TNA SP 9/213, Letter-book of Sir Charles Cornwallis, 1605-1607

The National Archives Catalogue entry:

Index of SP 9/213, ff. 1-3.

Transcribed by Samuli Kaislaniemi.

Cite as: "Index to the Letter-book of Sir Charles Cornwallis, 1605-1607 (TNA SP 9/213/1-3). Transcribed by Samuli Kaislaniemi, 2009. (Normalised version by Samuli Kaislaniemi, 2012.)".

The transcription, code, pdf and digital images of the index on this site are made available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike 3.0 License.

Description of index:

The index is a separate, unbound quire of 2 folded sheets at the end of the letter-book volume. Three of the four folios contain the index; pages 7-8 (fol. 4 r&v) are blank.

Most of the index is written in a tidy cursive italic hand. The script changes from neat to untidy and hasty halfway down folio 3r; this seems to be the same hand as the index to a letter-book of Sir Robert Cecil held at SP 9/150.

The italicised W's on fol. 1r are written in pencil in a 19th or 20th-Century hand. The book referred to is the three-volume Memorials of affairs of state in the reigns of Q. Elizabeth and K. James I, collected (chiefly) from the original papers of … Sir Ralph Winwood, edited by Edmund Sawyer, published in 1725. It is available on ECCO. (You can view a searchable and sortable online index to the work here.)

Editorial comment:

This transcription is meant to be a rough finding aid, an addition to the TNA online catalogue. It should be noted that the aim was neither to provide a proper, regularised finding aid with modernised spellings, nor a scholarly edition of a part of an unedited manuscript. The transcription below falls somewhere in between; it tries to reproduce the manuscript source exactly, with the following exceptions:

  1. Abbreviations and contractions are retained, but their markings have been normalised to apostrophes.

  2. The layout has been normalised, both extralineally (across the page) and intralineally (between words). Line division is retained but normalised.

  3. Original spelling is retained, except for the transcription of "I" as "J" in proper names. Long s's are retained. Superscripts are reproduced.

  4. Original punctuation is retained with some normalisation: underscores/ellipsis regularized to "…"; curly brackets "}" spanning several lines set to standard sizes.

Editor's insertions and comments are marked in bold. Uncertain readings on fol. 3r are underlined; undecipherable characters marked as "?".

Each letter in the index has been given a unique identifying number in the underlying code. To view letter ID numbers, float the mouse over the date column in index entries.

Note on the index:

I have not collated the index with the letter-book copies. Anyone needing to establish the veracity of this index will need to consult the volume at TNA in Kew.

[5.9.2014 addition

Note on this copy letterbook:

The contents of this letterbook appear to be the same as that of BL MS Harley 1875 – it's not listed in the BL online manuscripts catalogue (yet), but see A Catalogue of the Harleian Manuscripts in the British Museum (4 vols, London: The British Museum, 1808-12) vol. 2, pp. 272-297 (available on Google Books and in the Internet Archive).

Further copies of Cornwallis's correspondence can be found in Bodl. MS Tanner 75 and in BL MSS Cotton Vespasian C ix-xi. I'm sure there are more elsewhere, too.

There are also early 19th-century copies of Cornwallis's correspondence in Bodl. MS. Eng. hist. c. 208

28.10.2014 addition

I have now included the Catalogue of the Harleian Manuscripts's document numbers in the modernized, sortable table at the bottom of this page. Several items listed in the 1808 catalogue do not occur in the manuscript index of SP 9/213: for your convenience, I am including them here:

Some items in the 1808 catalogue are here divided into two:

Letters 57 and 58, listed in the 1808 catalogue as no. 60

Letters 134 and 135, listed in the 1808 catalogue as no. 136

And two items in the SP 9/213 index do not occur as separate items in the 1808 catalogue:

Letter 133, "To the Queen" (between catalogue doc. nos. 135 and 136)

Letter 136, "Quyries that have Chardge over the Coach and Litter Horses & Hackneys." (between catalogue doc. nos. 136 and 137)

There also appear to be some (possible) errata in the SP 9/213 index:

Letter 148 (on fol. 2) is not a letter from Cornwallis to Lennox, but from Lennox to Cornwallis

Letter 194 (fol. 3) is not a letter from the Viceroy of Naples, but rather from the Viceroy of Norway (relating to the preceding letter)

Letters 224-225 are not to the English Privy Council, but rather to the Spanish Privy Council

Letter 238 is not to the Earl of Nottingham, but to the Earl of Northampton

Letter 248 is not to the Spanish Privy Council, but rather to the Confessor of the King of Spain.

