sweepstakes for debate & individual events

Lewis & Clark Jean Ward Invitational - January 30 & 31, 2015

Debate Results

  • Brian Yang, 1st Place, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate (Tournament Champion) earning one leg to alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Maia Abbruzzese, Semi Finalist, Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Julia Dodson & Tessa Cannon, 2nd Place, Novice Public Forum Debate

Debate Speakers (based on oratory)

  • Brian Yang, 1st Place, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Stella Augustine, 3rd Place, Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Julia Dodson, 5th Place, Novice Public Forum Debate

  • Miles Stepleton, 8th Place, Open Policy Debate

Individual Events

  • Noah Hoffman, 2nd Place, Impromptu Speaking, earning one leg to alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Cedric Wong, 4th Place, Novice Extemporaneous Speaking

  • Julia Dodson, 2nd Place, Novice Poetry Reading

  • Kate Weeks, 3rd Place, Novice Poetry Reading

  • Lea Kapur, 4th Place, Novice Poetry Reading

Student Congress

  • Brad Subramaniam, 2nd Place, Open Student Congress

  • Jake Ehlers, 4th Place, Open Student Congress

  • Caitlin Huang, 6th Place, Open Student Congress


  • 3rd Place, Debate Sweepstakes

  • 4th Place, Individual Events Sweepstakes

  • 4th Place, Overall Sweepstakes for debate & individual events

Glencoe Crimson Tide - January 17, 2015

  • Amy Qiu & Colin Phipps – Finalists, Senior Parliamentary Debate (earning one point toward proven excellence qualification to our State Championship)

  • Amy Qui - Finalist, Open Radio

Tigard Student Congress - January 15, 2015

House 1 (Based on best speaker nominations)

  • · Bill Qureshi- 1st Place

House 2 (Based on best speaker nominations)

  • · Jamie Bikales- 2nd Place

Super Congress Members (4 of the 15 were from Lincoln)

  • · Maia Abbruzzese

  • · Zachary Nash

  • · Jonathan Cordisco

  • · Jake Ehlers

Super Congress (Top Speakers Overall in the StuCo based on nominations)

· Zachary Nash – 5th Place

· Jonathan Cordisco – 7th Place

OUTSTANDING CHAIRS (elected to serve and in charge of each session; however, they don’t compete for speaker awards)

  • House 1 – Isaac Hoffman

  • House 3 - Stella Wiswall

  • Super Congress – Jake Ehlers

Pacific Hap Hingston Invitational - Jan 9-10, 2015

Individual events

  • Bill Qureshi - 5th place, Junior Impromptu

  • Cedric Wong - Semifinalist, Junior Impromptu

  • Clara Schwab - 4th place, Junior Radio Commentary

  • Daniel Lawrence - 6th place, Senior After-Dinner Speaking

  • Lukas Schwab - 1st place, Senior Radio Commentary (earning one point toward proven excellence qualification to our State Championship)

  • Maia Abbruzzese - (next to place) 1st Out of Finals, Junior Poetry Reading

  • Noah Hoffman - (next to place) 1st Out of Finals, Senior Radio Commentary

  • Zachary Nash – Semifinalist, Senior Impromptu


  • LINCOLN CLOSED OUT OPEN PARLIAMENTARY DEBATE thereby earning 1st & 2nd place without a final debate

  • Daniel Lawrence & Orion Cleaver, Finalists, Senior Parliamentary Debate (earning one point toward proven excellence qualification to our State Championship)

  • Amy Qiu & Colin Phipps – Finalists, Senior Parliamentary Debate (earning one point toward proven excellence qualification to our State Championship)

  • Maia Abbruzzese & Zachary Nash, 2nd place, Junior Parliamentary Debate

  • Alex Serrurier & Will Leo - Semifinalists, Parliamentary Debate (earning one point toward proven excellence qualification to our State Championship)

  • Mai O’Neill & Stella Augustine, 2nd place in Senior Public Forum Debate (earning one point toward proven excellence qualification to our State Championship)

  • Lukas Schwab & Clara Schwab, 2nd place in Senior Policy Debate

Debate Speakers (for excellence in Oratory)

  • Lukas Schwab – 1st place, Senior Policy Debate

  • Orion Clever – 2nd place, Senior Parliamentary Debate

  • Alex Serrurier – 4th place, Senior Parliamentary Debate

  • Daniel Lawrence – 5th place, Senior Parliamentary Debate


  • 1ST place in debate

  • 2nd place overall (debate & ie's)

Ridgefield Spudder – December 12-13, 2014

Student Congress

  • Stella Wiswall - 2nd Place, Novice Student Congress

  • Zachary Nash – 1st Place, Novice Student Congress


  • Adeline Graham– 1st Place (tournament champion), Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate (earning one point toward proven excellence qualification to our State Championship)

  • Justin Huang- 2nd Place, Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Caitlin Huang & Ivy Decker - Tie for 3rd Place, Novice Public Forum Debate

  • Maia Abbruzzese – 1st Place (tournament champion), Novice Spontaneous Argumentation Debate (SPAR)

  • Zachary Nash – Tie for 3rd Place, Novice SPAR

  • Jamie Bikales – Tie for 3rd Place, Novice SPAR

Individual Events

  • Maia Abbruzzese – 1st Place (tournament champion), Novice Extemporaneous Speaking, 3rd Place & Novice Impromptu Speaking, 3rd Place, Novice Duo Impromptu with Zachary Nash

  • Jamie Bikales - 3rd Place, Novice Extemporaneous Speaking

  • Zachary Nash - 2nd Place, Novice Impromptu Speaking & 3rd Place, Novice Duo Impromptu with Maia Abbruzzese


  • Lincoln High School: 3rd place out of 23 competing schools

Sam Barlow Student Congress - December 9, 2014

House 1 (Based on best speaker nominations)

  • Brad Subramaniam - 1st Place

  • Zachary Nash- 2nd Place (Top Novice in House 1)

House 2 (Based on best speaker nominations)

  • Jonathan Cordisco - 2nd Place (Top Novice in House 2)

  • Leo Wiswall - 3rd Place

Top Novice Awards (based on speaker points rates on both Houses 1 & 2)

  • Jake Ehlers - 1st Place

Clackamas Holiday Edge Invitational - December 6, 2014


  • Lukas Schwab & Miles Stepleton– Finalists (no final round), Open Policy Debate (earning one point toward proven excellence qualification to our State Championship)

  • Alex Serrurier & Colin Phipps- Finalists (no final round), Open Parliamentary Debate (earning one point toward proven excellence qualification to our State Championship)

Individual Events

  • Zachary Nash – 1st place (tournament champion), Novice Impromptu Speaking & 3rd place, Novice Extemporaneous Speaking

  • Maia Abbruzzese, 4th place, Novice Poetry Reading\


  • Lincoln High School: 7th out of 47 schools based on Open results only

Additionally, while not receiving awards, the following team members received nominations for top speakers in the Student Congress: Jonathan Cordisco, Will Leo, Bill Qureshi and Brad Subramaniam.

