The records that Ulleungdo can be seen from east coast of Korean peninsula.

Many so-called korean scholor distorts to quote the phrase ,they said the wrong translation "Usando and Ullngdo can be seen "each other", although there are no charactor "each other" on the phrase of "possible to see則可望見".

1452.00.00.高麗史 地理誌 卷五十八 蔚珍県

于山、武陵二島縣正東海中、二島相去不遠、風日清明、則可望見、新羅時、称于山国、一云鬱陵島、 地方百里

1454.世宗実録 地理志 江原道襄陽縣 (襄陽:江陵の北)

于山、武陵二島、在縣正東海中、二島相去不遠、風日清明、則可望見、新羅時、称于山国、一云鬱陵島、 地方百里、恃険不服

Korean's false translation above the text is as follows,

Usan and Mullueng two island is on the east sea of the (襄陽) prefecture which is not a far away each other and it can be visible each other when whether is fine.

Correct translation following with grammertical regulation of geography as follows,

Usan and Mulleung, two island is on the east sea of the (襄陽) prefecture which is not so far away each other. it is possible to see " from the prefecture"When weather is fine .

See this page (1300-1711 Korean antique maps) you can understand Korean recognized Usando is west of Ulleungdo with variety shapes which is never recognized the detail or shapes before 1694.

Also, In Korean geography writing have a reguration that they must write a islands ,direction from the peninsula, how long distance from the peninsula, and circumstance, and number of agricultural field and resident(一、海島。在本邑某方。水路幾里。自陸地。去本邑幾里。四面周囘相距幾里。田沓幾結。民家有無。) . Ofcourse almost all the records follows this reguration

reguration was described in the following records;

慶尚道地理誌 (undated) 河演等編

慶尚道地理志 慶尚道續撰地理誌,1938, 朝鮮總督府 中樞院調査課 編


The record above two (Koryo-si and Sejong sirok they said each two island is visible from Korean peninsula and in the fine day those island is visible from 襄陽縣. Korean distort to quote those two island with false translation "two island can be seen each other " which is not written in the original text.. If they wrote the phrase 即可望見 it means "two island can be seen each other". but original text is diffeent.

Ofcourse Joseon people in those era, they know the reguration and they recognized (Usan and )Ulleungdo can be seen from Korean peninsula in Dongguk Yeoji syunnran and they wrote many records about it. Here, I will show you variety of those record which Ulluengdo can be seen from Korean peninsula.。

Most clear explain that Korean claimed to Japan in diplomatic negotiation against Ulleungdo (called Takeshima/Dagelet, not Liacnourt Rocks) through 1692-1699. Korean insist that "Ulluengdo can be seen from Korean peninsula, which is written in Doungguk Yeoji Sunran(輿地勝覧).


朝鮮国礼曹参判李番、奉復日本国対馬大守平公閣下、槎使鼎来、恵□随至、良用慰荷弊邦江原道蔚珍県有属島、 名曰蔚陵、在本県東海中、而風濤危険、船路無便、故中年移其民空其地、而時遣公差往来捜検矣、本島巒樹木、自陸地歴々望見、而凡其山川紆曲、地形濶狭、 民居遺址、土物所産、倶戴於我国輿地勝覧書、歴代相伝、事跡昭然、今者我国辺海漁氓往其島、而不意貴国之人自為犯越、与之相値、反拘執二 氓、転到江戸、幸蒙貴国大名明察事情、優加資此、可見交隣之情於尋常、欽□高義、感激何事、然雖我氓漁採之地、本是蔚陵島、而以其産竹、或称竹島、此之一 島而二名也、一島二名之状、 非徒我国書籍之所記、貴州人亦皆知之、而今此来書中、乃以竹島為貴国地方欲令我国禁止漁船更往、而不論貴国人侵渉我境、拘執我 氓之夫、豈不有欠於誠信之道乎、深望将此辞意転報東武、申飭貴国辺海之人、無令往来蔚陵島、更致事端惹起、其於相好之誼不勝幸甚、佳領謝、薄物侑緘、統惟 照亮、不宣

*This is the negotiaton record agains Ulleungdo between Joseon and Japan's Tsushima clan. Joseon dynasty insist that Ulleungdo is Joseon's one becuse it is written in Yeojisunran which explains Ulluengdo and forest is visisble from Korean peinnsula.