These errors are corrected in the modernizes, sortable table at the foot of this page.


This index as a pdf:

You can download a copy of this page as a pdf here.

Transcriptions of letters:

As marked on fol. 1r, some of the letters in this letter-book are reproduced in Winwood's Memorials. It is likely others have been printed elsewhere, particularly in cases where the letter in the letter-book is a copy of an extant original. I have no intention in creating a concordance of Cornwallis's correspondence, nor have I endeavoured to search for one. I have no plans of transcribing any more than parts of this letter-book myself, but those letters that I transcribe, I will put online and link accordingly.

Note on images:

All images are taken at TNA by Samuli Kaislaniemi. The thumbnails link to a folder of large images on Google Photos.

fol. 1r

fol. 1v

fol. 2r

fol. 2v

fol. 3r

fol. 3v

[folio 1r, page 1/6]

f1r top: f1r bottom:

W Printed in Winwoods memorials




A Letter of Sr. Charles Cornwalis to


A Letter to Sir Thomas Pary his Maties.


Here is a normalised version of the above. I have followed the same principles as with my version of the table of contents to Winwood's Memorials and the index of SP 9/150: I have expanded all names and dates and normalised their spelling in order to attain sortability and searchability. I have also normalised the names in the search columns: for instance, Sir Robert Cecil, later Viscount Cranborne and then Earl Salisbury, is named "Robert Cecil" throughout. Many of the dates are uncertain: these are indicated by question marks.

NB this table will inevitably contain errata. I hope to correct them in due course, but this would require a study of the volume at the National Archives in order to ascertain the veracity of the names and dates in this index. Which is not going to happen anytime soon, I'm afraid.

Like with my normalised table for Winwood's Memorials, the following is dynamic html in an iframe. Click on the headers to sort by that column.

(Here's a link to the source page for better viewing. You are more than welcome to copy all of it into the spreadsheet editor of your choice.)








W 31.



W eodem d.

W 2.



W 9.

W eod. d.

eod. d.

W eod. d.

W 10.

the Ld. of Cranborne written from the

Groyne. fol 13. A.

To the Earl of Northampton.

fol. 13. b.

To the Lord Cranborne. S.

fol. 14. a.

To the same Ld. fol. 14. b.

To the Earl of Northampton

written from Valiodalid. fol. 15. b.

To the Lords of the Councell.

fol. 16. b.

To the Ld. Ellesmer Ld Chancellor.

of England. fol. 24. a.

To the Ld. Cranborn S. fol. 24. b.

To the ſame Ld. fol. 28. a.

To the ſame Ld. pag. 33.

To the LLds. of the Councell. p. 35.

To his Matie: p. 37.

To the Earle of Northampton

p. 40.

To the Ld. Viscount Cranborn,

Earl of Salisbury & Principal

Secretarie to his Maty: p. 41.

To Sir Henry Wotton his

Maties: Ambaſsador. Leger. in





eod. die.



eod. die



eod: d.





eod. d.

Ambaſsadr. resident in France

written from Valiodalid. pag. 67.

To the LLds of the Councell. p. 68.

To the ſame LLds. p. 73.

To my Ld. of Salisbury. p. 75.

To the ſame Ld. p. 79.

To the Earl of Suffolke Ld.

Chamb'laine to his Matie: p. 81.

To the Earl of Salisbury. S'. p. 82.

The Contents of a Letter to the

Earl of Nottingham Ld. high Adm.

of Engl. p. 86

To the Earl. of Salisbury S. p. 88.

To the ſame Ld. p. 91.

To the LLds of the Councell.

p. 96.

A Copy of the Memoriall sent unto

the K. (by Ousley) Secretarie &c in

the behalf of the Merchants tradeing

into this Kingdome, together with the

Answers thereof. In Vallodad. p. 102.

The Contents of a Letter to the Earl.

of Salisbury. From Valiodalid. p. 108.

A Letter to the Earl of Southampton

W 15.





eod: d.




eod. d.


[folio 1v, page 2/6]

Venice./. p. 43.

To the LLds of the Councell

from Valiodalid. p. 44.

