Gadgetron prerequisites

These steps are required, if one wants to use the CS LAB C++ code or any Gadgetron code.


mkdir build cd build cmake ../ make 


According to the instructions in here, this following sequential procedure worked out for us.

Assuming you are going to install Gadgetron to "D:\ProgramFiles\Gadgetron":

1.) Install Visual Studio 2010 with Service Pack 1

2.) CUDA (

– install cuda_5.5.20_winvista_win7_win8_general_64.exe

3.) CULA (

– install cula_dense_free_R16a-windows.exe

– add installation path to environment variable PATH (Control Panel → System → Advanced system setting → Environment Variables):

e.g. C:\Program\CULA\R16 and C:\Program Files\CULA\R16\bin64

4.) FFTW (

– copy binaries from to D:\ProgramFiles\Gadgetron\Libraries\FFTW3

– open Visual Studio x64 Win64 Command Prompt and execute:

D:\ProgramFiles\Gadgetron\Libraries\FFTW3>lib /machine:x64 /def:libfftw3f−3.def
D:\ProgramFiles\Gadgetron\Libraries\FFTW3>lib /machine:x64 /def:libfftw3−3.def
D:\ProgramFiles\Gadgetron\Libraries\FFTW3>lib /machine:x64 /def:libfftw3l−3.def

– the *.lib files are created

– add D:\ProgramFiles\Gadgetron\Libraries\FFTW3 to PATH environment variable

– alternatively, follow the instructions on for compiling the FFTW library by yourself

5.) ACE (

– unzip to D:\ProgramFiles\Gadgetron\Libraries\ACE-6.2.0

– add file config.h to ..\ACE_wrappers\ace\

– open config.h and insert:

//We are on Windows
#include "ace/config − win32.h"
//This ensured that INLINE settings
//do not vary between Debug and Release modes

– open VS 2010 solution ACE_wrappers_vc10.sln in D:\ProgramFiles\Gadgetron\Libraries\ACE-6.2.0\ACE_wrappers\

– set build type to Release/x64 and start build

– add D:\ProgramFiles\Gadgetron\Libraries\ACE-6.2.0\ACE_wrappers\lib to PATH

6.) Python (optional -

– install python-2.7.7.amd64.msi in C:\Python27 and add it to PATH

– install, and

7.) ACML (optional -

– install acml5.3.0-win64.exe

– add D:\ProgramFiles\Gadgetron\Libraries\acml5.3.0\win64_mp\lib and D:\ProgramFiles\Gadgetron\Libraries\acml5.3.0\win64\lib to PATH

8.) Boost Pro (

– unzip to D:\ProgramFiles\Gadgetron\Libraries\boost\boost_1_55_0

– open Visual Studio x64 Win64 Command Prompt and execute:

cd D:\ProgramFiles\Gadgetron\Libraries\boost\boost_1_55_0
b2 address − model=64 −− build − type=complete stage

– add D:\ProgramFiles\Gadgetron\Libraries\boost\boost_1_55_0\stage\lib to PATH

9.) git (optional -

– install Git-1.9.4-preview20140611.exe with git bash only and checkout Windows LF and commit Unix LF option

10.) CMake (

– install cmake-

11.) HDF5 (

– install hdfview_install_win64.exe

– unzip and install HDF5-1.8.12-win64.exe

– add C:\Program Files\HDF Group\HDF5\1.8.12\bin to PATH

12.) CodeSynthesis XSD (

– install xsd-3.3.msi

– add C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeSynthesis XSD 3.3\bin\ and C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeSynthesis XSD 3.3\bin64\ to PATH

13.) ISMRMRD (

– optional (required for MATLAB Gadget or utilize XML parser): install JAVA (take MATLAB Jave version) jdk-7u11-windows-x64.exe

– download and copy source code to D:\ProgramFiles\Gadgetron\Libraries\ismrmrd-code

– create directory build in D:\ProgramFiles\Gadgetron\Libraries\ismrmrd-code

– open CMake and set source code to: D:\ProgramFiles\Gadgetron\Libraries\ismrmrd-code and build to: D:\ProgramFiles\Gadgetron\Libraries\ismrmrd-code\build

