Text for  MM Musings Part 2

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11/26/18, The Mob Protection Racket Goes Mainstream. Also a brief refresher on the shoe bomber, underwear bomber, etc.

Spending on school security had increased by 12 times in one year, in response to school shootings in Florida, Texas, and other places.  In 2017, $2 million in state grants were awarded to area schools for updated security.  In 2018, the number increased to $25 million.  And that was only 1/3rd of the $75 million requested.  

You can be sure this is happening all over the country, in school districts coast to coast.  So someone is making a fortune selling new security to public schools.  Who do you think that someone is?  Could it be the usual suspects?  Could it be the PNAC, New World Order goons who started all this with 911—the Cheney/Rumsfeld cabal and all their various cohorts in Halliburton, L3, and a thousand other new security firms? 

You know it.  It's a multi-billion-dollar business, one completely unknown before 2001.  How much security did your schools have, when you were a kid?  None?  How much did they need?  None?  How much do they NEED now?  None?  But that isn't what the media is telling you, is it? 

And who owns the media?  Same people, or their cousins. 

So this is just the old mob protection racket, blown up to monstrous proportions and sold by the government and media itself.  And who is paying them for this fake protection from phantom threats?  You are, with your new taxes.  Your rising local, state, and federal taxes are all being tapped in various ways to deal with this manufactured terror.

there are a lot of things you can do.  Thousands of things, most of them which require very little bravery and no risk.   But before you do any of them, you have to quit believing what they tell you.  They have bluffed you on this question and every other one.  So don't believe there is nothing you can do. 

Don't believe you have no power.  Don't believe your actions don't matter.  Don't believe there is no going back.  Don't believe you are living in a hologram.  Don't believe your memories are false.  And don't believe anything the mainstream media tells you.  Do not give them your money, do not vote for them, do not work for them, do not work with them.  JUST SAY NO.

 The (school) shootings I have researched are all faked.  But since people started to get suspicious in about 2005 or so, it has been much harder for them to sell the newer casino security, school security, store security, sporting event security, etc. 

Whereas they only had to run about one fake airport or airplane story every few months from 2001-2008, say, they now have to run a fake mass shooting about once a day.  That is how the story has accelerated.  

take a close look at airport security and the underwear bomber. The underwear bomber just happened to be the son of a highranking African banker and diplomat, but that isn't suspicious, is it?   Wikipedia admits he is one of the richest men in not only Nigeria, but in all of Africa.   He is a former chairman of First Bank of Nigeria and a Federal Commissioner for Economic Development. 

He has also run several large oil companies, including Agip and Incar.  The underwear bomber himself was a “gifted” student in advanced classes, and he attended University College London.  He has a degree in mechanical engineeering, which is a tough degree.  He was also working on a masters degree in international business in Dubai when he was called to this project.

There is no chance such a person would try to sneak a bomb on a plane in his pants, or that he would be successful.   While there is a 100% chance he was planted in this story by his family, to help sell airport security. 

We know without further study the entire airport security project is a vast hoax.  If they had real terrorists trying to get on planes, they wouldn't have to come up with these fake ones, would they?


11/12/18, H. H. Holmes: America's First Fake Serial Killer.

by David Kasady and Leaf Garrit

Guest writers obliterate this one for us.

 Its location in the quite wealthy Englewood neighborhood is another red flag about the Murder Castle. According to Larson, Englewood residents acquired big houses on streets named Harvard and Yale that were lined with elm, ash, sycamore, and linden and posted with signs barring all but essential wagon traffic.

They sent their children to school and went to church and attended meetings of the Masons and forty-five other secret societies having lodges, kingdoms, and hives in the village.

Englewood was the center of spookiness in Chicago, being home to an incredible 46 secret societies and having streets named after the country’s chief spook schools.

The Pinkertons were a precursor to the CIA and the Secret Service; they were U.S. Intelligence before there was offcially “U.S. Intelligence.”

I must take a minute to address the obvious question: why are the powers-that-be allowing famouskin.com to post all these family connections among the rich and powerful?

Because famouskin.com is actually working in their favor. Most of the family connections are relatively distant, being fourth cousins at best. So you are led to believe these connections are incidental, the way any ordinary Joe might stumble upon the occasional prominent ancestor in his genealogy.

But we should assume they are hiding much closer connections among all these people, including connections to all the British peers that keep coming up in Miles’ research.

The lack of any relations to barons, earls, or lords in Holmes’ famouskin.com page is a glaring omission  We know from Miles’ research that Marxism/socialism was a fake movement manufactured by the Industrialists and has been one of their most successful means of undermining criticism against themselves.

This should also tell you what to think about the NAACP, if you didn’t already know. As we’ve seen over and over, the same families denouncing the evils of capitalism were the same ones perpetrating and profiting from them.

It is called controlling the opposition: pretending to criticize yourself so that someone else won't do it better.  Let me end with a few words on the archetype of the serial killer, and what the Holmes case means for this archetype.

Holmes is presented as “America’s frst serial killer,” in the sense in which we commonly understand it today – the soulless, psychopathic killer born with an inexplicable lack of empathy and a pathological need to kill.

What is curious is how perfectly the timing of the Holmes case aligns with the rise of this archetype in the field of psychology. Dr. Hervey Cleckley described the prototypical psychopath as “a subtly constructed reflex machine which can mimic the human personality perfectly.

So perfect is his reproduction of a whole and normal man that no one who examines him in a clinical setting can point out in scientific or objective terms why, or how, he is not real.”

That language should strike you as odd. For example, the word prototypical. A prototype is defined as a “preliminary model of something, especially a machine, from which other forms are developed.”

This suggests that serial killers didn’t arise organically out of human nature or society, but rather that the archetype was designed, as a machine is. Cleckley uses the word “constructed”, which is even more overt.

Things don’t construct themselves, which begs the question of who is doing the constructing. Also curious is Cleckley’s assertion that a psychopath and a normal person are indistinguishable, even in a clinical setting.

That begs the question, how does Cleckley know psychopaths exist? He admits himself that there are no clinical indications of psychopathy, and therefore no way of diagnosing this disorder.