To the Viscount Cranborn

Earl of Salisbury & Principal

Secretarie to his Matie. p. 48.

To the Earl of Salisbury s.

p. 50.

To the Earl of Northampton

Ld. Warden of the Cinqʒ Portes. p. 54.

To the Earl. of Salisbury S. p. 56.

To the LLds. of the Councell. p. 61.

The Copy of a Letter from the LLds. of

the Councell to Sr. Charles Corn-

waleys Knt. his Maties: Ambaſsador:

Leiger with the King of Spain.

pag. 129.

A Letter from the Earl of Northampton

Ld. warden of ye Cinque Ports to

the Ld. Ambaſsador. resident in

Spain. p. 132.

From the Earl of Salisbury S'.


eod: d.

eod. d.






f1v top: f1v bottom:

p. 112.

To Sr. George Bucke Knt.

p. 113.

To the LLds. of the Councell.

p. 115.

To the Earl of Salisbury. p. 119.

To the ſame Ld. p. 122.

To the LLds. of the Councell. p. 123.

A Letter from the Earl of Salisbury

Dated ye 12th. of Sept. Received the

10th. of Octobr p. 167

The King Letter, or Discource concerning

the unlawfull Aſsembly or Councell

lately held by the Ministers of Scotland

Sent into Spain to the Ld. Ambaſsador.

by the Earl of Salisbury with the for-

mer Letter 1605.

Page last updated 28.10.2014 by Samuli Kaislaniemi.




















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eod. d.




[folio 2r, page 3/6]

[folio 2v, page 4/6]

[folio 3r, page 5/6]

[folio 3v, page 6/6]

to the Ld. Ambassador. in Spain.

p. 133.

From Sir Tho: Parry his Maties:

Ambaſsador. resident in France.

to the Ld. Ambaſsador. in Spain.

p. 140.

From the Ld. of Effingham, to

his Maties. Ambaſsador. in Spain

p. 140.

From the Earl of Suffolk Ld.

Chamb'lain to his Maty. to the

Ld Ambaſsador. in Spain. p. 141.

From the Earl of Nottingham

Ld high Admirall of England

To the Lord Ambaſsadour Liedger

in Spaine. p. 141.

From Sir Tho. Parry Amb'r. in Fr.

to the Ld Ambaſsador. in Spain.

p. 142.

From the Earl of Salisbury

to the Ld Ambaſsador. in Spain.

p. 142.

From Sr. Tho: Edmunds his Maties:

Ambaſsador. resident wth ye Archd.

to the Ld. Ambaſsador in Spain.

From ye E. of Northampton

to the Ld. Ambaſsadour in Spain

p. 148.

From Sir H. Wotton his Maties:

Ambaſsadour at Venice

to the Ld. Ambaſsador. in Spain.

p. 159.

From the Ld. Ambaſsador. in Spain.

Sir C. Cornwaleys. to Sir Henry

Wotton Ambaſs'. at Venice.

p. 160.

A Discourse upon the Citation

by Order from the Governour of

Milan ye 1st. of July 1605.

A Letter from Walter Mathew

Mayor of Plymouth Dated

26.o Sept. 1605. to the

Ld Ambaſsadr. in Spain. p. 233.

From the E of Nottingham

Ld high . Admirall of Engl.

p. 234.

From Sir Tho: Edmonds Ld.

Ambaſsador. resident with the

Archdukes. Dated. 21 Octobr.

p. 235.

Novemb. 1605.

Two Severall Projects delivered

unto the Ld Ambaſsador. Sir C. Corn-

waleys by a Subject &c. of Spain &c

in the beginning of July last past.

p. 243.

A Letter from the D: of Lerma

translated into English. to the. Ld.

Ambaſsador. Sir C. C. p. 247.

A Discourse delivered to the before

mentioned Noble Man, &c. by the sd.

Ambaſsador. p. 248.

A Letter from the Ld. Ambaſsadr: in Sp.

to the LLds. of the Councell.

p. 254.

To the E. of Salisbury. p. 256.

A Discourſe and Relation made

unto Walter Hawkesworth Secre-

tary unto the Ld. Ambaſsador. of the

Conference had between ye D. of Ler-

ma the Conde de Villa Longa &

his Lopp.. &c p. 257.

A Letter to the Earl of Suffolk

Ld Chamb'lain to his Maty. p. 267.