Forest Grove High School Speech & Debate Invitational - November 22, 2014


  • Lukas Schwab & Miles Stepleton, 2nd Place, Open Policy Debate

  • Mason Beinlich & Andy Nguyen, 1st Place (Tournament Champions), Novice Policy Debate

Individual Events

  • Clara Schwab, 1st Place (Tournament Champion), Novice Prose Reading, 1st Place, (Tournament Champion) Novice Radio Commentary, Finalist, Novice Poetry Reading, Finalist, Novice Impromptu Speaking and TOP NOVICE SPEAKER SWEEPS.

  • Jamie Bikales, 1st Place (Tournament Champion), Novice Extemporaneous Speaking and 3rd Place, Open Extemporaneous Speaking in collapsed divisions, Finalist, Novice Radio Commentary

  • Maia Abbrurzzese, Finalist, Novice Impromptu Speaking

  • Cedric Wong, 2nd Place, Novice Impromptu Speaking

  • Elle Budd, Finalist Novice Poetry Reading

Speakers (based on oratory in debate)

  • Laurel Douthit, 4th Place, Novice Policy Debate

  • Lukas Schwab, 4th Place, Open Policy Debate

  • Miles Stepleton, 5th Place, Open Policy Debate

  • Sheila Panyam, 4th Place, Open Parli Debate

  • Jack Sanders, 2nd Place, Open Parli Debate


· Lincoln Speech & Debate Team, 3rd Place in Team Sweeps

· Clara Schwab, 1st Place, Novice Individual Events Top Speaker

Beaverton High School Debate Student Congress - November 20, 2014

Overall Awards (Based on Performance in Both Sessions)

  • Leo Wiswall- 1st Speaker in House 2

  • Jamie Bikales – 3rd place speaker in House 2

  • Jonathan Cordisco - 1st place speaker in House 1

  • Zachary Nash- 3rd place speaker in House 3

  • Brad Subramaniam - Outstanding Chair in House 3

Additionally, while not receiving awards, the following LHS S&D members received nominations for top speakers as follows:

  • Bill Qureshi, 5th place in session one of House 1

  • Isaac Hoffman – 2nd place in session two of House 2

  • Jake Ehlers - 3rd place in session two of House 3

Sprague High School Debate Invitational - November 15, 2014


  • Maia Abbruzzese & Zachary Nash, 1st Place (Tournament Champions), Novice Parli Debate

  • Stella Augustine & Anisha RajBhandary, 1st Place (Tournament Champions), Novice Public Forum Debate

  • Will Leo & Alex Serrurier won three of four debates and Certificates for Outstanding Open Parli Debate

Debate Speakers (based on excellence in oration in debate)

  • Zachary Nash, 1st Place, Novice Parli Debate

  • Stella Augustine, 3rd Place, Novice Public Forum Debate

  • Anisha RajBhandary, 1st Place Novice Public Forum Debate

Silverton Fox Invitational - November 8, 2014


  • Maia Abbruzzese, 3rd Place, Novice Extemporaneous Speaking

  • Zachary Nash, 3rd Place, Novice Impromptu Speaking

  • Sheila Panyam, 4th Place, Open Oratory


  • Sheila Panyam & Emily Ma, were undefeated in Open Parli Debate; while they did not advance to the final round based on speaker points, they did earn one point towards proven excellence qualification to theState Championship.DEBATE

DEBATE SPEAKERS (based on excellence in debate oratory)

  • Sheila Panyam, 2nd Place, Open Parli Debate

  • Zachary Nash, 2nd Place, Novice Parli Debate

Whitman College - October 31-November 2, 2014


  • Clara Schwab, 2nd Place, Junior Oral Interpretation

  • Stella Augustine, 5th Place, Junior Oral Interpretation


  • Brian Yang, 2nd Place, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate (earning not only one point toward proven excellence qualification to our State Championship but also picking up his FIRST BID to the NATIONAL TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS in Kentucky in April 2015.)

DEBATE SPEAKERS (based on excellence in debate oratory)

  • Brian Yang, 8th Place, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Oak Hill Pure Policy Debate Tournament - October 25, 2014


  • Miles Stepleton & Lukas Schwab, 1st Place (tournament champions) in Varsity Policy Debate

  • Lea Kapur & Kate Weeks, 3rd Place in Novice Policy Debate

Speakers (based on oratory in debate)

  • Lea Kapur, 2nd Place, Novice Policy Debate

  • Lukas Schwab, 2nd Place, Varsity Policy Debate

  • Brian Yang, 3rd Place, Varsity Policy Debate

  • Miles Stepleton, 5th Place, Varsity Policy Debate


  • Lincoln High School Speech & Debate Team, 1st Place at Oak Hill Pure Policy Debate Tournament

South Albany Student Congress - October 21, 2014

Overall Awards (Based on Performance in Both Sessions)

· Leo Wiswall- Outstanding Student Congress Presiding Officer

· Jake Ehlers- 1st place speaker in the National House

· Brad Subramaniam – 3rd place speaker in the National House

· Jamie Bikales – 3rd place speaker in the American House

Additionally, while not receiving awards, the following LHS S&D members received nominations for top speakers as follows:

  • Zachary Nash – 6th place in 1st session, 3rd place in 2nd session (American House)

  • Ethan Dennis – 7th pace in 1st session, 5th place in 2nd Session (American House)

  • Issac Hoffman – 6th place in session one, 4th place in 2nd session (National House)

Willamette University Jerry Hudson Forensic Tournament - October 17-18, 2014

·Individual Events

  • Juhui Liu: 1st place (tournament champion), Senior Literary Interpretation for Beginning & Intermediate English-Language Learners

  • Brian Yang: 3rd Place, Open Impromptu (earning one point toward proven excellence qualification to our State Championship)

  • Noah Hoffman, Finalist, Radio Commentary; 3rd Place, Humorous Interpretation

  • Jack Sanders, 3rd Place, Open Expository Speaking

  • Maia Abbruzzese, Finalist, Junior Poetry Reading


  • Brian Yang, 2nd Place, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate (earning one point toward proven excellence qualification to our State Championship)

  • Justin Huang, Semi-finalist, Junior Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Mai O'Neill & Stella Augustine, Quarterfinalists, Open Public Forum Debate

