Publishing House

Our topics

We encourage poets to publish with us. We believe that poetry has the ability to speak to the hearts of men, therefore we are happy to offer a space for poets to let them express their feelings and their soul.

Did you write short stories, novellas and you would like to publish and to translate them into different languages​​? Are you looking for a Publisher for your novel? It is the first time you publish a book? Feel free to contact us! 

The study of society in all its forms is one of the main objectives of our publishing house. We would like to give a space for those who would like share their studies and their research.

Travel Narratives Section 

Traveling is one of the most concrete ways to learn about cultures and different worlds. At the same time a trip can be a discovery or an escape from themselves. In this section we would like to open a small window on the world, in order to know and love it in a better way.

Children are our future, a future that we can see from their eyes and that we can help them to build. In this section we host children's authors. Their books will be translated into different languages, so that from an early age, children can be enriched from all the diversities and knowledge of the world.

In this section you can find books for the study of foreign languages.

Everyday Books Section

Here you can find books on different subjects: cooking, sports, bricolage, and so on.

We are the official publisher for the "Death on a  Chocolate Box" books series by NIMO.

What we offer to our authors:

Your eBook will be added to our catalog

We will provide an ISBN code to your eBook

We will provide an ISBN code to your eBook

We will deliver you a high percentage of royalties from a base of 20%

We will publish your articles and other comments your book on our Blog-Forum.

If you want, we can translate your book into other languages, so you will reach an international audience!!

We will promote your book through the most famous social networks such as Facebook, Google+, Scribt, Twitter and many others.