In fact, that is the telltale mark of a psychopath. So, its inability to be diagnosed is part of the disease? 

Just like Hawking was the master of unprovable theories, Cleckley mastered the unprovable theory of the psychopath, just in time to explain Holmes and the next hundred years of serial killers, whose actions don’t make any sense outside of Cleckley’s theory. How convenient.


10/27/18, Pittsburgh Shooting Hoax. The big clue is the name Bowers, in case you don't have time to read it.

We have seen that some in Government and the Jewish communities love nothing better than pretending to attack themselves.   It has proved to be a fantastic way to generate sympathy. . . or it was in the past.  I think a lot of people are starting to see through it, which is why the governors and families have had to turn up the volume. 

Average people yawn and change the channel, so they have to televise fakes on every channel, sometimes at a rate of two or three a week.  Pretty soon they will have to hire people to come directly to your house and lecture you on these topics, to make you are properly propagandized.  You will have to pass a test at the end.  

I have never studied a promoted tragedy like this and found it to be genuine.  NEVER.  

I have shown they are run by the same people for pretty much the same reasons, and always have been. So when a new one comes along, it isn't hard to spot. 

And here again, we have the bald numerology, with aces and eights all over the place.   we have seen many many times that both churches and synagogues are simply Intel fronts, going back centuries. 

Rabbis, priests, and other “clerics” are often little more than agents in white robes, pretending to be holy in order to more easily scam you.    We now know the KKK and the American Nazi Party came out of military intelligence.  

The number of similar events that have been hoaxed in the past 500 years is nearly endless. . Remember, they have to mark these events as hoaxes for other people in Intelligence, which is mostly what the numerology is for. 

It is sort of a stand-down signal.  Although I don't know why they bother anymore: since every event is now fake, they only need a “this is real” signal—which they could mothball from lack of use.   


Stephen Hawking's Genealogy. Where I continue to demolish the Hawking impostor, showing he was a total fraud in all incarnations, even the original one. Also brief commentary on Edward Witten and others. Including a tack-on about the current Taos art scene.

Stephen Hawking's Genealogy

by Miles Mathis

First published September 24, 2018

No progress has been made on quantum gravity in the past century.  Outside of my books, the field hasn't advanced one tiny step since that time.  Mainstream mathematicians and physicists either don't know the first thing about math, physics, or logic, or that they are purposefully messing with our heads. Probably the latter.  If we are kept in a permanent state of confusion, we are less likely to question their science budgets, which are just as illogical and fanciful as their math.  

I believe anything I might have to say, down to a weather report or shallow boasting, is more worthy of publication than anything these geniuses of the mainstream are posting or have been posting for many decades.  I could be writing about my own earlobes and it would be more compelling and poignant than anything we have seen from the promoted prodigies of science, art, or history for about a century.  Honestly, I say that not because I think so much of myself, but because I think so little of them. 

I would rather listen to birds chirp, dogs bark, or children mumble than listen to another word of boring mainstream misdirection. Like string theory, supersymmetry is bald mathematical game playing, with no necessary (or even possible) link to the real physical world.  These guys just propose whatever they like, with no question as to whether there is any evidence for it, and no question as to whether it is sensible at all.  They then award themselves prizes for it. You will say all this “advanced” math may find an application someday, but it won't. 

It won't because I have proven the solutions to all these problems are much simpler than they thought.  For instance, because these guys were jacking around with “higher” non-applied and non-applicable math, they missed seeing that Newton's gravitational equation was already unified.  They missed seeing that the Lagrangian was already unified.  They missed seeing that Maxwell's equations were already unified. Therefore none of them needed to be unified with one another by manufacturing symmetries and complex operators. 

What was necessary was not building new equations, but better understanding the old equations.  The key wasn't higher math, it was figuring out what G was really doing in Newton's equation, what k was doing in Coulomb's equation, and so on.  My solutions immediately made all their work obsolete.  Not only obsolete, but awful. 

Marilyn vos Savant scored about 35 points higher (230).  Since she is still living, why is she buried in searches of this sort?  I will tell you: she got crossways with the mainstream gatekeepers in mathematics about twenty years ago, and they purposely decided to bury her.  Marilyn disagreed with the mainstream and was therefore targeted.  As we know, these people will say anything.  The truth simply doesn't matter.

They are masters of blackwashing.  And they have a ubiquitous reach, even convincing Guinness to drop its IQ category, simply because they didn't wish to continue listing Marilyn at the top of that page. Jewish organization of pseudoscientific gatekeeping, which pretends to be protecting us from astrologers and other dangerous people of that sort, but is really protecting us from ideas which don't make them any money.  

I also find it curious that I am about the only person who has ever questioned anything these people have done.  I have gotten called to the carpet by hordes of anonymous trolls on just about everything I have ever said, down to the smallest claims on my website.  My posted bio has been nitpicked word for word, and I can't even tell a story about my childhood without being asked for proof it happened.

But with these famous and promoted people, nothing is ever questioned.  No one ever looks closely at their bios, asks for proof of their claims, or checks their math.  All we see is a constant barrage of shallow promotion from thousands of mainstream sites, without ever a hard question asked.  People like Hawking, Witten, Wiles, and Feynman have a million allies and groupees, but not a prominent enemy in the world.  How likely is that?

In a multilateral world of differing opinions, that should not happen. These guys should have to field some serious criticism.  But they never do.  Their debates and interviews are canned and their online pages are policed.  Forums are cleansed of any against-the mainstream opinion, and the major sites admit that.  They actually give demerits to anyone who asks a serious question, and ban anyone who doesn't immediately pipe down. 

Again, how likely is that in a real world?  I have made the same point in art.  How likely is it that all mainstream sites would cheerlead for Modernism, and none would have a nice word for contemporary realism?  Of all the movie stars and pop stars buying and promoting Modern art, not one is buying or promoting realism? Really?  And you think the media isn't totally controlled?  

We should know the media is manufactured because it doesn't match our real-life experience.

Whenever I talk to real people, I find most of them like realism and hate Modernism.  If normal people were suddenly made rich, they would buy realism, not Modernism.  So how is it that almost all rich people buy Modernism?  I will tell you: they are part of the racket and we aren't.  