  • Emma Nash & Hannah Wilson, Quarterfinalists, Novice Parli Debate

Speakers (based on oratory in debate)

  • Jonathan Huang, 5th place, Junior Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Justin Huang, 5th place, Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Isaac Hoffman, 4th place, Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Brian Yang, 2nd place, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Tessa Cannon, 8th place, Novice Public Forum Debate

  • Zachary Nash, 7th place, Jr. Parli Debate

  • Hannah Wilson, 8th place, Novice Parli Debate

  • Emma Nash, 2nd place, Novice Parli Debate

  • Orion Cleaver, 8th place, Open Parli Debate

Silverton Novice Invitational - October 12, 2014

Clara Schwab, 3rd place, Novice Poetry Reading

Sam Barlow Invitational - October 5th, 2014

Individual Events-

  • Noah Hoffman, 2nd place in Open Humorous Interpretation

  • Clara Schwab, Finalist in Novice Prose Reading

  • Brian Yang, Finalist in Open Impromptu Speaking

  • Sheila Panyam, 1st place in Open Radio (earning one point toward proven excellence qualification to our State Championship) and 3rd place in Open Oratory

  • Lukas Schwab, 3rd place in Open Radio (earning one point toward proven excellence qualification to our State Championship)

  • Gaby Lemieux, 1st in Novice Expository Speaking and 3rd place in Novice Extemporaneous Speaking

  • Justin Huang, 3rd place in Novice Radio

  • Isaac Hoffman, 2nd place in Novice Extemporaneous Speaking


  • Justin Huang, 3rd place in Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Jake Ehlers & Stella Augustine, 1st place in Novice Public Forum Debate

  • Lukas Schwab & Miles Stepleton, 2nd place in Open Cross-Examination Debate

  • Brian Yang, 2nd place in Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate (earning one point toward proven excellence qualification to our State Championship)

  • Alex Serrurier & Will Leo, Semi-finalists in Open Parli Debate (earning one point toward proven excellence qualification to our State Championship)

  • Noah Hoffman & Flynn Milligan, undefeated in Open Parli Debate

2013-14 Tournament Results-

Here's a rundown of how our team did last year:

2014 OSAA State Speech & Debate Championship - Western Oregon University, Monmouth - April 24-26


  • McKinley Rodriguez: State Champion, Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Brian Yang: Semifinalist, Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Emma Hoffman & Alejandra Padin-Dujon: Octofinalists, Parliamentary Debate

  • Sven Burke & Adam Selker: Octofinalists, Parliamentary Debate

  • Jack Sanders: Finalist in Super Congress, Student Congress

Individual Events

  • JiaHui Liu, State Champion, Literary Interpretation for Beginning English Language Learns (LIBELL)

  • McKinley Rodriguez: 2nd place, Extemporaneous Speaking

  • Kate Liu: Semifinalist, Prose Reading

Four year award

  • Emma Hoffman

  • McKinley Rodriguez

Sweepstakes (award for overall school performance)

  • Lincoln High School: 5th place in the 6A division (out of 27 total schools); 6th out of 65 high schools within Oregon (including all divisions)

2014 District 13 Finals at Cleveland High School in Portland - April 2nd, 4th and 5th


  • Kelsey Dunn & Laurel McGrane: 4th place, Public Forum Debate, alternates to State

  • McKinley Rodriguez: 3rd place, Lincoln-Douglas Debate, qualifying to State

  • Brian Yang: 4th place, Lincoln-Douglas, qualifying to State with Proven Excellence

  • Alejandra Padin-Dujon & Emma Hoffman: 1st place tie, Parliamentary Debate, qualifying to State

  • Adam Selker & Sven Burke: 1st place tie, Parliamentary Debate, qualifying to State

  • Lukas Schwab & Yiling Liu: 2nd place, Cross-Examination Debate, qualifying to State

  • Jack Sanders: qualifying to State in Student Congress

  • Evan Ipock: qualifying to State in Student Congress

Individual Events

  • Juhui Lui: Top two, Literary Interp for Beginning and Intermediate Engl Learners (LIBIELL), qualifying to State

  • McKinley Rodriguez: 2nd place, Extemporaneous Speaking, qualifying to State; 3rd place, Impromptu Speaking, alternate to State

  • Alejandra Padin-Dujon: 2nd place, Impromptu Speaking, qualifying to State

  • Kate Liu: 3rd place, Poetry Reading, alternate to State; Prose Reading, qualifying to State with Proven Excellence

  • Marjorie Sheiman: 3rd place, Dramatic Interpretation, alternate to State

  • Daniel Cohen & Alex Denman-Still: 3rd place, Dual Interpretation, alternate to State

  • Daniel Cohen: 3rd place, Oratory, alternate to State

  • Brian Yang: Finalist, After Dinner Speaking

North Oregon National Forensics League Qualifying Tournament at Mt. Hood Community College in Gresham - March 20-22

  • McKinley Rodriguez, 2014 North Oregon NFL District Student of the Year and 3rd place, International Extemp (1st Alternate NATIONAL QUALIFIER & earning one leg to alternate qualification to the State Championship)

Oregon City High School Invite - Mar 1, 2014

Debate Speakers (based on oratory)

  • McKinley Rodriguez, 4th Place Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Debate Results

  • Brian Yang, Open Lincoln-Douglas Semifinalist, earning one leg to alternate qualification to the State Championship

Individual Events

  • Brian Yang, Finalist, Open After Dinner Speaking

  • McKinley Rodriguez, 2nd Place, Open Impromptu Speaking, earning one leg to alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Kathryn Liu, 2nd Place, Open Prose Reading, earning one leg to alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Daniel Cohen, Finalist, Open Oratory

Sprague Student Congress - Feb 25, 2014

  • Jack Sanders tied for 1st Speaker in Junior Division Student Congress Debate

  • McKinley Rodriguez tied for 3rd Speaker in Senior Division Student Congress Debate

Robert G. Clark Invitation Forensics Tournament at Univ. of Oregon at Eugene – Feb. 21-22, 2014

Debate Speakers (based on oratory)

  • Brian Yang, 2nd Place Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Orion Cleaver, 8th Place Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Jack Sanders, 9th Place Junior Parliamentary Debate

  • Miles Stepleton, 7th Place Tie in Open Policy Debate

  • Lukas Schwab, 9th Place Open Policy Debate

Debate Results

  • LINCOLN CLOSED OUT OPEN LD (bringing home 1st & 2nd place without a final debate)

  • McKinley Rodriguez, Open LD FINALIST (Tournament Champion Close-Out), earning one leg to alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Brian Yang, Open LD FINALIST (Tournament Champion Close-Out), earning one leg to alternate qualification to the State Championship

