
What Type of Classes?

Network members work together each year and share distance learning classes between networks. These classes include fully synchronous classes through videoconference cloud clients such as Zoom and BlueJeans; Hybrid & Blended classes that meet live on videoconference 1 or more times a week and the rest of the content is online in a platform such as Canvas or Google Classroom; and fully online asynchronous classes. 

What Subjects are Being Offered?

This year and in years past, we have had a variety of high school and college level classes being taught over videoconference. Below is a list of a few of them. Classes each year are based on the demand of participating schools. College classes are worked out between local community colleges in your area. 

What is the Cost?

Each network has a different fee for the classes that they offer. 

How do you get Involved?

If you would like to get more information about these classes and what is being offered each year, fill out this form and a KAIDE representative will contact you with more information. 


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