It is the same with science.  Most people who study the main components of quantum mechanics or other new science just shake their heads.  And not because it is so hard, but because it is so utterly irrational. 

They know it can't be true no matter what the math says, so why bother with the math.  They have taken enough courses in high school to know that you can't prove a contradiction with any math, so they rightly walk away.  So how is it that these child prodigies can't figure that out?  How is it that our senators can't figure that out?  How is it that the billionaires funding these projects can't figure this out?  I will tell you: they are part of the racket and we aren't.  

Plus, as we have seen, famous people don't need to promote themselves, since they are the beneficiaries of a constant mainstream promotion, from literally thousands of sources.  Because they are from the Families, they are promoted from the cradle.  A large portion of the media is given over every day to making sure we know who these people are and how important they are. 

The promotion is so excessive, they can even pretend to be humble and it doesn't matter.  But with people like me, the opposite is true.  Not only can we not seem to find any promotion, if we make any headway nonetheless we are immediately swamped with noisy and false anti-promotion.  Hundreds of people arise out of nowhere to slander us.  Obviously, this is to protect the franchise.  These people are hired to quash any competition.  

So those of us not from the Families have to promote ourselves.  No one else is going to do it, are they? Earlier this year, we finally saw some people saying nice things about me online, but even so, those comments are on a private blog.  Those comments are not being published widely by the media, and it is very unlikely that anyone but my choir will ever read them.  So the levels of promotion are still very low compared to my mainstream competitors.

And for years I didn't even have that.  For a long time, the only one who believed in me was me.  Is it any wonder I developed the tone I did?  But of course my detractors won't even give me that.  They have slandered me and then tried to shame me for fighting back. According to them, self-promotion is always unseemly.  It is a sign of megalomania. 

Believing in yourself when others don't is apparently the greatest modern sin, and is proof by itself of delusion.  That has been one of their primary gambits, and they learned it in debating101: the cleverest thing you can do is trap your enemy in a no-win situation, of the “have you stopped beating your wife” sort.  They deny you promotion, then accuse you of being anti-social if you self-promote. 

The only way you can avoid attack is if you accept their terms on everything.  

First, they trap everyone not in the Families outside the gates.  Those of us on the other side of the moat are pre-defined losers.  Any idea we have must go through their channels, so we rely on them to rise beyond a certain point.  If we don't do as we are told, we will never make it across the drawbridge.

But some of us will not accept that situation, and we begin talking directly to our neighbors, ignoring the accepted channels.  When that happens, the response from the castle is immediate, punishing, and twofold: one, the miscreants are accused of transgressing all societal rules.  We are said to be trampling on all the sanctified and holy norms like peer review, majority rule, Christian humility, and groupthink. Two, the castle floods the peasants with new handbills and new tasks, to keep them so busy they haven't time to converse among themselves. 

Those in the tower may also turn up the daily music, add a lot of new festivals to the schedule, and send spies into the populace, for the same purpose.  And if all that fails, they will pay an enemy to attack the city.   You will say have I made these points before and am just repeating myself.  True, but these points bear repeating.  I have not made them in years, and nothing has changed. 

Despite my greater online numbers and new levels of support, the situation in general has not changed a whit.  If anything, those anti-promoting me have only increased their funding and turned up the volume on the lies.  As long as they keep attacking, I have to keep defending.  


The sad truth is that art has been killed on purpose, everybody knows that, but nobody cares.  They are too overdrugged to get off the couch and complain about anything, much less art.  

The only proper response to the billions spent on art propaganda is to force it back down their throats, telling them we don't want it.  We want real art, not this New World Order promotion posing as art.


In conversation, I have been told by some locals that this is just an unavoidable outcome of a democratized art.  It is not just ruling-class bozos that can't create real art, it is most people, and the new art is an art for the masses.  It allows a far larger number of people to call themselves artists, which is important to them.  That sounds great on the face of it, but it is just pathetic if you look at it harder. 

I have no problem with people wanting to be involved in the arts.  If they knew their places, it would be great.  But what has happened is that this “art for the masses or by the masses” or whatever you wish to call hasn't just coexisted with real art, it has displaced it.  Or replaced it.  To say it clearly, these people don't exist in the field along with those such as me.  They exist in the field instead of those such as me.

Especially when they are rich kids from the families, they benefit from promotion I can't possibly find, so they end up taking the entire field.  But it is even more than that, as we have seen, since—in order to guarantee the success of his children—Daddy Warbucks destroys their competitors on purpose. 

In other words, the billionaires install their own sons and daughters as artists and then use the owned media to destroy what was previously understood to be art.   This is why Modernism didn't just co-exist with the old traditional art from the beginning.  It totally displaced it.  The markets were taken, almost in toto, leaving nothing but a few dregs for those such as me. 

The owned mainstream media was used for an entire century to badmouth the kind of art I do and promote the kind of art they do.  So there was no level playing field.  In fact, we weren't allowed on the field at all, after about 1916.  We were just defined out of the game.  And the game continues to this day, as we saw in 2009 when Hopper and his buddies pushed this project in Taos, saying the same old things: realism was uncool and out-of-date, done only by the ignorant and tasteless.

These falsehoods continue to be the talking points in the media across the board, in all magazines, on TV, in the movies, and everywhere else.  Everyone is promoting Modernism and no one has anything nice to say—or anything to say at all—about painting or sculpture of the old sort.  Or, it was great for Raphael and Rembrandt and those old guys, but is not to be done by anyone living. Mysteriously and unaccountably, what was good for them is bad for us.

That talent made them famous and continues to do so, and no problem.  But that same talent now is not wanted.  It is only cause for a clicking of tongues or an ostracism.  Here in town, I often get the cold shoulder or a biting glance from someone I hardly know, and I always think to myself, “Ah, they must have read one of my papers.” 

Could be the Jewish thing, but it is just as often the art thing.  I have been ostracized for my art since the 1990s, and I imagine it still makes me more enemies than the Jewish question, especially in a town like Taos.  The heavy lesbian population tags me and all like me as regressive and sexist.  They are allowed to like women, but I'm not.  