  • Sheila Panyam & Jack Sanders, Quarterfinalists Junior Parliamentary Debate

Individual Events

  • Brian Yang, 1st place (Tournament Champion), Open After Dinner Speaking, earning one leg to alternate qualification to the State Championship as well as the opportunity to perform his ADS at Awards; Finalist, Extemporaneous Speaking

  • McKinley Rodriguez, 2nd Place, Open Poetry Reading, earning one leg to alternate qualification to State

  • Laurel McGrane, 2nd Place, Junior Prose; finalist, Junior Radio Commentary

  • Nawaal Imam, Finalist, Junior Prose

  • Jack Sanders, Finalist, Open Expository Speaking


  • 3rd Place in Debate Sweepstakes for Large Schools with 10 or more competitors

  • 3rd Place in Overall Sweepstakes (for debate & individual events) for Large Schools with 10 or more competitors

Lewis & Clark Jean Ward High Invitational - Jan 31 & Feb 1


  • Jack Sanders, 6th Place, Sr. Student Congress

  • Daniel Cohen and Alex Denman-Still, Quarterfinalists, Sr. Parli Debate

  • Emma Hoffman and Alejandra Padin, Quarterfinalists, Sr. Parli Debate

Individual Events:

  • Genevieve Kolar, Finalist, Novice Prose Reading

  • Daniel Cohen, Semifinalist, Open Radio as well as Semifinalist, Open Impromptu

  • Jack Sanders, Finalist, Novice Radio

McMinnville Invitational - January 25, 2014

  • McKinley Rodriguez – Semifinalist, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate, earning one point toward automatic qualification to the State Championship

Glencoe Crimson Tide - January 18, 2014

  • Adam Selker: Finalist, Open Impromptu Speaking

  • Oliver Risch: 1st Place (tournament champion), Talent Show (earning the adoration of the crowd for his performance of a Sonata in G Major by Beethoven)

Pacific University Hap Hingston Forensics Tournament - January 10-11, 2014

Individual events

  • Juhui Liu: 1st place, Junior Literary Interp for Beginning and Intermediate Engl Learners (LIBIELL)

  • Feiran Chen: 2nd place, Junior Literary Interp for Beginning and Intermediate Engl Learners (LIBIELL)

  • Lukas Schwab: 2nd place, Senior Radio Commentary, earning one point toward automatic qualification to the State Championship

  • Kathryn Liu: 6th place, Senior Prose Reading

  • Sven Burke: 6th place, Senior After-Dinner Speaking

  • Daniel Cohen: 5th place, Junior Oratory

  • Alex Denman-Still: (next to place) 1st Out of Finals, Junior After-Dinner Speaking

  • Emma Hoffman, Semifinalist, Senior Radio

  • Laurel McGrane: Semifinalist, Junior Poetry

  • Zoie Brauser: Semifinalist, Junior Poetry

  • Genevieve Kolar: Semifinalist, Junior Poetry

  • Evan Ipock: Semifinalist, Junior Poetry


  • Adam Selker: Semifinalist, Junior Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Brian Yang: Quarterfinalists, Senior Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Serenity Wade and Evan Ipock, Quarterfinalist, Junior Parliamentary Debate

  • Emma Hoffman and Alejandra Padin: Quarterfinalists, Senior Parliamentary Debate

  • Madeline Cannon and Anna Cannon: Quarterfinalists, Junior Public Forum Debate

  • Kelsey Dunn and Laurel McGrane: Quarterfinalist, Junior Public Forum Debate

Ridgefield Spudder Invitational - December 13 & 14, 2013


  • Brian Yang– Tie for 3rd place, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Orion Cleaver – Tie for 3rd place, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Jack Sanders – 1st place (tournament champion), Novice Student Congress Debate

  • Noah Hoffman – 1st place (tournament champion), Junior Student Congress Debate

Individual Events

  • Noah Hoffman & Adam Selker 2nd place, Open Duo Impromptu

Clackamas Holiday Edge Speech & Debate Tournament - December 7, 2013


  • Lukas Schwab & Miles Stepleton– 1st place (tournament champion), Open Cross-Examination Debate

Individual Events

  • Jack Sanders – 1st place (tournament champion), Novice Expository Speaking

  • Feiran Chen – 1st place (tournament champion), Open LIBIELL

  • Juhui Liu – 2nd place, Open LIBIEL

Forest Grove High School Speech & Debate Invitational - November 23, 2013


  • Lukas Schwab & Miles Stepleton: 3rd seed (ranked 3rd in preliminary rounds), Open Cross-Examination Debate

  • Brian Yang: 3rd place, Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate; 1st place speaker (for quality of oration), Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • William Leo & Alex Serrurier: 2nd place, Open Parliamentary Debate, earning one point toward automatic qualification to the State Championship

Individual Events

  • Kathryn Liu: 2nd place, Open Poetry Reading, earning one point toward automatic qualification to the State Championship; 3rd place, Open Prose Reading, earning one point toward automatic qualification to the State Championship

  • Tal Wolman: 1st place, Novice Prose Reading (winning the Outstanding Novice award in Prose Reading, having competed against older and more experienced competitors)

Silverton High School Fox Invitational Tournament - November 9, 2013


  • Emma Hoffman & Alejandra Padin-Dujon - 1st place (tournament champions), Open Parliamentary Debate, earning one point toward automatic qualification to the State Championship

  • McKinley Rodriguez – 1st place (tournament champion), Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate, earning one point toward automatic qualification to the State Championship

  • Anna Cannon & Madeline Cannon – 2nd place, Novice Public Forum Debate

  • Daniel Cohen & Sheila Panyam – 2nd place, Novice Policy Debate

Individual Events

  • Kathryn Liu - 1st place (tournament champion), Open Poetry Reading, earning one point toward automatic qualification to the State Championship;

  • Mai O’Neill – 2nd place, Open Impromptu Speaking, earning one point toward automatic qualification to the State Championship

  • Noah Hoffman – finalist, Open Humorous Interpretation

  • Sophie Wolfe - finalist, Open Prose Reading

  • McKinley Rodriguez – finalist, Open Extemporaneous Speaking


· Lincoln High School: 3rd place out of 32 schools

Sprague High School Invitational Debate Tournament - November 2, 2013

Debate (Top Competitors)

  • Daniel Lawrence & Colin Phipps: Semifinalists, Senior Parliamentary Debate, earned one point toward automatic qualification to the State Championship

  • Miles Stepleton & Lukas Schwab: Won three rounds and a Certificate for Outstanding Senior Policy Debate

  • Kelsey Dunn, Laurel McGrane & Zoie Brauser: Won three rounds and a Certificate for Outstanding Novice Parliamentary Debate

