Gadgetron installation


1.) Follow the steps described in: Gadgetron prerequisites

2.) Gadgetron

a.) > v2.5.0

Windows: start installer

Linux: sudo make install

b.) <= v2.5.0 (

– install Gadgetron without GT-Plus

Windows: start installer

Linux: sudo make install

necessary changes for version < 2.5:

– copy the directory gadgetron to D:\ProgramFiles\Gadgetron\Libraries\gadgetron

– create the directory D:\ProgramFiles\Gadgetron\Libraries\gadgetron\build

– open CMake and set source code to: D:\ProgramFiles\Gadgetron\Libraries\gadgetron and build to: D:\ProgramFiles\Gadgetron\Libraries\gadgetron\build

– specify the location of: FFTW, CULA, ACE, Armadillo, HDF5, XSD, XERCESC, ISMRMRD, Google Test, MATLAB, ACML

– ACML: add entries

BLAS_acml_LIBRARY = D:\ProgramFiles\Gadgetron\Libraries\acml5.3.0\win64\lib
BLAS_acml_mp_LIBRARY = D:\ProgramFiles\Gadgetron\Libraries\acml5.3.0\win64_mp\lib

– change the installation directory to D:\ProgramFiles\Gadgetron

– hit configure

– check, if the HDF5 libraries are set correctly (have to point to the .lib files)

– enable USE_OPENMP


– hit configure

– hit generate

– create new environment variable GADGETRON_HOME, which points to the installation folder: D:\ProgramFiles\Gadgetron\gadgetron