So it is nothing relation between Korean record and photo which they took photo Liancourt rocks from Ulluengdo. Most of Korean picture which using top-end quality camera with high zoom-up lenz. On the other hand, Koeran record clearly said "(Usan) and Ullengdo can be seen from Korean peninsula. It is not the description about the visiblity of Liacnourt Rocks from Ulleungdo. moreover, Korean record and maps they explains Usando is Jukdo(Boussole Rock/northeast of Ulleungdo) . Mostly before 1694, Korean have confusion , they have two theory one is Usan and Ulleungdo is one island twin names e.g. Samguksigi, and the other is Usan(west) and Ulleungo(East) two island theory. some of record wrote one theory, and some wrote twin theory. (cf: Liacnourt Rocks can be seen from Ulleungdo 20-30days a year with rare condition and posible to took photos with top-end spec high zoom lenz camera. What I meant to say in this page is, Photh's explanation and Korean record's explanation is nothing relation with.)

According to my simulation, from a point or middle high altitude on east of Korean peninsula, Ulleungdo can be seen as if it were twin island, depends on changing visiblity and angle, and cloud. I think it is some hint about One island twin names and Twin island theory mixture discription. Maybe, they saw two island from Korean peninsula so they wrote Usando on west and Ullengdo on east in many antique maps.

CF: From the simulation , Ulleungdo can be seen as if it is twin island , north of ocean 116lkm away from Uluengdo. at the point of 116km north of Ulluengdo, a island , a big island on left (east) and small island on right (west). This image is match with Korean antique map which draws Usando is west of Ulleungdo before 1694. But, from the 100km of the north of Ulleungdo, Ulleungdo can be seen just a one island.

The records (Usan and )Ulleungdo can be seen from Fangling江陵.

(Cf:Visibility simulation from Fangling江陵 with Zoom up lenz 50mm / 200mm altitude12m-25m-50m-100m-200m-300m-400m)

At the point of altitude 300eter, Ulluengdo can be seen as if it is twin island, and 400meter altitude a small island on right (south)side and a main island on left (north) side., although Ulluengdo is one island.

・1454.世宗実録 地理志 江原道襄陽縣 (襄陽:North of 江陵)

于山、武陵二島、在縣正東海中、二島相去不遠、風日清明、則可望見、新羅時、称于山国、一云鬱陵島、 地方百里、恃険不服

(They explain Usan is another name of Ulleungdo, so one island twin name theory)

・1859『東寰録 于山』 (溟州[주:今江陵)


(They explain Usan is another name of Ulleungdo, so one island twin name theory)

The records (Usan and )Ulleungdo can be seen from Samchok三陟.

(Cf:Visibility simulation from Samchok with Zoom up lenz 050mm /200mm altitude12m-25m-50m-100m-200m-300m-400m)

At the point of altitude 100meter, Ulluengdo can be seen as if it is twin island, which have a small island on north, although Uluengdo is one island .


諭江原道監司:世傳東海中蓼島久矣, 且云見其山形者亦多, 予再遣官, 求之不得。 今甲士崔雲渚言: “嘗登三陟烽火峴望見。其後因往茂陵, 亦此島。” 南薈言: “年前在洞山縣亭上, 望見海中山, 質諸其縣吏, 答曰: ‘此山, 自古有之。’ 使其吏終日候之, 曰: ‘非雲氣, 實山也。’” 予謂此島, 海中必有之, 然島山平微, 海浪連天, 在岸者未得詳見。予之尋訪此島, 非以闢土地, 亦非欲得其民而使也。 無賴之徒, 聚居海中, 無倉庫糧餉之備, 一遇凶荒, 必至餓莩, 其誰救之哉? 道內之民, 深入海中, 以釣魚爲生, 其中豈無親見其島者哉? 又豈無詳知在某處者乎? 但畏私往之罪, 轉相隱諱耳。 然愚民之事, 國家必不罪之。倘有告者, 因而得之, 則良民超等賞職; 公賤限己身免役, 賞緜布五十匹; 私賤賞緜布一百匹; 鄕驛吏之類免其役; 入居者放還鄕里。終有大功者, 良民, 超三等賞職; 公私賤, 永放爲良; 鄕驛吏之類, 世免其役, 超等賞職; 入居者, 放還鄕里, 仍復其家。 卿以此意, 徧令曉諭。 且聞南薈之言, 悉心尋訪。

・1445.10.08 世宗 109권, 27년( 1445 을축 / 명 정통(正統) 10년) 8월 17일 무오 1번째기사

戊午/權孟孫啓: “前司直南薈與臣言‘蓼島在三陟府海中, 望見之。’今若遣薈, 則庶或可得。”時薈丁憂在家, 特命起復, 賜衣一襲笠靴遣之。

・Antique map description from 1600's to 1900

于山島在三陟之東 鬱陵島在平海之東 六日程地

*Usan-east of Samchok and Ulleungdo-east of Pyonghae. so two island theory.)

