5- Home Education


An Increasing Trend in the USA, the UK, or Australia 

Have you already envisioned your life without school ? How is it? 

Do you consider homeschooling an interesting way of learning for children,teens, and adults?

Does it change the relationship we have with learning? Does it become more like leisure ?


What do you think of 'homeschooling'? What is it?

What about 'unschooling'?

1 - Look up on the web or in the school library for a satisfactory definition. Explain!

2 - Watch this documentary about unschooling and answer the following questions on this form. Submit it at the end and we'll discuss your answers.

3 - Finally, based on our discussions and the different sections at the bottom of the page, argue whether you are more or less favorable to home education versus school education. Is it legal in France or in Spain? What seem to be the advantages, the drawbacks? Would it be something you could consider for your children?  (post an entry of minimum 300 words - be specially careful with organizing your arguments logically and clearly.)


Let's look at teenagers and how they can access universities with this article.


A. Unschooled in Australia

A final year journalist student’s project : reflecting on a different way to learn – unschooling.

Close to 50,000 children are home schooled every year in Australia, among them 15% are unschooled.

B. Home Education in the United Kingdom

1) What are the reasons for parents to homeschool their children?

Read the following articles:

* netmums.com: A Parents' view of Homeschooling

* Responsiblehomeschooling.org: Reasons for parents to Homeschool their children and reporting on homeschooling

2) Do homeschooled children lead a normal adult life ?

* BBC article (2002)

3) Read a child’s perspective :

Another BBC article (2002)


C. Homeschooling, and unschooling, is on the rise in the US because of the state of public schooling. What about Private Schools?

txt_let's ban private schools

D.  Unschooling : the controversy

E. Whatever way you look at it, education is the key to the future

And the Peace Nobel Prize goes  (went) to...