  • Jack Sanders & Evan Ipock: Won three rounds and a Certificate for Outstanding Novice Parliamentary Debate

Speakers (Excellence in Oratory within Debate)

  • Alejandra Padin: 5th place, Senior Parliamentary Debate

  • Jack Sanders: 5th place, Novice Parliamentary Debate

Magic the Gathering

  • Alex Serrurier: Won two rounds

Willamette University Jerry Hudson Forensic Tournament - October 18-19, 2013

· Individual Events

  • Feiran Chen: 2nd place, Junior Literary Interpretation for Beginning & Intermediate English-Language Learners

  • Juhui Liu: 1st place (tournament champion), Junior Literary Interpretation for Beginning & Intermediate English-Language Learners

  • Alex Denman-Still: Finalist, Junior After-Dinner Speaking

  • Adam Selker: Finalist, Junior Extemporaneous Speaking

  • Carmen Alfaro: Finalist, Senior Extemporaneous Speaking

  • McKinley Rodriguez: 3rd place, Senior Extemporaneous Speaking, earning one point toward automatic qualification to the State Championship; Finalist, Senior Impromptu Speaking

  • Brian Yang: Finalist, Senior Radio Commentary

  • Mai O'Neill: Finalist, Senior Poetry Reading

  • Daniel Cohen: Finalist, Junior Radio Commentary; 3rd place, Junior Impromptu Speaking

  • Kate Liu: Finalist, Senior Prose Reading

  • Jack Sanders: Finalist, Junior Expository Speaking


  • Farris Tedder: Quarterfinalist, Senior Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Lukas Schwab & Kate Liu: Quarterfinalists, Senior Parliamentary Debate

  • Daniel Cohen & Alex Denman-Still: Quarterfinalists, Novice Parliamentary Debate

  • McKinley Rodriguez: 1st place (tournament champion), Senior Lincoln-Douglas Debate, earning one point toward automatic qualification to the state championship


  • McKinley Rodriguez: 1st place (best speaker), Senior Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Alex Denman-Still: 4th place, Novice Parliamentary Debate

  • Emma Hoffman: 1st place (best speaker), Senior Parliamentary Debate


  • Lincoln High School: 3rd place, Individual Events; 4th place, overall

Silverton Novice Tournament - October 12, 2013

  • Evan Ipock, 3rd place, Poetry Reading

  • Sheila Panyam, finalist, Prose Reading

Sam Barlow Invitational - October 5th, 2013

· Yiling Liu, undefeated in Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate

· Noah Hoffman, 2nd place in Open Humorous Interpretation

· Brian Yang, 1st place (tournament champion) in Open Impromptu Speaking, earning one point toward automatic qualification to our State Championship


And here are the results for 2012-13

2013 Speech & Debate State Championship at Western Oregon Univ in Monmouth - April 18-20


  • McKinley Rodriguez: Octofinalist, Lincoln-Douglas

  • Allya Yourish: Quarterfinalist, Lincoln-Douglas

  • Emma Hoffman & Alejandra Padin: Octofinalists, Parliamentary

  • McKenzie Messer: Finalist / Supercongress, Student Congress

Individual Events

  • Daniel Lawrence: 4th place, After-Dinner Speaking

  • McKinley Rodriguez: 2nd place, Impromptu Speaking; Semifinalist, Poetry Reading

  • Vicki Niu: Semifinalist, Original Oratory

  • Kate Liu: 3rd place, Prose Reading

  • Annika Hansteen Izora: State Champion, Dramatic Interpretation & State Champion, Prose Reading

Sweepstakes (award for overall school performance)

Lincoln High School: 3rd place in the 6A division (out of 28 total schools)


2013 District 13 Finals at Cleveland High School in Portland - April 1st, 5th and 6th


  • Colin Phipps & Orion Cleaver: 4th place, Public Forum Debate, alternates to State

  • Allya Yourish: 2nd place, Lincoln-Douglas Debate, qualifying to State

  • McKinley Rodriguez: 4th place, Lincoln-Douglas Debate, qualifying to State

  • Alejandra Padin & Emma Hoffman: 2nd place, Parliamentary Debate, qualifying to State

  • Tyler Coleman & Sven Burke: 3rd place, Parliamentary Debate, qualifying to State

  • Johannes Freischuetz & Alex Zhang: 3rd place, Cross-Examination Debate, alternates to State

  • Miles Stepleton & Daniel Lawrence: 1st place (district champions), Cross-Examination Debate, qualifying to State

  • McKenzie Messer: qualifying to State in Student Congress

Individual Events

  • Daniel Lawrence: 3rd place, After-Dinner Speaking, qualifying to State

  • Noah Hoffman & Daniel Lawrence: 1st place (district champions), Dual Interpretation, qualifying to State

  • McKenzie Messer: 3rd place, Expository Speaking, alternate to State; finalist, Radio Commentary

  • McKinley Rodriguez: 2nd place, Impromptu Speaking, qualifying to State; 2nd place, Poetry Reading, qualifying to State

  • Alejandra Padin: 1st place (district champion), Impromptu Speaking, qualifying to State

  • Kate Liu: 3rd place, Prose Reading, qualifying to State

  • Annika Hansteen: 2nd place, Prose Reading, qualifying to State; 1st place (district champion), Dramatic Interpretation, qualifying to State

  • Vicki Niu: 2nd place, Original Oratory, qualifying to to State

  • Lukas Schwab: 3rd place, Poetry Reading, alternate to State


2013 North Oregon National Forensics League Tournament at Mt. Hood Community College in Gresham - March 21-23, 2013

McKinley Rodriguez, 3rd place, Lincoln-Douglas Debate (NATIONAL QUALIFIER)


Oregon City High School Speech & Debate Invitational - March 1, 2013

Individual events

Kate Liu - Finalist, Open Prose Reading

Sophie Wolfe - Finalist, Open Prose Reading

Amy Qiu - 3rd place, Open Radio Commentary

Lukas Schwab - 1st place (tournament champion!), Open Poetry Reading, earning a point of Proven Excellence


Robert G. Clark Invitation Forensics Tournament at Univ. of Oregon at Eugene – Feb.22-23, 2013

Debate Speakers

McKinley Rodriguez, 1st Place Open LD

Debate Finalists

McKinley Rodriguez, Semifinalist Open LD

Lukas Schwab & Carmen Alfaro, Octafinalists Open Parliamentary Debate

Alex Serrurier & Will Leo, Quarterfinalists Open Parliamentary Debate

Individual Events

McKinley Rodriguez, 1st Place (Tournament Champion) Open Impromptu, earning an automatic qualification to State

