Gadgetron Control

A user interface for interacting with the Gadgetron Framework.

It allows a comfortable configuration and management of a Gadgetron reconstruction pipeline as well as performing and monitoring the process.

It is implemented with Node.js on the server-side and a Backbone on the client-side.


On the dashboard one can

    • manage, start and monitor different Gadgetron pipelines
    • logging of outputs with syntax highlighting: inspect and save log files
    • manage and initialize readers, writers and gadgets (add new elements directly or automatically parsed from a gadgetron pipeline config)
    • organize (load/save) input and output data (*.dat, *.h5) with appropriate conversions of *.dat -> *.h5 via xsl stylesheets
    • visualize input and output data (if hdfview is installed)

The Gadgetron configuration tool is invoked by editing any Gadgetron pipeline (config file). It allows:

    • a visualization of the configuration
    • add/rearrange the Gadgets on the screen
    • parametrize the gadgets (with their parameters as defined in their configs)
    • save and run the current Gadgetron pipeline


The code is available on GitHub: