Introductory Video

This mini assignment is meant to allow you to share your background and goals for Public Speaking. No audience is required for this video, as it is meant as an informal introduction. You can speak directly into the camera for this assignment (you will not speak directly into the camera for your major speech presentations; you will speak to your audience).

Your video should be roughly five (5) minutes. Feel free to share the following in your introduction video:

    • Your name
    • Major/minor
    • Year at Cal U of PA
    • Hobbies, favorite things to do, shows to watch, etc.
    • Work or internships you are involved with
    • Organizations/clubs you belong to
    • Your speaking experience and/or performance experience
    • Any concerns you have about public speaking
    • Your goals for this class
    • Any other information you would like to share.

Submit your assignment to the video assignments on D2L. See instructions on how to upload your video to D2L (directions can be found in this module and on D2L).

Click on the video to the right for my (Dr. Kallis') Introduction. You will create something similar and upload your Introduction to video assignments.

The purpose of this assignment is for me to get to know you as a student, learn about your public speaking background, and your goals for this class.

This video also serves as a means for you to familiarize yourself with how to submit videos on D2L. You will need to know how to do this for your three major speech assignments due later in the semester.

Kallis Final Video Introduction.mp4