To the Ld. Elsmer Ld. Chanc:'

of Engl. from Valld. p. 268.

To the Earl of Salisbury sent

by a Merchant of Plymouth.

p. 268.

From the Earl. of Salisbury. p. 271.

From the ſame E. of S. p. 276.

The Copy of the Letter written to my

Ld. Mounteagle touching Treason dis-

covered. p. 286.

A Letter to the Earl of Salisbury

sent by Mr. Hawkesworth

p. 286.

Reasons given to prove the performance

of things treated of & offered by the K.

of Spain to be both honble: & safe to him

p. 290.

A Letter from Sir C. Cornwaleys his Maties:

Ambaſsadour in Spain to the Earl

of Salisbury p. 336.

From Sir Tho. Edmonds his Maties:

Ambaſsadour with the Archdukes

to the Ld. Amb. in Sp.

p. 339.

Certain Reasons given by the Ld. Ambaſsadr.

Sir C. C. to divers Councellors. of State in

the Court of Spain for the delivery of

Certain Traitors taken in Flanders. &c.

p. 344.

A Letter to the Earl of Salisbury

from his Maties: Ambaſsadour in

Spain. p. 348.

The Contents of another Letter to my

Ld. of Salisbury. p. 358.

A Letter from the Earl of Salisbury

to his Maties. Ambaſsador. in Spain. p. 359.

From Mr. Hawkesworth the

Ld Ambds. Secretary p. 367.

To the Earl of Salisbury.

p. 370.

To Mr. Hawkesworth. S. in ans-

wer of the precedent Letter.

p. 370.

To the LLs of the councell

from Valld.. p. 371.

To Sr. Thomas Edmondes his

Maties. Ambaſsador. with ye Archd:

p. 373.

From Sir Thom: Edmondes. p. 375.

To the Earl of Salisbury p. 377.

To Sir Tho: Edmondes. p. 378

To the Earl of Salisbury p. 379.

To the same E. p. 383.

From Sr. Henry Wotton his Maties.

Ambaſsador with the State of Venice.

p. 387.

The Particularities of the Cause of

Wm. Squyre an Engl. Merchant, a Factor &c

sent from Lisbone, & received by the Ld. Amb.

p. 390.

The Cause of Thom: Tyler Factor for

Mr. Rob't Bromley Prisoner in Lisbone &c.

p. 392.

A Letter from the Ld. Amb'. C. C. to the Duke

of Lerma upon the receipt of

the 2. former Complts. p. 393.

To Countſse Suffolke. 27. May … 488.

To E. Nottingham. 1. June … 489.

To E. Suffolke … 8. June … 489.

To E. Northampton . 8. June … 492.

To Sr Th. Edmunds 13. Jun. … 495.

for Spaine.

To . E. Saliſbury. 4. Jun. … 503.

To ye ſame 8. June … 503.

To ye ſame … 525.

To ye D. of Lerma . 24. Jun … 527.

To E. Saliſbury . 20. Jun … 529.

To Sr Walter Cope … 538.

To E. Saliſbury 20. June … 540.

To E. Northampton .1. July … 543.

To ye Lords of ye Councell .2. Jul. 547.

To ye E. Saliſbury. 2. Jul. … 554.

To ye ſame 4. Feb. … 558.

To Sr Th. Edmunds & 7 Jul. … 563.

To E. Saliſbury . 9. Jul. … 566.

Copy of my L. Lettr to Secr. Prada … 566.

From Sr Th. Edmunds Amb' wth' Archd. 567.

To E. Saliſbury. … 573.

To Sr Th. Edmunds. 9. Jul … 575.

To E. Saliſbury … Aug … 576.

To Sr H. Wotton … Jul. … 582.

From ye LLds of ye Councll Dec. 1605 … 583.

From E. Saliſbury Jun. … 584.

From ye LLs .9. July. 1606 … 586.

From E. Saliſbury … 12. July. … 592.

From ye L. Tre'arr of Denmrke 4. Jun. 599.

Fro' Viceroy of Naples … aug. … 601.

From E. Saliſbury … 27. aug. … 602.

Sr H. Wotton. 2. Sept. 1606 … 615.

To ditto. … ye 29. Sept … 616.

Memll to K. Spaine in behalfe of or merchts. 625.

To E. Saliſbury. 6. Sept … 632.