・1539-1609.c.a.李山海's 『鵝溪遺稿』「蔚陵島説」cf:李山海 1539-1609c.a.

蔚陵島。在東海之中。距海濱不知其幾百里也。每秋冬之交。陰曀捲盡。海氣澄朗。則自嶺東望之。如一片蒼煙。橫抹於水天之間。獨眞珠府與此島最爲相對。故行 人之登召公臺者。或見其林木岡巒之狀。了了然可辨。以此知不甚遠也。 箕城人嘗言。麋鹿蘆竹。往往浮出於沙渚之間。禽鳥之不知名者。亦翩翩渡海而來。及至海 濱。垂趐自墮。爲兒童所捕者數矣。漁人舟子。或漂到島傍。見菜根蔬葉隨水出來。而四面皆蒼巖鐵壁。只有一洞門。可捫蘿而入。慮有防守者。彷徨躅躑。不敢近 而回棹者有之。居是島者。未知爲何許人。或疑其避役逃罪之輩。自相婚嫁。漸至繁盛。或疑其獠蠻之種。據有是島。非自近始。或疑其果有之。則豈無一番舟楫之 往來。豈無一物可交貨有無於他境乎。疑者不一。無所歸宿。終置是島於茫昧恍惚無何有之鄕。豈退之所謂桃源之說誠 荒唐者歟。噫。神仙之說。尙矣。所謂蓬萊方 丈瀛洲。未知果眞有。而崑崙玄圃。見之者抑誰歟。如使神仙不有則已。有之則是島也安知蓬萊崑崙之一。而異人仙客之所在耶。一幅布帆。便風高掛。則不過一晝 夜之頃。可以致身其間。而世之群疑衆惑。從此可破。旣不得此。則令人徒費引領東望。而空入於夢想吟咏之中。悲夫。

・1629-1703.『臥遊録』『蔚陵島説』 (注:眞珠府=三陟) 鵝溪李山海「鵝溪遺稿」鬱陵島説からの引用

鵝溪蔚陵島在東海之中 距海濱不知其幾百里也 每秋冬之交陰曀捲盡海氣澄朗 則自嶺東望之 如一后蒼烟撗抹 於水天之間 獨眞珠府與此島最爲相對故行人之登召公臺者或見其林木岡巒之狀了了然可辨以此知不甚遠也 箕城人嘗言麋鹿蘆竹往往浮出於沙渚之間禽鳥之不知名者 亦翩翩渡海而來及 至海濱垂趐 自墮爲光童所捕者數矣漁人舟子或凜 到島傍見萊根蔬葉隨水出來 而四面皆蒼岩鐵壁 只有一洞門 可捫蘿而入慮有防守者彷徨躅躑不敢近而回棹者有之居是島者未知爲何許人或疑其避役逃罪之輩自相婚嫁漸至繁盛或疑其獠蠻之種據有是島非自近始或疑其果有之 則豈無一番舟楫之往來豈無一物可交貨有無於他境乎疑者不一無所歸宿終置是島於茫昧恍惚無何有之鄕豈退之所謂桃源之說誠荒唐者歟噫 仙神之說尙矣所謂蓬萊方丈瀛洲未知 果眞有而崑崙玄圃見之者抑誰歟如使神仙不有則已有之則是島也妥知蓬萊崑崙之一而異人仙客之所在耶 一幅布帆便風高掛則不過一晝夜之頃可以致身其間而世之羣疑衆惑從此可破旣不得此則令人徒費引領東望而空入於夢想吟咏之中悲夫

・1658-1747?『玉川先生文集』卷之七 雜著 關東錄 戊子四月佐幕時 著者:趙德鄰


・1740. 『星湖僿說 鬱陵島條』李 瀷

鬱陵島東海中 一名于山 遠可七八百里 自江陵三陟等地 之 三峯縹緲隱見

**(They explain Usan is another name of Ulleungdo, so one island twin name theory)


鬱陵島、江原三陟府海中、天晴高、或望見如雲気、 粛廟朝 三陟営将張漢相、自咸鏡安邊府 回順流発船 向東南尋之 二日始見大石山X 立海中 上岸無人居 而有古人遺址 内有石壁石潤 洞堅甚多 有猫鼠極大 不知避人 竹大如X 亦有桃・李・桑・拓(きへん)・菜茄之属 珍木異 不知名者甚多 疑即古之于山国也

