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Joy of Living Practice Group

We meet the 2nd Tuesday evening of each month in Oregon, 6:30 - 8:00 PM.


Maitri Center for Mindful Living, LLC

120 N. Main St.

Oregon WI

This is a secular approach that is open to anyone wishing to learn meditation or practice together in a community setting. This approach is for all faiths and cultural backgrounds. New and experienced practitioners are welcome at any time!

Meditation allows us to calm the mind, open the heart, and live more fully in the present moment.

The Joy of Living curriculum is based on the teachings of meditation master, Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche. Over the course of the curriculum, we will explore a variety of meditation techniques that can transform any experience, even difficult situations and emotions, into a source of joy.

Each evening is designed to be a stand-alone session. No registration required. Drop in when you can!

Sessions include guided meditation practice as well as opportunities for discussion, experiential practice, unguided sitting practice, walking meditation, and at times, video teachings.

All monthly sessions are freely offered and open to all.

For information, please contact me at contemplative.ed@gmail.com or 608-345-1597.

Please click on the active links for more information about Tergar International or programs available through the Madison Tergar Community.