– hit configure

– set paths to: Boost, FFTW3, HDF5, JAVA, XERXESC, XSD in cmake file

BOOST_ROOT=D:/ProgramFiles/Gadgetron/Libraries/boost/boost_1_55_0 XSD_EXECUTABLE=C:/Program Files (x86)/CodeSynthesis XSD 3.3/bin/xsd.exe XSD_INCLUDE_DIR=C:/Program Files (x86)/CodeSynthesis XSD 3.3/include HDF5_DIR=C:/Program Files/HDF Group/HDF5/1.8.12/cmake/hdf5 HDF5_CXX_LIBRARY=C:/Program Files/HDF Group/HDF5/1.8.12/lib/hdf5_cppdll.lib HDF5_C_LIBRARY=C:/Program Files/HDF Group/HDF5/1.8.12/lib/hdf5dll.lib HDF5_C_INCLUDE_DIR=C:/Program Files/HDF Group/HDF5/1.8.12/include HDF5_CXX_INCLUDE_DIR=C:/Program Files/HDF Group/HDF5/1.8.12/include FFTW3F_LIBRARY=D:/ProgramFiles/Gadgetron/Libraries/FFTW3/libfftw3f-3.lib FFTW3_INCLUDE_DIR=D:/ProgramFiles/Gadgetron/Libraries/FFTW3 XERCESC_INCLUDE_DIR=C:/Program Files (x86)/CodeSynthesis XS D3.3/include/xercesc XERCESC_LIBRARIES=C:/Program Files (x86)/CodeSynthesis XSD 3.3/lib64/vc-10.0/xerces-c_3.lib

and change the install path to: D:\ProgramFiles\Gadgetron\Libraries\install

– hit configure

– if no error occurs, hit generate (in case of an error deal with the dependencies until all errors are gone)

– overwrite the file ismrmrd.cxx with the file from the linux solution

– open the Visual Studio solution ISMRMRD.sln and change the preprocessor definition in the project jismrmrd from jismrmrd_EXPORTS to ismrmrd_EXPORTS

– compile and install (build project INSTALL)

– if an error occurs,

∗ check the HDF5 libraries in Linker → Input and set the correct name in all projects

∗ check the entry in C/C++ → General → Additional Include Directories (..\HDFGroup\HDF5\1.8.12\include )

– add D:\ProgramFiles\Gadgetron\Libraries\install\ismrmrd\bin and D:\ProgramFiles\Gadgetron\Libraries\install\ismrmrd\lib to PATH

14.) Google Test (optional -

– unzip to D:\ProgramFiles\Gadgetron\Libraries\gtest-1.7.0

– create directory D:\ProgramFiles\Gadgetron\Libraries\gtest-1.7.0\vc10

– open CMake and set source code to: D:\ProgramFiles\Gadgetron\Libraries\gtest-1.7.0 and build to: D:\ProgramFiles\Gadgetron\Libraries\gtest-1.7.0\vc10

– hit configure and set BUILD_SHARED_LIBS, gtest_force_shared_crt and gtet_disable_pthreads

– hit generate

– open the Visual Studio solution gtest.sln and compile in debug and release version

15.) Armadillo C++ (

– unzip armadillo-4.000.2.tar.gz to D:\ProgramFiles\Gadgetron\Libraries\armadillo-4.000.2

– create directory vc10 in ..\Libraries\armadillo-4.000.2\

– open CMake and set source code to: D:\ProgramFiles\Gadgetron\Libraries\armadillo-4.000.2 and build to: D:\ProgramFiles\Gadgetron\Libraries\armadillo-4.000.2\vc10

– open the file D:\ProgramFiles\Gadgetron\Libraries\armadillo-4.000.2\include\armadillo_bits\config.hpp

– change the following entries in the file to:


– hit configure and generate (in CMake)

– open the Visual Studio solution armadillo.sln in ..\vc10

– compile and install (build project INSTALL)

– uncomment #define ARMA_BLAS_LONG_LONG in the config.hpp again

– add D:\ProgramFiles\Gadgetron\Libraries\armadillo-4.000.2\include\lib to PATH

16.) xsltproc (

– download and copy the directory xslt to D:\ProgramFiles\Gadgetron\Libraries\xslt

17.) install Gadgetron