Pentagram shape detailed ulleungdo maps

Aronud Mid or late of 18th Century, Circular shape design detailed Ullengdo maps changes into Pentaglam shape desgin one.

Those maps here are not Inspector's map, but just a detailed Ulleungdo maps.

In additinon, most of Pentaglam shape improves the preciseness with distance measurement.

Usando have two desgin.

One Type is Usando located on Northeast of Ulleungdo about 5- 10ri里 e.g. 海東輿地圖 1766-95

The other type is the Usando Located on NorthEast of Ulleungdo about 30ri里, e.g. 朝鮮地圖1750-68

1750.-1768 Joseon-Jido Ullunegdo 朝鮮地圖. Housed in Seoul Nat'l Univ Kyuujanggak 奎16030)

Around 1770-1790. Kwanwondo Ulleungdo map Housed in 慶尚大学 map, there are only Three southcoast rock on ulleungdo,not five south rocks.1776-95.c.a HaedongYeojido Ulleungdo 海東輿地圖 鬱陵島 Housed in Korea Central Library 古2107-361795-1800.c.a. DongYodo東輿圖 (Joseon do朝鮮古圖) 11 Housed in Tsukuba Nat'l Univ library筑波大学附属図書館

1800-1822. Joseondo Ulleungdo 朝鮮図 鬱陵島 Housed in Osaka Nakanosima Library大阪中ノ島図書館

1834. Cheonggudo 靑邱圖 by Kim Jonho金正浩 Housed in Seoul Nat'l Univ Kyuujanggak

This maps seems to be printed much because we can see this map other three copy in Korea.1834. Cheonggyongran Ulleungdo 『靑丘要覽』鬱陵島図 H

1850s. Cheonggudo Ulleungdo 『靑丘圖』鬱陵島図 After Kim Jonho's map on 1830's , Usando was not drawn around 1860's mao because he judged Usan is just a old other name of Ullengdo so he didnt write it on his map Rectangrar shape design around 1850-1860. After that they re write Usando again.

Those map has quoted to the Korean govemental education office Geography textbook e.g. 大韓地誌 on 1899-1906.

1884-1888(1835-1894)19C中旬 [憲宗-高宗初頃] Jido 地圖 江原Kanwondo Ullengdo

Usando east of Samchok and Ullengdo east of Pyonghae Six day distance(from Seoul?)West-east 100ri and width 60rilocal product listBriefing history records.