ER Day 59

Today we will:

Experiment with reflexes

Take a timed math facts test (Set the timer for 1 min and work until it rings. You should be able to do 36 problems with zero mistakes in one minute to move up to the next test)

Play a math facts game (this should be the same set of facts you are testing on tomorrow)

Evaluate the description you wrote a few days ago

Practice identifying fire hazards (Click on "Hazard House"--we'll do more next time)

Learn about making strong cables

Listen to a program about "The Nutcracker" and then watch the Disney version

Practice identifying congruent figures

Make dirt cups (scroll down for recipe)

You will need:

Printer and paper

Pen or pencil

1 box chocolate pudding

16 oz chocolate sandwich cookies (like Oreos)

3 1/2 c cool whip

Gummy worms or other candy bugs (optional)

60 centimeters (about 2 ft.) each of several cables, such as yarn, thread, dental floss, and fishing line

2 empty 2-liter plastic bottles

2 pipe cleaners

broomstick or pole


measuring cup


sand, salt, or water