ER Day 35

Today we will:

Learn about spit

Take a timed math facts test (Set the timer for 1 min and work until it rings. You should be able to do 36 problems with zero mistakes in one minute to move up to the next test)

Play a math facts game (this should be the same set of facts you are testing on tomorrow)

Practice finding the number of syllables in words

Do a handwriting worksheet on the letter D

Read about magnetic fluids

Make a family coat of arms

Listen to "Galop" from "The Comedians"

Practice finding helping verbs

Learn about and take a quiz on the color wheel

You will need:

Printer and paper

Pen or pencil

Something to color with

Lightweight cardboard (like a cereal box)

Glue and Pictures from magazines, coloring books, printed off the internet (optional--you can just draw the pictures you want)