*(They explain Usan is another name of Ulleungdo, so one island twin name theory)

同:(平凡社東洋文庫751, 2006

鬱陵島、江原三陟府海中、天晴高、或望見如雲気、 粛廟朝 三陟営将張漢相、自咸鏡安辺府 因順流発船 向東南尋之 風便二日始至 見大石山 立海中 上岸無人居 而有古人遺址 内有石壁石潤 洞堅甚多 有猫鼠極大 不知避人 竹大如X 亦有桃・李・桑・拓X・菜茄之属 珍木異草 不知名者亦多 疑即古于山国也 然東海 処倭与我国之間 旧有水宗如嶺 彼此不相通 近以水勢漸変 倭船多漂至嶺東 此可慮也

*(They explain Usan is another name of Ulleungdo, so one island twin name theory)

1959年刊行『江原道誌』上巻絵図名:「江原道古地図」(It can be quoted from the map late of Joseon era.)

鬱陵于山両島 天気清明蔚三両地登高皆見

The records (Usan and )Ulleungdo can be seen from 召公臺(betwwen Samchok三陟 to Uljin蔚珍) which is most good view of Ulluengdo from korean peninsula.

惕齋集卷之三 詩○七言律詩 李書九



靑城集卷之一 昌山成大中士執著 詩 成大中


三峰竦秀海中央。宛有神人遠放光。雲氣渺冥常自隱。秋空開豁忽相望。靈山一面曇花現。金闕千重蜃氣翔。只向塵間招妄想。靑童去路月茫茫九畹先生集卷之一 詩 李春元




The records (Usan and )Ulleungdo can be seen from Jukpyong竹濱/Uljin蔚珍

(Cf:Visibility simulation from Jukphoyng with Zoom up lenz050mm /200mm/ altitude12m-25m-50m-100m-200m-300m-400m)

At the point of altitude 25/50 meter, Ulluengdo can be seen as if it is twin island, which have a small island on Left/north, although Uluengdo is one island .

・1452.00.00.高麗史 地理誌 卷五十八 蔚珍県

于山、武陵二島縣正東海中、二島相去不遠、風日清明、則可望見、新羅時、称于山国、一云鬱陵島、 地方百里

*(They explain two island theory, at the filal part they explain one island twin name theory as well)

・1531.『新增東國輿地勝覧』巻之四十五、蔚珍縣 于山島 鬱陵島

蔚珍縣 于山島欝陵島 一云武陵一云羽陵 二島在縣正東海中 三峰岌業撑空 南峯稍卑 風日清明 則峯頭樹木及山根沙渚 歴歴可見便則二日可到 一説于山欝陵本一島 地方百里

*(They explain two island theory, at the filal part they explain one island twin name theory as well)


朝鮮国礼曹参判李番、奉復日本国対馬大守平公閣下、槎使鼎来、恵□随至、良用慰荷弊邦江原道蔚珍県有属島、 名曰蔚陵、在本県東海中、而風濤危険、船路無便、故中年移其民空其地、而時遣公差往来捜検矣、本島巒樹木、自陸地歴々望見、而凡其山川紆曲、地形濶狭、 民居遺址、土物所産、倶戴於我国輿地勝覧書、歴代相伝、事跡昭然、今者我国辺海漁氓往其島、而不意貴国之人自為犯越、与之相値、反拘執二 氓、転到江戸、幸蒙貴国大名明察事情、優加資此、可見交隣之情於尋常、欽□高義、感激何事、然雖我氓漁採之地、本是蔚陵島、而以其産竹、或称竹島、此之一 島而二名也、一島二名之状、 非徒我国書籍之所記、貴州人亦皆知之、而今此来書中、乃以竹島為貴国地方欲令我国禁止漁船更往、而不論貴国人侵渉我境、拘執我 氓之夫、豈不有欠於誠信之道乎、深望将此辞意転報東武、申飭貴国辺海之人、無令往来蔚陵島、更致事端惹起、其於相好之誼不勝幸甚、佳領謝、薄物侑緘、統惟 照亮、不宣

*This is the negotiaton record agains Ulleungdo between Joseon and Japan's Tsushima clan. Joseon dynasty insist that Ulleungdo is Joseon's one becuse it is written in Yeojisunran which explains Ulluengdo and forest is visisble from Korean peinnsula.

