Korean fascism-like brainwash Propaganda "education"

In this grobal era, I believe the purpose of "education" is not only to improve wizdom or basic knowledge, but also to establish respect of other culture , harmony, cooperation, and eleminates "prejudice" for peace.

But, In South Korea, there are extreme-ethno centristic education, propaganda, from kindergarden and primary school. Things is worse, they impose their distorted propaganda on "kindergarden" kids who have no ability to read Chinese Charactor and Maps, and no ability to judge what is true or not. Their puropse is simily to establishe "Korean govemental propaganda" before those kids have ability to judge it is true or distorture. On those process, Korean have prejudice and hostility, offensive crazy prejudice toward Japan.


Usually ,Korean education system have no check system to fix un-balanced thought , malice, prejudice . Both principle class who joined ”韓国総教”and normal teacher class who join Teacher's Union”全教組” have prejudice toward Japan so they promote offensive, hostility, and distorted propaganda to brainwash their students incruding kindergarden.

The Propaganda lesson on the video left called "契機授業”. There are two type of 契機授業. One is planned by a teacher themselves ,which need principle's permittion. It was told some brainwashed fasist-like group like VANK and do on, they send letter to the school teacher and it makes a teacher do so. The other is the order from the Education Resource department(教育資源部), that is to say, it is Korean govemental order to the each school. All the priciple have obligation to promote the Korean's brainwash propaganda under the govemental order. Ofcourse it is not all the teacher support those brainwash fascism propaganda on their school. Some teacher knows this is same like Natiz, Mussolini and Japan imperial and so on. Problem is, if they express their opiion against those fasism-like propaganda policy, they got disadvantages, e.g. no permission of carrier-up training during summer vacation, or move to the school at the remoted and no convinient area .(Korean teacher usually move the new school every 4-5 years, it is obligation). it is no hope to peaceful solution because Korea do those stupid brainwashs. At least , they bear prejudice toward Japanese next 30 yaers if they stop it right now . it is very famous brainwashed-student group e.g. The Voluntary Agency Network Korean, is famous anti-Japan "voluntary" group , has been supported by Northeast Asia history Fundation, one of the think-tank by the Korean govement and ministry of Forein affairs of Korea..Their purpose is simple. they want Japanese feel annoyd by the Korean stalker strategy e.g. span and so on, by shout anti japan propaganda overseas and wanna Japanese say "give up Takeshima" so they keep negative campaing against Japan. On the other hand, Japan's strategy is simple, to dispute the territorial issue to the international Court of Justice and ask to dispute there every year to the Koran govement who refuse every year and promote fascism brainwash more and more escalation.It is appear that Korean govemnt promotes Anti-Japan brainwash propaganda and support those natinalist groups under the sink-tank with related to Korean ministry of foreign affairs, according to thier website. They never seek for peaceful solution. Website(http://japanese.historyfoundation.or.kr/MA/)・Vank, supported by Korean goemental propaganda organization, "Northeast Asia history fundation dokdo reserch institute.


・Next year Korean govement support 20000000000 won to the Northeast Asia history Fundation to battle with Japan and China about "History issue War". It is already decided budget contents. It is focused on the interesting because China's NortEast strategy (東北工程)




しかし、なぜしないのか? それは、「地球市民」や「平和団体」を名乗るかなりが、言論の自由が制限された全体主義国家韓国や中国人の手先である工作員だからではないだろうか?

★厳選!韓国情報★ ★国民が知らない反日の実態★



・2008.05.18.誇らしい反日教育 「ここに日の丸があったら、皆さん気分はどうですか?」「よくないです!」



・2008.09.14 政治プロパガンダに分別も就かない小学生を洗脳して利用する韓国政府

・2008.09.22.誇らしい韓国の小学校 一週間全て独島授業

・2009年02月22日 01:36 竹島問題、韓国に幼児向け施設登場


・2007.08.16.日本の終戦記念日に上野公園で反日集会を実施 これに分別も就かない学生を政治に利用する韓国

・このような洗脳の成果~2008.08.30韓国の小中学生の大半が、「一番嫌いな国は日本」 アンケート調査結果



2008.07 2通



2008.09 2通


2008.10 3通



・2008.07.16 12:07:27 韓国教総、全教組“独島特別授業”共に推進

・2009.02.03 08:12:43.「サイバー青少年独島士官学校」設立へ






金議長はこの日、市民団体の参加連帯を訪れ「1930年代の大恐慌を前後に欧州でファシズムが台頭したのと同じく韓国社会にもそうし た恐れがある」とし「それが今年5月31日の統一地方選で示されたのではないか」と懸念の意を示した。また「(韓国社会は)『冷戦守旧勢力』の大連合が本 格化し非常に危険な状況であり、これは民主社会を深刻に脅かすもの」と主張。続いて自身が提案した「ニューディール」についても支持を要請した。だが、参 加連帯の金起式(キム・キシク)事務処長はニューディールを激しく批判し金議長の要請を拒否した。

◇金槿泰議長=「5月の統一地方選は一言で恐ろしい審判だった。第一(与党が)独善的ではないかという拒否感があり、第二には庶民 の経済が非常に厳しかった点がある。この2つが統一地方選で耐えがたい審判を受ける理由となった。新しい契約、社会的な大妥協をし分裂を克服しなければ未 来がない、と判断した。投資の活性化と雇用の創出が『道』だと決断している」。

◇金起式事務処長=「(ニューディール案の詳細を批判した後)社会的な大妥協は必要だがウリ党が進めるニューディールには加われな い。(ニューディールは)財閥中心の成長戦略から抜け出せずにいる。輸出向けの大手企業数社を育てることでは、中小企業の成長や労働者のための雇用創出を 実現できない。出資総額制の廃止を許す場合「金融産業構造改善に関する法律」と商法の改正案など敏感な法案の審議に悪影響をおよぼす。(企業家への赦免に 関連しては)ルールを破った場合の罰則を傷付けるような社会的大妥協が望ましいだろうか。与党の政策が間違っているのに真正性だけ訴えてはならない。