McKenzie Messer, Finalist Open Radio, Finalist Open Expos

Kathryn Liu, 2nd Place Open Prose, earning an automatic qualification to State

Lukas Schwab, 3rd Place Open Radio


Mt. Hood Community College Saints High School Invitational - February 16, 2013

McKinley Rodriguez: 1st place (tournament champion), Open Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Kate Liu: 3rd place, Open Prose Reading

  • Noah Hoffman: finalist, Open Humorous Interpretation


Linfield College's 81st Singletary High School Invitational Forensics Tournament - Feb. 8-9, 2013

Individual Events

  • Sophie Wolfe: 1st place (tournament champion), Novice Poetry Reading. 6th place, Novice Prose Reading

  • Mai O'Neill: 2nd place, Novice Poetry Reading

  • Annika Hansteen Izora: 1st place (tournament champion), Senior Poetry Reading. 2nd place, Senior Dramatic Interpretation. 1st place (tournament champion), Senior Prose Reading

  • Sven Burke: 5th place, Senior After Dinner Speaking

  • Zach Rentschler: 6th place, Senior Radio Commentary

  • McKinley Rodriguez: 6th place, Senior Prose Reading. 3rd place, Senior Impromptu Speaking

  • Brian Yang: 6th place, Novice Impromptu Speaking


  • McKinley Rodriguez: 1st place (tournament champion, and earning an automatic qualification to the State tournament), Senior Lincoln-Douglas Debate. 1st place speaker (awarded for quality of oration), Senior Lincoln-Douglas Debate

  • Emma Hoffman & Alejandra Padin: 2nd place, Senior Parliamentary Debate (earning an automatic qualification to the State tournament)

Schoolwide performance

  • Lincoln High School: 3rd place out of 33 competing schools


Pacific University Hap Hingston Invitational – January 11-12th, 2013

Individual events

Mai O'Neill: semifinalist, Junior Impromptu Speaking

Zachary Rentschler: semifinalist, Senior Radio Commentary

McKenzie Messer: 4th place, Senior Radio Commentary

Miles Stepleton: 6th place, Junior Radio Commentary

Allya Yourish: semifinalist, Senior Prose Reading

Kathryn Liu: 7th place, Senior Poetry Reading

Nyla Maza: 1st place (tournament champion), Junior Prose Reading

Sophie Wolfe: 3rd place, Junior Poetry Reading

Sven Burke: 7th place (next to place), Senior After-Dinner Speaking

Daniel Lawrence: 5th place, Junior After-Dinner Speaking


Noah Hoffman: quarterfinalist, Junior Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Allya Yourish: semifinalist, Senior Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Miles Stepleton & Daniel Lawrence: quarterfinalists, Junior Parliamentary Debate

Tyler Coleman & Sven Burke: quarterfinalists, Senior Parliamentary Debate

Mai O'Neill & Sophie Wolfe: quarterfinalists, Junior Public Forum Debate


Lincoln placed 6th in Division 1.


Barlow Debate Tournament (debate only) – December 15th, 2013

Daniel Lawrence and Miles Stepleton, 1st Place, Novice Parliamentary Debate


Ridgefield High School Spudder Invitational– December 7-8th, 2012


McKinley Rodriguez, 2nd place (1-2 decision in final) in Open SPAR Debate

McKinley Rodriguez, 3rd place (tie), Open Lincoln Douglas Debate

Noah Hoffman, 3rd place (tie), Novice Lincoln Douglas Debate

Individual events

Mai O’Neill: Finalist, Novice Impromptu

Marty Berger: Finalist, Open Impromptu; and 3rd place, Open Dual Impromptu Speaking with M.Rodriguez

McKinley Rodriguez: Finalist, Open Editorial Commentary; and 3rd place, Open Dual Impromptu Speaking with M. Berger

McKenzie Messer: 2nd place, Novice Expository Speaking

Nyla Maza, 3rd place, Novice Interpretive Reading

Noah Hoffman: 1st place (tournament champion), Novice Humorous Interpretation


Lincoln High School: 5th place out of 20 total schools


Clackamas High School - December 1st, 2012


Adam Selker & McKenzie Messer: 1st place (tournament champions), Novice Parliamentary Debate

Orion Cleaver & Colin Phipps: 3rd place, Novice Parliamentary Debate

Individual events

McKinley Rodriguez: 1st place (tournament champion), Open Impromptu Speaking, earning an automatic qualification to State

McKenzie Messer: 4th place, Novice Expository Speaking

Noah Hoffman: Finalist, Novice Impromptu Speaking; 1st place (tournament champion), Novice Humorous Interpretation

Sophie Wolfe: 3rd place, Novice Poetry Reading


Lincoln High School: 6th place out of 41 total schools


Silverton High School - November 17th, 2012

Debate speakers (awarded for quality of oratory)

Vicki Niu - 2nd place, Open Parliamentary Debate

Alejandra Padin - 3rd place (tie), Open Parliamentary Debate

Emma Hoffman - 3rd place (tie), Open Parliamentary Debate

Debate (awarded for tournament record)

Emma Hoffman & Alejandra Padin - 1st place (tournament champions), Open Parliamentary Debate

Individual Events

Annika Hansteen Izora - 1st place (tournament champion), Open Poetry Reading, earning an automatic qualification to state; 1st place (tournament champion), Open Prose reading, earning an automatic qualification to state; 3rd place, Open Radio Commentary

Carmen Alfaro - finalist, Open Extemporaneous Speaking

Noah Hoffman - 2nd place, Novice Humorous Interpretation; 3rd place, Novice Impromptu Speaking

Sophie Wolfe - 1st place, Novice Poetry Reading

Sven Burke - finalist, Senior After-Dinner Speaking

Yiling Liu - finalist, novice Poetry Reading

Sweepstakes (for overall school performance)

Lincoln High School: 3rd place

Sprague High School (debate only) - November 10th, 2012

Top debate speakers – graded on oratorical ability

Miles Stepleton: 1st place speaker, novice Parliamentary Debate

Brian Yang: 5th place speaker, novice Parliamentary Debate

Top debate competitors – graded on win/loss record

Miles Stepleton and William Brickowski: finalists (3-1 record), novice Parliamentary Debate

Alejandra Padin and Alex Serrurier: 2nd place, Senior Parliamentary Debate (undefeated throughout the tournament, and earning a point toward automatic qualification for State)

Clemen Deng and Brian Yang: finalists (3-1 record), novice Parliamentary Debate

Orion Cleaver and Colin Phipps: finalists (3-1 record), novice Parliamentary Debate