・1662 陟州誌許穆:1595-1682


*(They explain one island twin name theory )

1823.海東繹史 續集 14 地理考 14山水 2境內(水)(See:P3)

経蔚珍城東。其東南隅海。曰于山島。謹素千当作于。曰菀陵島。東三十度極三十六度八分 西南数十里。経平海城東南。有小水口 水西出奉化城東大山。合両X。東流百里入海。上X口正為于山島

*East of Uljing city, southeast of the sea Usando-or Tchan, or Ulleungdo, so it explain one island twin names.

・1864.大東地誌 金正浩 (蔚珍)

鬱陵島在本縣正東海中(中略)自本縣天晴而登高望見則如雲氣 純是石山自本縣天晴而登高望見則如雲氣便風二日

漁村集卷之四 東關錄○詩 沈彦光



The records (Usan and )Ulleungdo can be seen from Pyonghae平海

(Cf:Visibility simulation from Pyonghae平海 with Zoom up lenz 050mm /200mm altitude12m-25m-50m-100m-200m-300m-400m)

At the point of altitude 100 meter, Ulluengdo can be seen as if it is twin island, which have a small island on Left/north, although Uluengdo is one island .

1435-1493頃 眉叟記言 淸士列傳 (P2)(金時習 1435~1493 )



・The antique map description from 1600's ~1900's.

于山島在三陟之東 鬱陵島在平海之東 六日程地

*(They explain two island theory,)

・1786.07.04原春監司、李致中復命(日省録) (海上にて)

原春監司 李致中 狀啓 鬱陵島 搜討乙巳年爲次第而因嶺東 慘歉前 監司 徐鼎修 狀聞停止今年搜討官當次 越松萬戶 金昌胤牒呈內 四月十九日候風于平海丘尾津二十七日午時分四船與倭學李裕文上下員役沙格竝八十名齊發二十八日卯時船格等指曰彼黑雲底乃島中上峯云云未過數時 最高三峯宛然入望四更未四船同聚悲喜交極各陳危怖之狀

*(They explain Ulluengdo has The Three Peak, which is the name of Sambongdo)

The records (Usan and )Ulleungdo can be seen from Younghae寧海Chuksan丑山.

(Cf:Visibility simulation from Chuksan/Youngae with Zoom up lenz 050mm / 200mm altitude12m-25m-50m-100m-200m-300m-400m)

At the point of altitude 400 meter, Ulluengdo can be seen as if it is twin island, which have a small island on Left/north and main island on south, although Uluengdo is one island .

・1650.c.a. 臥遊録 / 西渓雑録「鬱陵島」朴世堂(1694‾1703)(臥遊録+鬱陵島事蹟).

鬱陵島 (新羅史曰于山國島名鬱陵) 地誌鬱陵或曰武陵亦曰羽陵 登高望之 三峰岌嶪撑空 而南峰稍低 日初出時風恬浪靜 則衆峰攢靑岩壑呈露沙汀樹木 歷歷可指---------………

有大山三峰 尤峻發島 三面皆壁立 萬仞南邊稍開豁然亂山若犬牙撑列 水底舟道極險狹 難入登岸 則白沙平鋪 長松列植 山開望濶 而江水流出 緣江行十餘里 則篔簹作藪 不見天日 大君梁柱小不减椽杠又穿 藪行十餘里 則有竹林其脩大若篔簹竹林旣窮而原野夷曠有村居墟落山多珍木藥草 倭方伐竹 採藥 留渠守船鄰船適 有同俘七人 夜與相語 天將曉發船 以來日纔晡已到寧海地面 云盖二島去此不甚遠 一颿風可至 于山島 勢卑不因海氣極淸朗 不登最高頂 則不可見

鬱陵 稍峻風浪息 則尋常可見 麋鹿態獐往往越海 出來朝日纔高三丈 則島中黃雀群飛來 接竹邊串[주:島中竹實特時漂出形如大慱暴海女拾之爲雜佩篔簹及竹亦或漂出一節有數尺者宜箭筒比多有之]

*This document is quoted when Korean distorts "this record describes Liacnourt Rocks can be seen from Ulluengdo". they omit the translation of "from here去此), it means "From Younghae". so this document also explain

天將曉發船 以來日纔晡已 到寧海地面云盖

二島 去此不甚遠 一颿風可至

于山島 勢卑不因海氣極淸朗-不登最高頂- 不可見

鬱陵 稍峻風浪息- 尋常可見


朝日纔高三丈 則島中黃雀群飛來 接竹邊串[島中竹實特時漂出形如大慱暴海女拾之爲雜佩篔簹及竹亦或漂出一節有數尺者宜箭筒比多有之]

The place one strong wind possible to arrive (「一颿風可至」) is "two island" from younhae. which is near from two island 二島(于山島・鬱陵島)」 .