To Sr Tho Edmunds 9. Feb. … 801

To E. Saliſbury. 8. Feb. … 803

From E. Saliſbury 9. Jan. … 805.

To ye Conſellr of ye K. Spaine 27 Feb. 812.

From ye D. Savoye … 814.

To ye King. … 815.

To my L. Saliſbury. … 817.

To Sr Geo. Carew . 10 Mar. 822.

Reasons drawne by Sr Ch. Cornw

why ye Low Countryes offred as

Dowry in mariage ſ?? Sp. to

Engld is honble & profitable

The Introduction mentioned in ye

prcedt Lettr, deld to ye Sp. ambr.

Effect ofe Speech to ye LL. of ye Councell

of Spaine &c by Sr Ch. Cornw

To ye Viceroy of Portugall on behalffe of

an Engl. Miniſter turned treater

in ye Inqueſicon …

From Mr Levinus Monke ſec. to

E. Saliſbury …

} 498.

} 612.

} 620.

} 630.

} … 809.


19. s.n.










o o.


eod. d.

o o.






eod: d.












eod. d.








eod. d.



28. St. vet.






f2r top: f2r bottom:

f2v top: f2vbottom:

f3r top: f3r bottom:

f3v top:

Proposition de Monsr. Winwood aux

Estats des Pays bas, touchant le Trans-

port des Espagnols. p. 181.

La Responce des Estats a la dicte

Proposition p. 186.

A Letter from Sr. Tho: Edmonds his Maties:

Ambaſsador. resident with the

Archduke in Flanders &c. p. 189.

From Sir C Cornwaley. his Maties.

Ambaſsador. in Spain to the

Earl of Salisbury S. written

from Valiodalid. p. 191.

To the ſame Ld.

To the Earl of Northampton &c.

p. 199.

To the Earl of Salisbury. p. 203.

To the Lords of the Councell

p. 205.

To Mr. Tho: Wilford President

of ye Spanish Company of Mer-

chants in london. p. 207. [Transcript.]

To the Earl of Salisbury. p. 210.

To the Lords of the Councell

from Valiodalid. p. 212.

To the Merchants & Factorrs: of

Lisbone in answer of one of theirs.

p. 221.

To the Earl of Suffolk Ld. Chamb'lane

unto his Maty. p. 224.

To the E. of Salisbury. Secr'. p. 226.

From the Lords of the Councell

to the Ld. Ambaſsadour in Spain. p. 231.

From Sir Wm. Waad, Clark of the

Councell. Dated 31o. May with a

Postscript from Sr. Wm. Cornwal-

leys th'elder. Th

Received the 11. Novemb. 1605.

pag. 232.

Propositions of the Duke of Lerma &

Earl of Villa Longa one of ye Secretaries

of State &c. about a more streight League

& Amity between the K. of great Britain &.

Spain. p. 293.

Private Instructions d'd Mr. Hawkes-

worth for his busines in England. p. 296.

A Letter from the Ld. Ambaſsadour in

Spain. Sr. C Cornwaleys to the Earl

of Salisbury. p. 298.

From the Duches of Feria

p. 302.

The answer to the l're abovesd. p. 304

A Letter from the Ld. Ambaſsador. Sir C. C.

to Father Creswell. p. 305.

A Letter translated to the Duke of

Lerma about the surprizing of

Marvellius .&c. p. 306.

The Dukes Answer translated. p. 307.

A letter to the Earl of Salisbury. p. 307.

From Sir Tho: Pary Knt. Ld. Ambaſs'r.

for his Maty: in France. p. 311.

From the Earl of Northampton

dated &c. p. 312.

To the Earl of Northampton

from the Ld. Ambaſsadour in

Spain. Sir C. Cornwaleys. p. 314.

From the said Ambaſsador. to Sir

Henry Wotton Ld. Ambaſsador.

for his Maty. with the State of

Venice. p. 316.

To the Earl of Salisbury p. 317.

The names of such Prisoners as were

d'd out of the Ks of Sp. Gallies at Lis-

bone to John Rivett the Ld Ambaſsadrs

Sr. C. Cornw:'s servant. &c. p. 320 and 321

A Letter from the Earle of Salisbury

to the Ld. Amb:' Sir C. COrnwaleys.

p. 321.

From the King, to the sd. Amb:'

p. 322.

To the King. from the Ld. Ambaſs.

p. 325.