Willamette University - October 19th - 20th, 2012


Emma Hoffman: Semifinalist, Senior Lincoln–Douglas debate

Sven Burke & Tyler Coleman: Quarterfinalists, Senior Parliamentary debate

Speaker awards – awarded on the basis of a debater’s oratorical ability

Alejandra Padin: 8th place speaker, Senior Public Forum debate

Farris Tedder: 6th place speaker, Senior Lincoln-Douglas debate

Emma Hoffman: 4th place speaker, Senior Lincoln-Douglas debate

Zach Rentschler: 2nd place speaker, Senior Lincoln-Douglas debate

Colin Phipps: 7th place speaker, Junior Parliamentary debate

Tyler Coleman: 6th place speaker, Senior Parliamentary debate

Sven Burke: 3rd place speaker, Senior Parliamentary debate

Individual events

Amy Qiu: 3rd place, Senior Radio Commentary. 3rd place, Senior Prose Reading

Alejandra Padin: 3rd place, Senior After-Dinner Speaker; 3rd place, Senior Impromptu Speaking

Mai O’Neill: 2nd place, Junior Poetry Reading

Sophie Wolfe: 3rd place, Junior Prose Reading; 1st place (tournament champion!), Junior Poetry Reading

Annika Hansteen Izora: 2nd place, Senior Poetry Reading; 1st place (tournament champion!), Senior Prose Reading

Noah Hoffman: 3rd place, Junior Humorous Interpretation

McKenzie Messer: Finalist, Junior Expository Speaking

Miles Stepleton: Finalist, Junior Impromptu Speaking

Kate Liu: 2nd place, Senior Prose Reading (quick aside: Lincoln took 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in Prose. We’re a little greedy!)

Nyla Maza: 1st place (tournament champion!), Junior Prose Reading

Sweepstakes – awarded for overall school performance

Lincoln High School, 2nd place, Individual Events

Lincoln High School, 3rd place, overall performance

Silverton Novice - October 13th, 2012

Adam Selker - Finalist, Impromptu Speaking

Nyla Maza - 2nd place, Prose Reading

Sam Barlow Invitational - October 6th, 2012


Hannah Kwak and Joseph Devlin - 2nd place, Novice Parliamentary Debate

McKinley Rodriguez - 1st place, Senior Lincoln-Douglas Debate (earning one point toward automatic qualification for state)

Zach Rentschler - 2nd place, Senior Lincoln-Douglas Debate (earning one point toward automatic qualification for state)

JP Tsai - undefeated, Senior Lincoln-Douglas Debate (Lincoln basically swept the first three ranks)

Debate speakers (awarded for quality of public speaking notwithstanding win-loss record)

Noah Hoffman - 1st place, Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Alejandra Padin - 2nd place, Senior Parliamentary Debate

Individual Events

Alejandra Padin - Finalist, Senior After-Dinner Speaking; Finalist, Senior Impromptu Speaking

Amy Qiu - 3rd place, Senior Radio Commentary

Lukas Schwab - 3rd place, Senior Poetry Reading; 1st place, Senior Radio Commentary (earning one point toward automatic qualification for state)

Mai O'Neill - 2nd place, Novice Poetry Reading

McKinley Rodriguez - 2nd place, Senior Impromptu Speaking (earning one point toward automatic qualification for state); 1st place, Senior Poetry Reading (earning one point toward automatic qualification for state)

Noah Hoffman - 1st place, Novice Humorous Interpretation

Nyla Maza - 3rd place, Novice Prose Reading

Zach Rentschler - Finalist, Senior Radio Commentary


Here's a rundown of how our team did in 2011-12:

Newport (May 12, 2012)


Alex Serrurier: 1st place, Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Allya Yourish: 2nd place, Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Farris Tedder: Semifinalist, Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Alejandra Padin-Dujon: Semifinalist, Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Sven Burke & Tyler Coleman: 1st place, Parliamentary Debate

Lukas Schwab & Carmen Alfaro: 2nd place, Parliamentary Debate

Individual Events

Lukas Schwab: 1st place, Poetry/Prose Reading; 1st place, Radio Commentary

Carmen Alfaro: 3rd place, Impromptu Speaking

Alejandra Padin-Dujon: 1st place, Impromptu Speaking; 2nd place, Radio Commentary

Allya Yourish: 3rd place, Poetry/Prose Reading

Evan Haning: 4th place, Impromptu Speaking

Sven Burke: 2nd place, After-Dinner Speaking


Lincoln High School: 1st place

State championship (April 20th - 22nd, 2012)

Mason Lam and Rose Owen: Quarterfinalists, Parliamentary Debate

Eliot Woods and Lane Barton: 2nd place, Parliamentary Debate

McKinley Rodriguez: Octafinalist, Lincoln-Douglas Values Debate

Annika Hansteen: 3rd place, Poetry Reading. State Champion (1st place), Prose Reading.

Lincoln High School: 6th place, overall 6A school standings (3 points below 5th place, Lake Oswego HS)

Districts (April 6th & 7th, 2012)


Mason Lam & Rose Owen: Proven excellence qualifiers, Public Debate

Eliot Woods & Lane Barton: 1st place, Public Debate

Jaxom Moore & Anna Koon: 3rd place & alternates to State, Cross-examination Debate

Zachary Rentschler: 3rd place, Lincoln-Douglas Debate

McKinley Rodriguez: Proven excellence qualifier, Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Individual events

Eliot Woods: 1st place, Impromptu speaking

Sven Burke: 3rd place & alternate to State, After-Dinner Speaking

Zachary Rentschler: 4th place & alternate to State, Radio Commentary

Annika Hansteen: 1st place, Prose Reading. 1st place, Poetry Reading.

McKinley Rodriguez: 3rd place, Poetry Reading; 3rd place & alternate to State, Expository Speaking

Student Congress honoree

Emma Hoffman


Lincoln High School: 2nd place, Portland district

University of Oregon (February 24th & 25th, 2012)


Farris Tedder: Tie, 1st place, Junior Lincoln Douglas Debate

Alex Serrurier: Tie, 1st place, Junior Lincoln Douglas Debate

Emma Hoffman: Quarterfinalist, Senior Lincoln Douglas Debate

Mason Lam & Rose Owen: Quarterfinalists, Senior Public Debate

Eliot Woods & Lane Barton: 2nd ploace, Senior Public Debate.