The records (Usan and )Ulleungdo can be seen (others)

襄陽府-靑臺上 通川縣-堂山 登望からだと、 子丑(北)の方角に見える

吉州-無時串 洪原縣-蒲靑社 登望見 からだと、 巳午(北北西?)の方角に見える

1430.04.04 『世宗実録(1454)』 48권, 12년( 1430 경술 / 명 선덕(宣德) 5년) 4월 4일 계유 7번째기사

○傳旨咸吉道監司: 鏡城無地串、洪原蒲靑社, 使人登望, 則可見蓼島。 其令首領官, 或詳明守令一人, 偕今去金南連, 望見蓼島形勢及水路夷險以啓。 若有偕南連往還蓼島者、居海邊望見者, 詳問本道形勢遠近以啓

1430.10.23.『世宗実録(1454)』50권, 12년( 1430 경술 / 명 선덕(宣德) 5년)

先是, 傳旨于江原、咸吉道監司曰: “今所訪蓼島, 在襄陽府靑臺上、通川縣堂山登望, 則見于子丑間; 在吉州無時串、洪原縣蒲靑社望見, 則見于巳午間。 其令詳明勤恪人望見以聞。” 至是, 咸吉道監司報: “令殿直田闢等四人, 往無時串登望海中, 有東西二峯如島嶼, 一微高, 一差小, 中有一大峯。 立標測之, 正當巳午間。” 遂送闢于京。

The records (Usan and )Ulleungdo can be seen on the ocean.

・1794.06.06江原道觀察使沈晋賢狀啓言(on the sea)

二十二日寅時, 怒濤漸息, 只見遠海之中, 二隻船帆自南而來。 格軍輩擧手指東曰: ‘彼雲霧中隱隱如雲者, 疑是島中上峰也。’ 萬戶詳細遠望, 則果是島形也。親自擊皷, 激勵格軍, 卽爲到泊於島之西面黃土邱尾津

From the watchin tower on 頭里山烽台, Sambondo can be seen as if it is buffalow laid down shape

・1728.06.09 英祖実録 18卷 ( 英祖4年, 1728年 6月 9日)

更推黃溥。 刑一次, 溥供: “慶源人南龜錫持巡營軍官傳令, 來慶興,言于臣曰: ‘巡使道謫慶源時, 聞三峰島之說, 使渠訪問, 以爲推得之地。’ 臣問其探知與否, 則龜錫曰: ‘有一人言: 「若頭里山烽臺, 値日晴, 則僅見其島形, 如臥牛。」云。"

・『記言卷之二十八 下篇 山川 東界 』


*(They explain Usan is another name of Ulleungdo, so one island twin name theory)

耘谷行錄卷之一 元天錫



三淵集卷之八 詩 詩8 金昌翕



訥隱先生文集卷之一 李光庭




溪村先生文集 二

毗盧峯[毗盧者、金剛之主峯也。自摩訶東、至妙吉祥數里、又北入洞數十里、遇石磧匍匐以上數千步、峯頭可望數千][里、東臨大海、西俯平陸、鬱陵北關、皆在指點中、] ( 毗盧峯[毗盧者、金剛之主峯也。自摩訶東、至妙吉祥數里、又北入洞數十里、遇石磧匍匐以上數千步、峯頭可望數千里、東臨大海、西俯平陸、鬱陵北關、皆在指點中、] )


動安居士行錄卷第一 (1359年刊)


望武陵島行 幷序 002_394b



[출처] 그러면, 강원도에서 울릉도는 보이나? (동안거사행록)|작성자 머찐만두

Not classified yet

豊墅集卷之三 詩



白洲集卷之一 六言絶句




細雨初晴夕日低, 故人南去蔚島棲, 亦知求友鶯遷木, 頻賀歸程鷰蹴泥, 白雲持贈心還鬱, 明月相思意倍悽, 回頭 悵立春天暮, 垂柳藤蔓一樣齊.

葵窓遺稿卷之二 七言絶句 李健

