
What is expected of you?

How to improve your writing skills:

Learning to use dictionaries, and especially dictionaries of collocations such as Ozdic, is essential to improve your writing skills. Another important thing is to learn to spot your mistakes or check when you hesitate on usage.

You can also check this Online Writing guide.

1. Use dictionaries in English:

- the Cambridge dictionary or the Merriam-Webster (which features a useful auditive reference),

- a collocation dictionary

- a thesaurus.

If need be, use a bilingual dictionary such as Word Reference.

- Review the order of adjectives

- choose the adequate tense:

- Be careful, in most occurrences, not to separate the object from the verb

2. Organizing thoughts and ideas

* Learn how to use the basic connecting words to organize events or present your ideas in a logical way:

Au début


At first

At the beginning


= puis : then, next

= par la suite : afterwards, later


In the end


You can also choose to express a list of arguments (on the one hand/on the other hand, firstly/secondly/thirdly), contrast (conversely, although, however), opposition (whereas), consequence (indeed, as a consequence, consequently), a goal (in order to/to), give an example (for instance, for example), add information (moreover, furthermore, as well as, in addition to) etc.

Here you'll find a pretty exhaustive list of link words and here you can test yourself!

* Space out and write forceful paragraphs: each paragraph should develop one idea and make your essay progress.

3. Writing in a specific literary form

1) A dialogue

* use a variety of report speech verbs

* use quotation marks to bracket uttered speech

* do NOT use dashes to identify the speakers

2) A letter

Is it a formal or informal writing? Make sure you know how to format a letter:

* Where do you write the sender's address?

* Where do you write the receiver's address?

* What is the typical opening?

* Which endings do you know?

Everything you need is here.

3) An email

Is it a formal or informal email? Make sure you know how to format a letter, as it is almost the same:

* Where do you write the sender's address?

* Where do you write the receiver's address?

* What do you write in the 'subject' header?

* What is the typical opening?

* Which endings do you know?

Everything you need is here.

4) A Press Article

A typical press article could look like this:

Writing A Press Article

Make sure you SAY something: a press article is informative. So, choose an angle and write about it!

Vocabulary about press articles.


If you prefer, try this newspaper article generator or this newspaper clipping generator.!

5) An argumentative text

* Think about your ideas and prepare a draft: write down key words, examples, anecdotes, on your draft. Organize your ideas in several paragraphs so there is a progression, a thesis in your essay – something you want to demonstrate.

* Use a rich vocabulary - precise, adequate, and varied: The best way to develop a strong lexicon is to read books or newspaper articles with rich vocabulary. Try not to repeat the same words but to use a synonym, a mor precise word, etc. Note in your notebook or a specific one useful phrases or link words, try using them in your own essays and adapt them to your writing. Vocabulary related to specific semantic fields (education, work, school, the environment, machines, feelings, personality, etc), to express your point of view or make general statements,to open or present an argument, to conclude, etc

*Organize and space out :

* Read over and check for grammar or usage mistakes before turning in your essay: if need be, check a dictionary or grammar tools on the class website. Don’t hesitate to ask questions!

6) A CV

Want to write like Shakespeare? Try this "translator"

Most Frequent Symbols I use when grading your writings:

p = punctuation

x= omission

t = wrong tense

conj = wrong conjugation

GR= grammatical mistake

Rephrase/word = not well said – reformulate

syntax : error in the syntax of your sentence : it needs to be reformulated, some words are missing, the vocabulary isn’t adequate, etc

wrong form : a verb needs the -ing form or not, etc

w/w= wrong word / word choice

w/o= word order

sp =spelling