Social Sciences Section

What is mafia

Author: Gaetano Mosca
Language: Italian
What is Mafia is the first English translation of the book Cosa è la Mafia by Gaetano Mosca.

Gaetano Mosca (1858 – 1941) was an Italian political scientist, journalist and public servant. He is credited with developing the Theory of Elitism and the doctrine of the Political Class and is one of the three members constituting the Italian School of Elitists together with Vilfredo Paredo and Robert Michels. Their works inspired subsequent studies by political scientists of the process of the “circulation of elites” within democracies and other political systems. He is the author of the book The Ruling Class.

This book is a transcript of a lecture by Gaetano Mosca in Milan in 1900, when he tried to define the essential characteristics of the phenomenon Mafia. These characteristics are the spirit of Mafia, which permeates Sicilian society, the omertà which build up a perfect environment where the Mafia's activities can easily develop, and the ability of the Mafia's cosche to take advantage of their local power linking it to political and financial power.

Nowadays, when we discuss about Mafia, it seems that there is an underestimation of this phenomenon, in addition to political and cultural limits to the approach to this problem. All problems that more than one hundred years ago Mosca already noticed and to which tried to give an answer. For this reason, we believe that the translation and the publication of a book already older than one hundred years, will help us take advantage of a witness who tells us about a world far away in time, but close to our interests. The interests of people who are still struggling with the same criminal phenomenon that afflicted Italy at the beginning of the twentieth century.
We want to thank Dr. David O'Kane for his contribute to this book and Miss Dela Buhle Gwala, without whose invaluable assistance this book would never have come to light. 

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 Available also in Pdf format

Pandemia 2020. La vita quotidiana in Italia con il Covid-19

Edited by: Alessandra Guigoni and Renato Ferrari.
Language: Italian

 Downloadable for free  HERE

Parentele di Confine: La pratica adottiva tra desiderio locale e mercato globale

Author: Rossana Di Silvio
Language: Italian
Parentele di confine, now in its second edition, aims to present some reflections on what the phenomenon of international adoption has represented in the search - and in the living experience - of new reproduction and parenting strategies, implemented in Italy by a relevant segment of the population in response to a particular historical, socioeconomic and cultural situation. What is proposed again is therefore the photograph of a cultural transition that starting from a biological fact - infertility - explores, describes and tries to critically analyze the attempt to rework the data, an operation however essential from the use of tools or models that are specific to the culture to which they belong. 

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