So those who don't understand where I am coming from simply haven't considered the question in any detail.  Or perhaps they just don't give a crap.  Like the Moderns, they truly wish those such as me would go extinct as fast as possible, leaving the meek (and the promoted and the trashy and the vulgar) to inherit the Earth.      


The Feel-Good Hoax of the Year.

The Feel-Good Hoax of the Year     

An Analysis of The Thai Cave Rescue Hoax             

by GUEST WRITER Gladys Night Shyamalan and the Pups

 Reading the official version of the events, its easy to see how ridiculous this story is, but nevertheless, many of the people I spoke with in my day-to-day life believed it. I attribute this primarily to the general lack of life experience that has come to personify the citizenry of the Western world.

While every human suffers in their own unique way, modern society provides a cradle-to-grave experience that shelters most people from dealing with situations that are outside their comfort zone, such as going without food (or water) for days on end.

This is of course not their fault, and neither is the fact that the modern educational system was designed to strip students of their critical thinking ability by focusing almost entirely on rote memorization, thus making them more obedient workers and more compliant consumers. 

This combination of relative comfort and institutional brainwashing has allowed the Families to gain a degree of control over modern society that is absolutely breathtaking in its scope and depth.  Only in the past decade (since 9/11), has that control really begun to slip, and as a result some citizens have begun to wake up.

Keep in mind that mid-level technocrats (finance, media, law, and medical types, who are not in the .01%), are the same as everyone else when it comes to their potential impact on broader society.  A cardiothoracic surgeon makes a great living no doubt, but in no way shape or form does he have any more say over the direction of society than your average worker in the fast food industry.

In fact, an individual or family with $100 million in liquid net worth has relatively limited influence.   As others have repeatedly pointed out, the true direction of U.S. society (and Western society more broadly) is crafted by a few ultrapowerful families, which many refer to as the Families. 

This dynamic requires that the governors keep the mid-level technocrats well-occupied and generally satisfied with their quality of life, because if they were to become discontent with the status quo, it’s they who pose the largest threat to the Families.  Our present situation is characterized by the PTB skimming the froth off the economy through a plethora of scams, which has caused income inequality to explode, even among relatively well-compensated industries.

The vast majority of the people that work in global finance are not members of the Families, and this is reflected in the enormous pay disparity (124x) between top hedge fund managers/bank CEO’s, and the rank-and-file, such as a computer programmer who works at Goldman Sachs. This is by no means trying to imply that you should feel bad for those that make significantly more than the average global citizen, I’m just making the point that they have no real influence or power.

 The ruling classes of various countries have always worked closely with one another.  Throughout history, when members of the peerage of a particular country or region realize that a takeover is imminent, they usually choose to get absorbed rather than fight, and may even go through the act of a fake war to make it look like they put up some sort of fight.

But in reality the deal was agreed to long before any real battle was fought. The soldiers that die, and the citizens that suffer, are nothing more than cannon fodder and collateral damage on the devil’s grand chessboard. The Intelligence Officer playbook states that “if stability is not in your best interest, then chaos is your friend.”

Per the Credit Suisse report on global wealth, North America has a total wealth that comes out to about $337,000 per adult.  Since the USA is wealthier than Canada and far wealthier than Mexico, that number rises even more for you personally, coming out to something like $500,000.  In other words, if wealth was divided equally in the US, instead of hoarded by the billionaires, you would be making about that per year.  And so would your wife.  

That is the true measure of what is being stolen from the lower and middle classes by the upper class.  Of course the billionaires aren't just stealing from the US, they are stealing worldwide, so a lot of that money would have to be given back to poor countries we are raping.  Bringing you and your partner's total income down to about $106,000 per year.  Still, not bad.

And, since I am not suggesting total income equality (some jobs should be paid more than others, since some require more skills, education, intelligence, etc.), in a fair economy, if you have a skilled job you would be making more than that. 

So when the economists tell you that with a fair division of worldwide wealth everyone would be poor, they are lying.  With a fair division of wealth, almost everyone would be rich, and no one would be poor.  And that is with 7 billion people in the world.  If we bring that number back down to 5 billion, say, the income number goes up to $148,000.  


Tupac is Still Alive

by GUEST WRITER  Davy Jonze

 The crypto-rulers keep pushing the “unsolved mystery” angle to keep you from thinking the mystery can be solved, and to keep your eyes off more important topics. This explains the title of his best-known album, doesn’t it? All Eyez On Me. They want your attention focused on these fake artists and celebrities so you don’t notice the continual theft and mental rape they perpetrate against you daily, no matter your skin color. 

What happened was essentially a hostile takeover, but not the legal kinds we read about in the papers. This was a hostile takeover cloaked to look less hostile, because behind the scenes it was really the wresting of a lesser dynastic family’s assets by a greater dynastic family. We’re seeing the same thing with Harvey Weinstein. A public scandal is manufactured to enable the maneuvering of the lesser family’s takeover, while at the same time offering a distraction for the public.

The controversy over gangsta rap was manufactured from start to finish, which is why the controversy seemed to vanish into thin air the moment the takeover was complete. But wait, you say, this still doesn’t explain Tupac’s death! But it does. What’s the first thing a company does when it acquires a new asset? It tries to maximize the profitability of that asset. Tupac was an asset, but he was probably a depreciating one.  They knew they could only get so much out of Tupac and the gangsta rap genre before it became stale. 

Bad/fake art doesn’t have lasting value, and the crypto-rulers know this, which is why they’re constantly having to devise new genres and artists and musical gimmicks.  So they retired the Tupac brand with a bang.  It’s no coincidence that a new Tupac album came out just two months after his death.  His faked death was just part of the marketing campaign to boost sales for The Don Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory. 

The album hit No. 1 on Billboard, selling over half a million copies in the frst week.  It was certifed 4x platinum by 1999.  The album cover was designed in August, less than a month before Tupac’s death, and it features Shakur being crucifed.  The working title of the record was The 3 Day Theory, implying resurrection.  Do you get the joke?  It’s easy to rise from the dead when you never really died.  The album was released on November 5, a nod to another famous manufactured event [Guy Fawkes].  Since Tupac’s death, he has released six albums of new material. 

