Children Section

Piazza mia bella piazza

Author: Haisan
Language: Italian
This is a nursery rhyme known to all Italian children. The main purpose of this nursery rhyme is to make the child laugh and interact with him through the story and the movements made on his hand. We offer it with illustrations that will stimulate the imagination of adults and children.

Available on Scribd and Google Play

I Giorni della Merla

Author: Haisan
Language: Italian
A traditional fairy tale that explains where the name of the coldest days of the year comes from. I Giorni Della Merla is another book illustrated by Haisan that children and their mothers will like.

Available on Scribd , Google Play and many other retailers

Le Storie di Maya e Topo Ao, racconti di un babbo per la sua piccola

Author: Marco Serradimigni
Language: Italian
The Stories of Topo Ao and Little Maya are Marco Serradimigni's first work. They are, and should be read - as the subtitle rightly suggests - as an act of love that a dad wanted to make the little girl like him. An act of love made by giving the passion of a lifetime, archeology, and paternal affection. These little stories will take us back many years, towards the end of the last glaciation, and with a few light strokes will be able to paint the environment and daily life of that world far away in a time that fascinates archaeologists and beyond. Haisan's illustrations describe the adventures of Maya, her family and her faithful and special friend, Mouse Ao.

Available on Scribd , Google Play and many other retailers

L' Albero dei Ricci

Author: Antonio Gramsci
Language: Italian
An illustrated fairy tale. The illustrations are inspired by a fairy tale by Antonio Gramsci to his children.

Available on Google Play, and other retailers

Quel giorno che il lupo scese dalla montagna

Author: Francesca Lazzarotti
Language: Italian
When the Wolf Came Down the Mountain. . . and stopped to talk to the other animals, is a book written and illustrated by Francesca Lazzarotti. This story will appeal to children who will enjoy both listening to the adventures of this slightly unfortunate wolf and looking at the beautiful illustrations in light colours.

Available on Smashwords and many other retailers