Comments Posted Pre 2009

Post date: Sep 19, 2009 12:25:6 PM


Good Luck [General] - admin - @ 07:30:35

lakeland fisheries is a great place the owner is derek rowley he is a pro angler him self he is always there to give you advise and support there is a tackle shop and two main lakes one with plenty of carp tench roach bream and another with specimen carp and others? you wouldnt be disapointed when you go look up lakeland fishery on the net and look at photos good luck.

At Last [General] - admin - @ 07:24:53

well ive done it ive gone and got my double figure carp was fishing all day at lakeland fisheries roosky i always seem to go there because of the thrill of catching the big one but always comming home saying maybe next time well today was the day firstly it was a wormish day little breezey constant roach and skimmer bream around 12 0z big fish wallowing but not biting getting fustrated then afairly sharp pull on the elastic thought it was small tench but no it was a so called rubikinafter that i was happy until float surged off and started going all overthe place played it for 20 mins on 8lb main and 3lb hooklink on the pole result 15lb linnear carp absolutly brill see pics


Many Thanks [General] - admin - @ 11:03:41

Just back from two days fishing your fishery. Having fished several other fisheries in Ireland I can honestly say yours is without doubt the most outstanding venue. The maintenance of the fishery is second to none. Your shop is very well equipped and your willingness to ensure both my son and I had a great time was much appreciated. At €10 for a days fishing it cannot be beaten for value. Also the quality of the fish(I caught several tench and carp to 7.5 lbs) was an indication as to how well you look after them. I will be back again in a couple of weeks and I plan to be a frequent visitor.

Once again many many thanks

Rodney from Dublin.


Thank You [General] - admin - @ 10:05:52

Just a quick email to say how much we enjoyed the fishing at Lakeland. The fishery was excellent, very well organised and superbly laid out. the Carp and Tench were magnificent sport. Many thanks Derek and hope to see you again. Alan Keown and Paul McCormick


Great Day [General] - admin - @ 10:42:49

Hi Derek,

I fished the match lake on Thursday 24th July, i was practicing for a forthcoming match so i fished for exactly 5 hours.

What a day i had, i caught 30 carp, 12 of which were between 5 & 7lbs, the remainder ranged between 1 1/2 & 4lbs, this was backed up by 18 hybrids ranging between 1 1/4 & 2 1/2 lbs.

Id have to admit since i started pole fishing some 6 years ago this was easily my best catch to date.


Keith Trimble - Armagh


[General] - admin - @ 11:20:59

From: andy kavanagh

To: lakelandfishery

Posted: Sat Jul 19 2008, 22:24

Subject: [No title]

alright derek iwas up with you during the week with my son the little ginger lad .i didnt see you before we left to give you the pic of the 14lb we had but il send it on to like to take this oppertuinity to thank you for the amazing time we had you really have a smashing place


Good Bye Carp( [General] - admin - @ 14:04:19

I have a confession to make; Against all my will I gave in to fishing a Commercial Pond, at "Roosky" "Lakeland Fishery" only to find it proved to be one of the best days of this season.

On arriving at this venue I was very much impressed with what I saw, in the rear of a built up area and to the rear of a large house was the ponds along with toilets, a shop and well maintained banks to all the ponds. There are rules and a price to this venue but it reflects on the quality of the fishing and the fish. I and Chris, even Scully was aloud to partake in this first off adventure, results were Tench, Bream, Roach, Rudd and Carp all caught on Worms or Maggots,

I managed to hook into large Carp only to find that the Carp had other things installed for me, not just coming to the net like a good Carp; it charged off to the left did 2 laps of the pond and decided to find the aerator in the middle and was set on anchoring my tackle to the said item, which he did! Good Bye Carp.

