TNA SP 106/4, Ciphers from the reign of King James I

TNA SP 106/4, Ciphers from the reign of King James I

The National Archives Catalogue entry:

Index of SP 106/4: SP 106/4, ff. 1-2 (inserted)

Transcribed by Samuli Kaislaniemi.

Cite as: "Index to Ciphers from the reign of King James I (TNA SP 106/4/1-2). Transcribed by Samuli Kaislaniemi, 2012.".

The transcription, code, pdf and digital images of the index on this site are made available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike 3.0 License .

Description of Index:

The index is on 2 folios at the beginning of the volume. It was probably created when the volume was bound in 1862.

The index is in the hand of at least two individuals, in 19th-century ink and pencil: there are many corrections, most of which are later additions to the first layer of the index.

Editorial comments:

This transcription is meant to be a rough addition to the TNA catalogue. As such, the transcription below does not try to be a diplomatic one, and the following editorial choices have been made:

  1. The layout has been normalised, both extralineally (across the page) and intralineally (between words). Line division is retained but normalised.

  2. Original spelling is retained. Superscripts are retained. Deletions are marked.

  3. Original punctuation is retained with some normalisation.

  4. Aside from additions in red ink, hanges in ink/pencil or hand have not been marked in the transcription. For instance, all deletions are also in red ink.

Folio/page change markers are editorial, and marked in bold in brackets: [fol. x, page y/z ]. Uncertain readings are underlined.

Note on the index:

The contents of this index have not been cross-checked with the contents of SP 106/4, but the reference numbers seem to be correct. Please note that they give no indication of document length.

The index as a pdf:

You can download a copy of this page as a pdf here.

[fol. 1r, page 1/2]

[fol. 2r, page 2/2]

Last updated 16.1.2012 by Samuli Kaislaniemi.