That’s quite prolific for a dead guy. I’d be remiss if I didn’t point out that all the executives running these record labels – and the ones who are making all the money from Tupac’s “death” – are Jewish. The entire music industry, like the flm industry, is run by Jews.   The hostile takeover I’ve unwound for you comes full circle with the Bronfmans. In 2004, Warner Music Group was sold to a group of investors led by Edgar Bronfman, Jr. for $2.7 billion, and Bronfman became CEO.  It looks like Bronfman orchestrated the whole thing,  These families seem to have a strong musical bone.

Tupac faked death also helped foil any momentum that was building among America’s frustrated black youth, who are even more screwed with (and just plain screwed) by the Families than young white men are.


FATAL MISTAKES the spinning of the Jeffrey MacDonald Case

by Miles Mathis

First published September 6, 2018

 I suggest you notice how both scenarios benefit the powers that be.  In the first scenario, a reader is made to fear the well-educated and highly decorated family man, who can snap and murder his entire family in a heartbeat.  This scenario plays into the men-are-pigs and destruction-of-the-family projects we have been following for years.  Women are being taught to hate and fear all men, even or especially the handsome, smart, and clean-cut ones.  This will destroy the heterosexual relationship, hopefully lowering populations while at the same time acting as a goldmine for the billionaires.

Miserable single people spend far more across the board than happy couples.   The second scenario is a straight continuation of the Manson project, selling progressives, young people, and war protesters as drugged-out psychopaths who will murder in a fog of pills and not even remember it.  The MacDonald project started in February of 1970, just six months after the fake Manson murders.

With hindsight, it looks like there was some disagreement in Intelligence which scenario to push.  They initially pushed scenario two in the media, but given some setbacks it appears they switched to scenario one as their primary project.  But over the years they have discovered they don't have to choose: they can push both, one in one decade and the other in the next decade.  This one case has continued to be a cash cow for five decades.

Many have been confused by the competing storylines, but that is also one of the goals.

The Justice Department, under Carter, which was led by Attorney General Griffin Bell, resurrected the project after the Army killed it.

The more confusion that is created, the less likely it is anyone will uncover the true story.  We saw that in the Kennedy projects, and we will see it again here.  But as we proceed, keep this in the front of your mind: the two possibilities sold to you by the mainstream aren't the only possibilities. In fact, you can always be sure the two scenarios sold to you are both false.  Therefore, you should be looking for possibility three.

The excess of data in this case and all others is also created for another purpose.  The quicker they can lose you in meaningless details, the quicker you will forget to ask the primary question.  DID THIS HAPPEN AT ALL?   Operation Cointelpro.  That is, create a general destabilization of society by the purposeful manufacture of fear and chaos, in order to increase profits and decrease resistance.   Remember, Cointelpro was the premier FBI project in the 1960s. 

This is not conspiracy theory; this is admitted by the mainstream and has been partially declassified.  You can read about it at Wikipedia and other encyclopedia sites.  They tell you these operations were discontinued in the 1970s, but they clearly were not.  They were accelerated, and they still are accelerating, as you can tell by opening your eyes in the morning.  

We are told FISA made it more difficult to spy domestically, it actually did the opposite.  If FISA had had any teeth, we would expect to see domestic spying curtailed in the following years, but the reverse is true.  FISA was created for the public, to make us think something was being done by Justice to monitor FBI, CIA, and the other alphabet agencies of Intelligence, while beneath the top layer of legalese, what FISA really did is make it easier to spy, by removing the old barriers between FBI, CIA, and Justice.

After the 1970s, the old turf wars were discouraged, and the agencies were encouraged to merge.  Or, they were subsumed within the greater machinery, and owned by the same masters.  We have seen that other splits later emerged within the huge beast, but in 1978 the old splits were being patched up.  FISA was the first patch in a series that would continue with the misnamed Patriot Acts and USA Freedom Act, all of them giving more freedom and authority and money to the Intel agencies to do as they pleased, taking anything they wanted from the treasury with no oversight from Congress or anyone else.


We have later proof Bell was involved in exactly that when he was appointed to the Military Commissions Court in 2006.  This was allegedly in response to illegalities at Guantanamo, but what it really did is make the fake Guantanamo prison appear to be real.  Prisoners were supposedly given a few more rights, but this was to make you think the prisoners really existed.  They never did. As in the MacDonald case, the Guantanamo prisoners were and are actors.

Bell was basically doing the same thing in 1979, when he backed the MacDonald trial.

He was making you think the event was real, by continuing the fake.  This fake project was seen as something worth driving forward, since it propelled the men-are-pigs project as well as the larger Cointelpro/Chaos project of general destabilization of society.  Both were seen as powerful generators of profit.

Of course in a grand jury hearing, the defendant has no defense attorney present in the hearing room, and the evidence presented by the government against the defendant is not challenged by experts and is usually accepted by jurors as factual.  That is simply not true, and even Wikipedia states in the first sentence of the page on Grand Jury under “Purpose” that the “institution is a shield against unfounded and oppressive prosecution”. 

If evidence was not challenged and accepted as true by jurors, there would be no possible shield of that sort. Unfortunately, because jurors are not made aware of their proper roles in a grand jury, they don't understand that they are acting as the challengers and indeed as the defense in a grand jury.  And so the grand jury has become one more tool of oppressive prosecution, with the jurors acting as puppets of the prosecution.  

Grand juries, like courts, have to prove or indicate the possible guilt of defendants; defendants do not have to prove their innocence.  Grand juries can compel witnesses to testify by subpoena, but they cannot compel defendants to testify, either against themselves or in any other way.  A defendant always has the right to remain silent, not just during arrest but during all proceedings.  He doesn't have to say a word, ever. 

The jury is there to determine if the prosecution has enough good evidence to go to trial, indicating a probable conviction if the facts are shown to stand.  A proper juror in a grand jury should be trying to shoot holes in evidence presented by prosecution, not henpecking a defendant. 