Plenty of wildlife up here as well with some young moorhens passing under the rod tip:

For any visiting anglers this place is a must for a few days or even a longer stay, Derek is yer man and the web site is:



Thanks [General] - admin - @ 10:50:13

Hi Derek

Robert Murphy here from dublin myself and my nephew jonathan had the pleasure of fishing on the main kake last week as there was a competition on we were pleasure fishing. I would like to thank you for a cracking day. The big carp on the lake were getting the better of my nephew as they cruised around near the surface, some big ones just nudged the float. I was happy with 2 lovely common carp and jonathans 3 hybrids. Hope to see you soon, please find pictures enclosed

ps. thanks again


Thanks [General] - admin - @ 09:18:56

hi derek. just a email to thank you for a wonderful day that we had at your fishery. i not only managed to catch 5 tench but caughed 1 at 5IB at the end of the day. i hope you remember me because you kindly took time out to help me. with my pole fishing and set me up the right way for catching the fish on the match lake. any way we hope to see you again on sunday 11/3/07 if that is alright on your end many thanks. brian belfast


Magnificent [General] - admin - @ 11:07:32


A brief note of thanks for our day at Lakelands. It was a fantastic day. The fishery is absolutely outstanding,a credit to the work and effort obviously put into it. My son and I look forward to spending a lot more time at the Lakelands in the future.

Many thanks.

Karl McEntegart



[General] - admin - @ 04:29:52

Hello Derek

How's it going,this is Robbie Murphy fron

Dublin here. Thank's for the tench and csrp fishing in

sept-oct. I caught my first 4lb tench on the big lake

myself. Anto caught his first six carp (the biggest

2lb). I had 8 carp up to 4lb and 4 carp the last carp

was my best you were there when I landed it (6lb).

Thank's very much for great fishing, hope to see you




Thank You [General] - admin - @ 13:07:56



I am taking this opportunity to thank you for giving us the pleasure of fishing your “Lakeland” complex during the latter half of September.

We as a group have been visiting Ireland for many years to take advantage of the natural waters that abound. We were particularly delighted to find your fishery and intend to return next year.

I have enclosed a copy of our newsletter which will be circulated this month to all our members and I have also posted your address etc in the local tackle shops.

Yours sincerely

G Lee


Great Time [General] - admin - @ 10:48:33

Hi Derek

Thanks for all your help and advice on fishing your fishery,I had a great time.

I caught lots of Carp and Tench, there must be some animals in the Match Lake as I got smashed up three times.

See you soon and thanks again for your help.

Ronnie Anderson


Immaculate [General] - admin - @ 14:07:53

What a fishery! Carp, tench, bream, hybrids, you name it - I had them all and plenty of them. I wish that we had a fishery like this in England, apart from the excellent fishing the grounds are immaculate, not even a cigarette end. Well done Derek, you are a hard act to follow!

Jeff Whately

(West Midlands)


THANKS [General] - admin - @ 13:15:30

Hello Del - Just a quickie to say thanks for your advice and help when we were across last week. I would not have believed that there was such great tench fishing in Ireland - for me the best I have ever had. I will ring you before I book the ferry next year and perhaps you can organise accomodation for us in the village. Thanks again and don't forget to give us a bell if you are coming to Staffordshire.

Stan, Paul & Tim

BRILL [General] - admin - @ 12:38:03


Thanks for a fabulous weekend - plenty of fish. We will be back soon.

Nigel & Ben


Great Day [General] - admin - @ 13:15:33

Heard about Lakeland Fishery the day before I was due to leave Cavan to return to U.K. What a shame I did not know sooner! Carp from 6 to 22lb - a mixture of commons and mirrors and one ghost - all in immaculate condition.

Colin Richards


Heaven [General] - admin - @ 12:47:05

Derek - You may not remember me but I came with my husband, Peter, two weeks ago. Now that I am back in the U.K. and have rejoined the rat race, my mind keeps returning to the wonderful time Peter and I had when we spent a few days at Lakeland Fishery. I have never had such a relaxing holiday, for me the peace and tranquility of the place was amazing, the only noise was the splash in the water as the wild birds landed and of course as Peter landed yet another carp or tench or some other specimen.

The facilities at the fishery are first class and you really keep the place spotless. For me it was great that the fishery is just a few minutes walk from the village as I don't drive. If any ladies read this I can highly recommend a trip to Lakeland Fishery.

We will certainly be visiting you next year and Peter is having a chat with his club about holding a match on Lakeland around Easter next.

Thanks again for your hospitality.

Jennifer & Peter Black


EXCELLENT [General] - admin - @ 12:38:05

Excellent. Fishing great. Best catch - Richard 230 lb, Chris (13 years old) 110 lb. Holiday would have been a disaster if we had not arrived on your doorstep. Thanks for getting us out of the sh....