To the Earl of Salisbury. p. 328.

From the Duke of Lerma trans-

lated. p. 336.

Reasons delivered unto the State of Sp.

to perswade redreſs in the former Com-

plaints./ p. 395.

A Letter to the Earl of Salisbury

from Valliodalid. p. 397.

Officers of Household to the King of

Spain Ano. 1606. p. 404.

To the Queen 1606. p. 406.

Ladies of Honour of the Queen p. 407.

Master of the Queens Horses &c p. 408.

Quyries that have Chardge over the

Coach and Litter Horses & Hackneys.

p. 408.

The Copy of a Letter from his Maties. Am-

baſsadour in Spain to the E. of Sa-

lisbury Secret. of State. p. 410.


A Letter to the LLs of the Councell

p. 412.

Sr H. Wotton ambr at Venice to E. Salisbury Sr ch. Cornwallis

11. Mar. 1606. … 414.

To Sr Wotton ap. 5 … 415.

To E. Saliſbury … 11. apr 415.

To Sr Geo. Carew ambr in Fr. 11. ap. 418.

To E. Saliſb. ap. 14. … 419.

To ye ſame. 13. ap. … 423.

To Lds of Councell .24. apr. 424.

To D. Lenox 6. Mar. 1605. … 433.

From ye E. Saliſbury 26. Mar 1606. 434.

From E. Nottingha' .22. Mar 1606. 436.

From ye ſame … May. … 437.

Fro' E. Southampton … 438.

From ye Lords of Councell .2. ap. 1606. 438.

Fr. E. Saliſbury. … 450.

Fro' E. Suffolke … 452.

Fro' Counteſse Suffolke. … 454.

From Lords of Councll . 17 Mar 1605 455.

Propcons ſent by ye Lords to ye ambr … 460.

To E. Saliſbury. 3. June. … 464.

To ye ſame … 29. Maye. … 477.

To E. Northampton … 480.

To ditto … 485.

To E. Suffolke. 27. May. 486.

To E. Saliſbury 12. Sept. … 640.

To ditto … 17. Sept. … 648.

Grievances of his Matys Subjts … 654. [Transcript.]

To LL. Of Councell … 6. Sept … 657.

To … E. Suffolke … 19. Sept … 666.

To … E. Northampton … 19. Sept … 667.

To … Sr Th. Edmunds. 19. Sept … 667.

To LL. Councell .30. Sept … 669.

To … E. Saliſbury. … 678.

To ye ſame. … 681.

To ye ſame. … 688.

To ye ſame .28. Oct … 690.

To … E. Northampton .14. Oct … 696.

To LL. Councell .3. Nov. … 702.

To ye ſame … 708.

To … E. Saliſbury. 16. Nov … 720.

To … E. Saliſbury 20. Nov … 729.

To ye D. of Lerma … Nov. … 730.

To E. Saliſbury 21. Dec … 735.

To E. Northampton 19. Dec. … 747.

To ye LL. Of ye Councell … 749.

To E. Saliſbury 20. Dec. … 755.

To ye LL. Of ye Counll. …756.

From ye E. Saliſbury 28. Dec … 763.

To Sr Th. Edmunds. … 767.

To Sr Geo. Carew amb' in France 19. Dec … 769.

To ye LL. Of ye Councell, 10 Jan … 770.

To ye ſame 14. Jan. … 771.

To E. Saliſbury 19. Jan. … 775.

To E. Nottingham … Jan. … 783.

To E. Saliſbury … 786.

To ye ſame … 26. Jan. … 787.

To ye ſame Feb. … 794.

To ye ſame. 6. Feb. … 797.

… 4. Feb. … 799

From Sr Tho. Edmonds Ambr wth ye

Archduke .23. apr …

Sr Ch Cornwallis to LL. of Councell

14. May …

Projt for yearly Contribucon for

maintenance of ye Ks warres

Articles sent ye Duke in juſtificacon

of ye foregoing Letter …

To … LL. Of Councell, entreating ye

ſuppreſsing of certaine Engl. Lawes

agt. Recuſts printed in Spaine

A ſecond Letter by ye L. Ambr proving

ye Tranſlacon of thoſe Lawes to be

falſe made …

Whether ye K. Sp. ſhall proceed to

an allyence wth Engl. or France


} … 425.

} 430.

} … 656 .

} 733.

} 736.

} 739.

} 741.