Death Studies

NIMO is collaborating with M&J Publishing House to create the Death in a Chocolate Box series dedicated to books, academic and otherwise, that deal with death, grief and loss.

Why Death in a Chocolate Box? The idea behind NIMO is the heterogeneity of the offer, being a place where people with different experiences and knowledge can meet to enrich each other. This idea also wants to be represented in our series where the books will cover the most disparate topics (anthropology, psychology, photography, biographies, fiction...), always with the quality of the work in mind, and readers will be able to pleasantly surprise themselves by discovering a theme that they didn't know before.

The first two volumes will be the proceedings of the 2024 conference but we hope to receive other proposals soon.

Each proposal, academic or otherwise, will be examined by the scientific committee and will undergo a double evaluation. The authors will be supported during the creative, publication and dissemination process.

Each publication will be sponsored by NIMO which will actively engage in dissemination through its network.

The publications will mainly be in eBooks, for economic and ecological reasons, with the possibility of printing physical copies on request. The eBooks will be present in the sales network of the largest online retailers.

Each book will have an ISBN code that will enter it into the world book catalogue.

Obviously, the authors will not have to pay anything.