Stephan King: Royal Fake

by GUEST WRITER Donny Joel Osmont

Can you read the clues? It’s so obvious it’s laughable. The committee writers are the “gods” writing not only the stories, but the authors that front them. Stephen King is as much a fiction as the characters in his novels. It’s no surprise that the rise of metafction rose concurrently with the mass takeover of literature by Intel. See, for example, L. Ron Hubbard’s Typewriter in the Sky

 Any time you can link a person to these Families, you can assume whatever organizations, events, or art for which they’re known are a “project” on some

level. These Families, who have controlled the global power structure for centuries (millennia?) through the four levers of banking, industry, politics, and culture, are Jewish or crypto-Jewish, and they hide their connections to and between the Families through a constant fudging, scrubbing, and revising of history and genealogy.

But, like anyone who gets away with a crime, they can’t help bragging about it and tipping their hand every now and again, perhaps for the fun of seeing just how blind the masses really are. They’ve also been known to out one another as part of the infghting that occurs in any family. Because of this, ordinary people can discover a lot about the Families and their projects with nothing more than an Internet connection and a

functioning brain.

Equipped as such with the Mathisian methodology, it’s easy-breezy to out a famous author like Stephen King as a member of these hidden Families. Merchant marines are an auxiliary to the Navy, and in wartime a merchant mariner is considered military personnel. Many naval intelligence officers have operated through the merchant marines to hide their intelligence ties, especially those who later became authors: Jack London, Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, Herman Melville, and Mark Twain were all merchant mariners.


Ancient Spooks: Part III

Part III: Link to a spooky past   July 2018 By Gerry 


Miles musings on Gerry's Article:  

What he has shown is evidence the Israelites and Phoenicians were two arms of the same beast, with the Phoenician arm later suppressed because it was known to be a rich arm.  The modern Jews prefer to sell themselves as victims and underdogs.  We see that every time I do the genealogy of a Hollywood star, where they want you to believe they are the sons and daughters of truck drivers and waitresses, instead of the children of the elite that they are.

So it isn't that the Jews aren't really Jews or Zionists or Israelites or Hebrews.  They are.  But they are  also Phoenicians, Egyptians, Canaanites, Assyrians, and Sumerians.   What we now call the Jews were behind  all  those civilizations,

comprising the elite class hiding in the dark beneath them all. . . just like now.

Modern elite Jews are cosmopolitans, being American, Canadian, French, English, Dutch, Russian, Polish, and every other designation.  In exactly the same way, the ancient Jews were everywhere there was money to be made and things to be traded.  After a certain point we may assume they were deeply lodged in all the famous old civilizations, running all or most of them from behind the scenes.  Israel and Phoenicia stand out in this list. 

Phoenicia was so obviously Jewish its records had to be permanently hidden.  And the Phoenicians are a better tag for the modern Jews in some ways since the Phoenicians were admitted to be rich traders, with their paws in all civilizations in Europe and the Near East going back to 2500 BC and before.  Also because the admitted  history of the Phoenicians helps us understand the current Jews.

it helps us understand the East India Company, a later Jewish construct.  By realizing Jew=Phoenician, we can understand that the East India Company didn't begin in 1600.  It has existed in unbroken line back to 2500BC and before, just changing names and expanding routes.



The Post by Miles Mathis


The Post

by Miles Mathis 

July 22, 2018

Phil Graham's most quoted quote: The news is a first rough draft of history. Not only is that not deep, it is spooky.  It implies the newspapers aren't reporting history, they are writing it.The CIA had owned all media since the early 1950s. 

All media had been owned by the plutocrats and their agencies since the founding of the country, and even before. the Pentagon Papers project was aimed directly at Nixon.  It was meant to bring him down by attacking the integrity of the Presidency. 

The fact that the office of President would be permanently tarnished was not thought to be a problem.  they probably figured they could rebuild trust in the President anytime they needed to.  The President was a plastic punching clown they could deflate and reinflate at will.

In that they turned out to be wrong.  Nor did they see that losing trust in the President was the first step in a slide to losing trust in everything, which would end up biting them in the butt.

Propaganda can't work without trust, so that the entire propaganda machine they spent centuries building and perfecting is now in jeopardy.  In fact, I would say it is irreparably broken, which leaves them in quite a pickle.

Some still won't understand why the government would out itself in such a prominent project.  How could that not backfire?  Well, it did backfire in the longterm, as we are witnessing now. 

But at the time it was not seen as a great danger because the government  wasn't outing itself.  The government was blackwashing Nixon and some of its previous actors, but since all these actors were just unimportant frontmen—hired to receive such flack—this was little more than business as usual. 

They have always wanted your eyes on the Presidents and Congress and all the other actors, to keep your eyes off the real governors and real projects.  Whether you like your Presidents or not didn't matter anymore, as long as they drew your attention. 

It was found that negatives were more sexy and better drew attention, so after Eisenhower, say, they moved more and more to that plan.  We are still in it, as you see with Trump, chosen as a towering negative.  we have always seen signs of splits in Intel. 

We saw them in Watergate and we see them in current events.  In Gerry's recent expos  on the Ancient Spooks, he states that the ruling families merged and allied thousands of years ago, which is mostly true.  Very few of the wars of history have been what we have been told. 

But that doesn't mean there isn't squabbling at lower levels. These families do jostle for power in agencies and among agencies.  We have seen that the CIA was finalizing its hegemony in the 60s and 70s, stamping out some late resistance from the Pentagon, the White House, and the FBI. 

That is what the Pentagon Papers and Watergate are really about.  To achieve this coup, the CIA used some tactics that some may now regret, though the heads seem still not to have learned the lesson. 

Remember, the strongest arm of CIA at the time was the arm that was involved in Operation Chaos, and those guys apparently fell in love with Chaos for its own sake.  It has been accelerating ever since. 

They saw it as an incredible cash cow, which it is.  However, because they were so flush with power, they ignored the longterm downside, which becomes more obvious every year.  

Once people stop believing the news, they are harder to manage.   Even in a time of manufactured chaos, the governors still need to herd people around at will. 

Or, to say it even more strongly, in times of manufactured chaos it becomes even more important  to be able to control people. Fake chaos has the danger of quickly devolving into real chaos, which the governors want no more than you do. 

They also don't want to have to resort to violence to maintain order, one because it doesn't work that well financially, and two because it makes them look bad.  It blows cover. 