Carmen Alfaro & Lukas Schwab: Octafinalists, Senior Public Debate

Debate speakers (quality of public speaking)

Rose Owen: 8th place speaker, Senior Public Debate

Eliot Woods: 1st place speaker, Senior Public Debate

Aveline Ollinger: 5th place speaker, Junior Lincoln Douglas Debate

Farris Tedder: 3rd place speaker, Junior Lincoln Douglas Debate

Emma Hoffman: 2nd place speaker, Senior Lincoln Douglas Debate

Individual events

Amy Qiu: 1st place, Junior Radio Commentary

Annika Hansteen Izora: 1st place, Senior Poetry Reading. 2nd place, Senior Prose Reading

McKinley Rodriguez: 2nd place, Senior Expository Speaking

Overall performance - Lincoln High School

Debate: 2nd place

Individual events: 3rd place

Overall: 1st place (tournament champions)

Linfield College (February 3rd & 4th, 2012)

Debate (for quality of argumentation)

Allya Yourish – 1st place, Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Evan Haning & Alejandra Padin-Dujon – 2nd place, Novice Public Debate

McKinley Rodriguez – 2nd place, Senior Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Tyler Coleman & Sven Burke – Semifinalists, Senior Public Debate

Alex Serrurier – Semifinalist, Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Debate speaking awards (for quality of oration)

Allya Yourish – 1st place, Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Zachary Rentschler – 5th place, Senior Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Rose Owen – 2nd place, Senior Public Debate

Mason Lam – 3rd place, Senior Public Debate

Alejandra Padin-Dujon – 2nd place, Novice Public Debate

McKinley Rodriguez – 2nd place, Senior Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Alex Serrurier – 4th place, Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Individual Events

Allya Yourish – 4th place, Novice Prose Reading

Alejandra Padin-Dujon – 4th place, Senior After-Dinner Speaking

McKinley Rodriguez – 5th place, Senior Poetry Reading; 1st place, Senior Impromptu Speaking

Annika Hansteen – 1st place, Senior Prose Reading; 3rd place, Senior Poetry Reading

Overall school performance

2nd place for Lincoln High School overall (comfortably ahead of the 3rd place finisher, Tigard, and close behind 1st, Cleveland)

Pacific University (January 6th & 7th, 2012)


Mason Lam & Rose Owen: 2nd place, Senior Public Debate, earning a "Proven Excellence" point to the state debate tournament.

Ben Zusman & Eliot Woods: Semifinalists, Senior Public Debate.

Alejandra Padin-Dujon: Semifinalist, Junior Lincoln-Douglas Debate.

McKinley Rodriguez: Quarterfinalist, Senior Lincoln-Douglas Debate.

Allya Yourish: Quarterfinalist, Junior Lincoln-Douglas Debate.

Speakers (ranks the quality of each speaker in debate events, unrelated to wins or losses)

Alejandra Padin-Dujon: 1st place speaker, Junior Lincoln-Douglas Debate.

McKinley Rodriguez: 1st place speaker, Senior Lincoln-Douglas Debate.

Rose Owen: 1st place speaker, Senior Public Debate.

Individual events

Lukas Schwab: Semifinalist, Junior Radio Commentary

Alejandra Padin-Dujon: 1st place, Junior After-Dinner Speaking. 3rd place, Junior Radio Commentary

Annika Hansteen Izora: 4th place, Senior Prose Reading. Next-to-qualify, Senior Poetry Reading.

McKinley Rodriguez: Semifinalist, Senior Impromptu Speaking. Semifinalist, Senior Radio Commentary. 5th place, Senior Expository Speaking

Clackamas High School (December 9th, 2011)

Individual events

Alejandra Padin-Dujon: 2nd place, Novice After-Dinner Speaking. 2nd place, Novice Radio Commentary.

Annika Hansteen Izora: Finalist, Senior Poetry Reading. 1st place, Senior Prose Reading (qualifying for the state tournament by proven excellence)

Eliot Woods: 2nd place, Senior Impromptu (out of 80 participants, and qualifying for the state tournament by proven excellence)

Lukas Schwab: Finalist, Novice Radio Commentary

Marty Berger: 1st place, Novice Impromptu (out of 70 participants, taking 1st place in every one of his rounds, at his first tournament)

McKinley Rodriguez: Finalist, Senior Expository Speaking. Finalist, Senior Poetry Reading.


Alejandra Padin-Dujon & Evan Haning: 1st place, Novice Public Debate

Speaker awards (given for quality in speaking style)

Alejandra Padin-Dujon: 1st place, Novice Public Debate

Evan Haning: 2nd place, Novice Public Debate

Farris Tedder: 2nd place, Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Sweepstakes (overall school performance):

Lincoln High School: 3rd place (a few points from 2nd or 1st, especially impressive since we had a quarter of the number of entries of those schools; for those tracking our rivalries, we were 36 points behind Cleveland HS and 14 ahead of Ashland, the 4th place finisher)

Willamette University (October 21st & 22nd, 2011)


Elise Burr & Amy Qiu: Quarterfinalists, Novice Public Debate

Evan Haning & Alejandra Padin-Dujon: Semifinalists, Novice Public Debate

Mason Lam & Rose Owen: 2nd place, Senior Public Debate

Eliot Woods & Ben Zusman: Semifinalists, Senior Public Debate

Allya Yourish: 1st place, Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Farris Tedder: Quarterfinalists, Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Zach Rentschler: Quarterfinalists, Senior Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Speaker awards (given to high-quality speakers in debate)

Evan Haning: 3rd place speaker, Novice Public Debate

Alejandra Padin-Dujon: 1st place speaker, Novice Public Debate

Rose Owen: 2nd place speaker, Senior Public Debate

Eliot Woods:3rd place speaker, Senior Public Debate

Ben Zusman: 6th place speaker, Senior Public Debate

Allya Yourish: 7th place speaker, Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Tyler Coleman: 9th place speaker, Senior Public Debate

Jordan Edelson: 4th place speaker, Senior Public Forum Debate

Individual events

Lukas Schwab: 1st place, Junior Radio Commentary

Annika Hansteen Izora: 1st place, Senior Prose. 1st place, Senior Poetry

Alejandra Padin-Dujon: 1st place, Junior After-Dinner Speaking

Elise Burr: Semifinalist, Junior Impromptu

McKinley Rodriguez: 2nd place, Senior Prose (meaning we took both 1st and 2nd)

Eliot Woods: Finalist, Senior Oratory

Sweepstakes (given for overall performance) – it has been a decade since we have placed in this category in a substantial way

Individual events: LHS takes 3rd place

Debate: LHS takes 1st place

Overall: LHS takes 2nd place

Sam Barlow High School (October 9th, 2011)


Farris Tedder and Kaila Johnson closed out Novice LD (for the newer team members, it means they tied for 1st, and thus there wasn't even a final round)

Individual events

Eliot Woods took 3rd place in Open Impromptu (with a point for proven excellence)

Lukas Schwab took 3rd place in Novice Radio

Annika Hansteen took 2nd place in Open Poetry (with a point for proven excellence)

McKinley Rodriguez tied for 1st place in Open Prose (with a peculiar 3-way tie that was resolved for ribbon-giving purposes as 3rd place)