Feedback on tests and worksheets

It is important to check your answers and feedback on tests, worksheets, and quizzes. Feedback will be provided for all worksheets. Instructions for how to check your answers and view feedback are listed below.


You will have two attempts to take the exams.

After your first attempt at taking the test you will be able to check your answers and see which questions you answered incorrectly.

After the deadline for taking the test you will be able to check all the questions and read the correct answers.

If you have questions about your answers or are frustrated or confused please contact me.


Some of the worksheets are graded automatically and you will be able to view your questions and answers as soon as you complete the worksheet

Others are manually graded. When I grade the worksheets I will write feedback to questions that need to be improved and may post additional comments in the feedback sections. Be sure you check these comments.

It is particularly important that you check my feedback on the worksheets for your speeches. That is how you will receive feedback before you do your presentation that could save you serious problems.

How to view worksheet Feedback on D2L:

After I have graded the submission, you will go to "Assessments," then "Quizzes."

Find the name of the quiz you want to view. To the right of the name, there is a drop down menu.

Click the drop down arrow and click "Submissions."

Then click on the quiz attempt.

Finally, scroll down and see the questions. Any feedback I have left will appear as a "View Feedback" link. Click on that to read your feedback.