The ideal spot for spooks is a society like the US in the 1950s, where everyone is completely oblivious to the machinery around them.  The profits then were high though not astronomical, and stability was also very high.

Now, profits are higher, but stability is barely holding.  What will they do?  Probably what they always do: push too far and precipitate a real crisis for themselves. 

The plutocrats never lose as a whole, you will say, and that too is true.  But given families and given factions do lose in times like this.  We can only hope the worst faction loses big and loses soon. 


Graham Hancock Unmasks

by Miles Mathis


''I have recently been studying the government operations of the 1960's against the hippies and anti-war protesters, in which the CIA and other agencies began pushing LSD on these groups to disorient them and marginalize them. Hancock is sounding like a more level-headed Tim Leary or Ram Dass here, although the drug of choice now would appear to be DMT instead of LSD.

This ties Hancock to Russell Brand, Rupert Sheldrake, and Daniel Pinchbeck, all of whom have apparently been recruited by Intelligence to lead the present operation of pushing drugs on the youth. Sheldrake was previously tied to Hancock since they have been lecturing together, selling the same line about “consciousness being the greatest mystery of science” and all that. They were both censored by TED as part of the same psy-op. But now the younger and hairier guys Brand and Pinchbeck have been added to the roster to bring in the young ladies and the dudes.

I have already outed Brand in a recent paper, showing you that he is being used to further suppress the vote. He is trying to convince the youth that voting is ineffectual, so they should just quit. I have also written about Sheldrake, showing you how he is also being used to control the opposition, leading those who are disenchanted with mainstream science into ever more mysticism. Although Sheldrake and I are both opposed to the mainstream, I am demanding science become mechanical again while Sheldrake is insisting it become even more mystical and fluffy than it already is. Basically, Sheldrake's job is capturing my readership—and the readership of all sensible people—and diverting it into ineffectual channels. The same can be said for Hancock, Brand, and Pinchbeck

But even without this new drug-pushing agenda, the consciousness agenda was crap by itself. It simply isn't true that consciousness is the greatest mystery of science. Consciousness is the greatest mystery of brain science, but there are plenty of other mysteries in science that are just as big, and perhaps bigger. The thing about the consciousness mystery is that we aren't even close to solving it. Like the mystery of the universe's beginning or the mystery of life, it is just too big for us. But there are many mysteries we are capable of solving right now, which in my opinion makes them a lot more exciting than the ones we can't solve.

The reason they keep trying to sell you on these ones that are too big for us is that they are great places to camp out and blow smoke. They can't be proved wrong there, because there isn't enough data. So this is where all the top theorists (and the famous new-age guys) hang out. They avoid the solid problems I like to write about, because those problems require collating and explaining a lot of real data. Since they don't have the ability to do that, they prefer to hide out in black holes and the first seconds of the universe and in 11-dimensional math and in holograms and in consciousness, where you can spout all the nonsense you like.

The other thing they like about these problems that are too big for us is that they act as perfect misdirection. They want to divert you into these problems, since once you get in you can waste years of your life with nothing to show for it. They keep all the stupid people talking about sports and movie stars, but they know they can't interest you in that shit, so they have to come up with something more cerebral for you. It used to be manufactured Biblical or literary problems that diverted the intelligentsia, like how many angels danced on the head of a pin or how many hexameters Virgil could write without spilling a trochee. Now it is whether an imaginary astronaut will pass the event horizon of the black hole and get burned up or stretched to death. Armchair philosophy posing as science, in other words.

But why would they want you wasting all your braincells on this stuff? Because if you are reading and discussing black holes, the edge of the universe, 11-dimensional math, or the origins of consciousness, you aren't getting in their way. They have then successfully diverted you into sciolism. This is what all their “science” magazines are about. Those magazines no longer contain a jot of real science. Instead, they are written from various government cubicles to misdirect you into manufactured problems and controversies. While you are out beating their phantom bushes, they are free to do what they like in science, art, and government.

I can see (Russell Brand) is trying to divert my fellow hippies back into navel gazing, experimenting with government-created lab drugs, and a new-age sort of faux-spiritualism based on total self-absorption, shallow subjectivity, and a science based on wish-fulfillment. In other words, the controllers are re-packaging the same thing they destroyed progressives with in the 1960's, updating it with new catchwords and conmen.

Some readers will by now be pegging me as a tightass, but they should know I am all in favor of spiritualism, inspiration, serendipity, mystery, and so on. I don't think physics is the place for any of those things (except that I take inspiration wherever I can get it, with gratitude and without question); but I do see real evidence for them everywhere. I consider myself a hippie. My problem with all this isn't the mystery or the inspiration, it is the fact that I now know the hippie movement was infiltrated and taken over by Military Intelligence decades ago.

I am all in favor of festivals, but the problem is I can see all the major hippie, alternative and New Age festivals are now fake. These festivals and movements are now organized and led by fake hippies and gurus planted by Intelligence, and job one for these people is keeping the hippies diverted. Daniel Pinchbeck, Russell Brand and the rest are selling you a new form of Tim Leary's old “turn on, tune in, drop out.” They are trying to convince you this is how the revolution will come about, because they know that it has the least chance of coming about that way.

They are convincing current hippies that the world will be transformed by them sitting around in a circle holding hands and thinking good thoughts. It won't. Holding hands and thinking good thoughts is fine, and may be a good first step. But by itself it won't change anything. The revolution requires real action, and the controllers are doing everything they can to prevent any action. That is where the drugs come in. The drugs keep you in an induced stupor, and in that stupor you mistake your ideas for reality.

You think that just because you have imagined peace, peace has really happened. But the world doesn't work that way. Reality isn't a wish-fulfillment. It isn't a construct of the mind. It isn't a hologram you can rebuild from a happy thought. The hippies have to find some way to resist the bad people. These bad people exist in the real world and they are performing real actions. They will continue to perform them until they are stopped. They will not be stopped with meditation.''