You will definitely see us next year.

The Sheffield Lads


Thank's [General] - admin - @ 13:36:40

Hi Derek, thanks for the fishing this past week,Pat and myself had an enjoyable holiday ,hope you enjoyed your surprise party on tuesday night,thanks for your help in making our stay one not to be forgotten, look forward to seeing you next year hopefully for a fortnight with the caravan.......many thanks....gary pollington.

PS Great web Site


A Smashing Time [General] - admin - @ 08:34:10

In a recent Matt Hayes TV programme we watched him travel along the River Shannon in Ireland where he stopped off at Lakeland Fishery in Roosky.We went ourselves to visit the Fishery and the owner Derek was a star,coming along and giving us some great tips.My son had a smashing time there and did not want to leave.It was our first taste of catching tench and what a fight they gave!

Debs Reid


Northern Ireland


Chuffed [General] - admin - @ 14:52:01

derek please find attached the photo you asked me for yesterday.great day,

chuffed with the fish......regards john

Great Time [General] - admin - @ 14:45:56

Hi Derek,

Here's three pic's of the fish caught at Lakeland Fishery, last week. We all had a great time in Roosky and thanks for the insight and saving our week.

back in the USA now, it's nowhere near as much fun. All the best, Howard and the rest of the English guys

The pictures are marked by name, all the lads are from Hertfordshire

Terry Cooper from Hertfordshire caught a 12lb 9oz Carp

Paul Cooper " " " caught a 11lb 12oz Carp

Richard Cooper " " " caught a 8lb 8oz Carp

All from the middle specimen lake

ps The other record of the week was an eight day total of around 110 pints of Guinness per man. Next year the brewery are going to sponsor us. laughs.


A FANTASTIC TIME [General] - admin - @ 10:00:49

Hi Derek

The Lads and I would like to congratulate you on yyour most superb fishery.Without your fishery we would have had a Disastrous week.My son Jason I think has told the whole of Manchester about his 33lb-4oz mirrow he caught on the last day,I am sure he will never forget it.Once again we all would like to thank you for the most enjoyable three days.You will definitively see us all again next year.

A Bunch Of Happy Anglers

Martin and the rest of the crew


first class fishery [General] - admin - @ 13:03:16

Hi Derek

Finaly got round to sending you this email.Sorry it took so long.

I caught loads of small carp and tench to 5lb on the bottom lake on my first day despite the temp. being 30c+.I fished the same swim the next morning before deciding to target a few bigger fish on the top lake.The rest of the day produced much the same with some small carp, tench and a few good hybrids.I also hooked two fish that i just couldnt stop,the one that got away.On my third and last day I landed a common approx 7-8lb then a few hours later a P.B mirror approx 14lb.Thanks for the tips and hospitality Derek and I,ll see you again soon.cheers


Excellent Weekends Fishing [General] - admin - @ 13:04:58

Hi Derek,

Just want to thank you and Eunan for a fantastic weekends fishing. We made the right decision going to Roosky, and catching over 200kg of carp and Tench over a 3 Day period. The best fish was Marks nearly 14 pounder that took 1 hour 40 mins to land....ON THE POLE. Thanks for sharing your hints and tips with us, that will be invaluable to us through our fishing careers.

Damien & Mark


Fantastic Fishery [General] - admin - @ 13:06:23

Hi Derek

I said I would keep in touch, always a man of my word?

I just want to thank you from me and all the lads from kew anglers at southport for your hospitality, your fantastic fishery and for all the advise you gave me ( not that I needed any? )

The photo's we took at Lakeland with some of the fish we caught plus the loverly tench you helped me catch.


Two hours later [General] - admin - @ 17:09:53

Had an amazing time yesterday evening, hooked into a carp just after 5 and didn't get it onto the bank until after 7. The thing was a monster but my darn old done scales would only register 10lb and there was no way it was that weight. Next time I'm bringing some proper scales :)



best days tench fishing [General] - admin - @ 15:07:23

hi derek

must congratulate you on your site

i had my best days tench fishing on your pool april 4. oo2

best wishes for the future.

Arthur Bradley