Ancient Spooks: Part II


Part II: Spookish relations

By Gerry, July 2018

We learned that the maintenance of their family trees might have been a prime occupation for the top families even in antiquity.wars were managed in ancient times as they are now done by those people who had combined their family trees also appointed the kings.

it appears these wars were less bloody than officially stated The top merchant families were carving up and reshuffling their properties for a new hoaxing cycle,The Family Trees of the interbred aristocratic clans, so important to the cryptocrats that they put them on public genealogy sites, like the one named “Geni”, and risk detection.

They grow in generations, branch out, but then the related families intermarry again, reconnecting the ends. By nurturing the family tree, aristocrats achieve eternal life through their families You could say that a symbol like this is harmless, as everyone would wish for a “fertile” family tree. I think the harm was done once these trees connected internationally in secret, to form one giant global mega-tree, as with the core trunk and intertwined branches.

Why do I have a problem with that? Because the Jewish aristocrats were always the top of the food chain. They could reign with impunity and scam their subjects at whim. . .  almost . The only thing that held them in check, or so we’re told, was that they’d constantly backstab each other. In theory, if a king overplayed his corruption hand, he’d lose the support of other aristocrats, and would be supplanted.

But as soon as family trees connected as one, that one check of aristocratic power was gone, and I think it vanished millennia ago. how the spooks could co-opt the aristocracy of the entire planet.  It was  consensual , and rulers  wanted   to merge their families with the spook clans—since the spooks were actually above  them in class.   many spooks seem to be gay, with some official officeholders being lovers of powerful spooks.

This might have helped them in keeping up cooperation across clans It seems that even in ancient times, the succession of kings was decided by someone else. If these kings were not allowed to make certain decisions on their own, what personality would such a king develop?   I’d   say   he   might   become   a   manic-depressive   egomaniac,   who   oscillates   between extravagance and decadence, and then frustration and nihilism.






                            All those beauty sites telling you how to age gracefully also have it

mostly wrong.  Yes, you have to take care of the body as well as the spirit, and they get some of that right.  You have to sleep a lot, drink a lot of water, eat good food, refrain from smoking and drinking, and all that.  But that isn't enough.  That isn't even half of it, as the movie stars and models know.

Some of them do all that and still look like garbage by 40, and it is because they neglect their souls. They rot from the inside out, and no amount of moisturizer can counteract that rot. You can't moisturize photons.  You can only channel them or block them.  Somehow and in some way, it appears that goodness channels them and wickedness blocks them.  I can't tell you exactly how.  I can't point to a clear mechanism.  But in some way and by some set of terms this has also been known for millennia.Furthermore, each of us knows this from birth.

It is part of our set of instructions, like the ability to walk or talk.  You couldn't possibly learn to talk if you didn't already have a fundamental understanding of language hardwired into your brain.  you couldn't possibly learn morals—right and wrong —if you didn't already have a fundamental understanding of morality from the beginning.  in our culture you have to be

untaught  basic morality.  Your natural instincts have to be subverted in order for you to

thrive in our “civilization”. 

No one really esteems the rich.  The plutocrats have always been hated and they always will be—for good reason.  They are detested because they are detestable.  They are liars and cheats and thieves.  Once the world reaches a true age of enlightenment, they and all like them will be forgotten forever.  If they are remembered at all it will only be as examples of what paths a wise man avoids.   


H.P. Lovecraft  7/3/18

by Guest Writers David Kasady and Leaf Garrit

H.P Lovecraft

That thesis is that we are monsters because our creators   are   little   more   than   monsters   themselves, a   universe   ultimately   devoid   of meaning, morality, or love. The horror/sci-f genre can be viewed as a precursor to Operation Chaos, since chaos and fear have   always   been   the   main   objective   of   science   fction.

the   universe   is ultimately   irrational   and   ruled   by   incomprehensible   monsters   that   exist   in   other   dimensions and who are, at best, ambivalent toward the humans they created. To comprehend these horrifc cosmic entities drives the human mind to insanity, so it’s best not to ask any big questions or pretend that there is ultimate truth.

Of course, to really believe such a thing would make life almost impossible to cope with, at least not without serious doses of antidepressants and lots of material comforts to distract and dull the mind. And that’s exactly what the rulers want.

They want to turn us away from asking serious questions about how the world operates, since we would then discover that it is, in fact, ruled by monsters that are completely ambivalent to the human race. Only, these monsters aren’t higher-dimensional, tentacled blobs of slime. They’re just other humans whose minds are sick enough to think up such offensive creatures.

The Jews were brilliant in their classes—calculatingly and schemingly brilliant—

but their ideals were sordid and their manners coarse. Bahá'í, a fake religion created to discredit religion in general;  Avant-garde   is   just   a   fancy   word   for talentless.   Foundation fellowships have always funded and promoted fake scholarship, science, and art.


The Company paid all the costs of establishing each colony, and in return controlled all land and resources there, requiring all settlers to work for the Company. The   frst   leader   of   the   Virginia   Company   in   England   was   its   treasurer,   Sir   Thomas Smythe,   who   arranged   the   1609   charter.  

He   had   been   governor   of   the  East  India Company  Shareholders   could   buy   stock   individually   or   in   groups.  Almost 1,700   people   purchased   shares,   including   men   of   different   occupations   and   classes, wealthy   women,   and   epresentatives   of   institutions   such   as   trade   guilds,   towns   and cities. 

Investors, called “adventurers”, purchased shares of stock to help finance the costs of establishing overseas settlements.  Virginia  Company  –   America’s   frst   colony   was   not   established   for religious   freedom   or   political   liberty,   nor   was   it   established   as   an   outpost   of   the   English government. 

It   was   a  business  funded   by   a   private,   for-proft   company   with   very   wealthy shareholders  most European governments had already been taken over by the super-wealthy crypto-Jewish bankers and merchants by this time, who arranged for all important political offces to be flled with   either   their   puppets   or   their   own   family   members. 

Defenders   of   capitalism   want   you scared of government taking control of private industry, but in reality it is the industrialists who control   government,   and   have   controlled   it   since   at   least   the   time   of   the   London   Virginia Company.

This is the very defnition and model of fascism, operating under the guise of “free-market” capitalism. Spiritualist was a fake movement promoted by the U.S. Government to delegitimize Christianity and religion in general.