A / An

The indefinte article is the same for all genders (male or female). We use "a" before words starting with a consonant, and "an" before words starting with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u).

        • a boy, a girl, a man, a woman, a banana, a young person

        • an old boy, an ugly girl, an apple, an orange, an opera, an hour

The indefinte article has no plural form.

    • a boy - boys


We use an before an h mute - an hour, an honour.

We use a before u and eu when they sound like 'you': a european, a university, a unit


Which indirect article is correct?

The indefinite article a/an - Exercise 1

The indefinite article a/an - Exercise 2

The indefinite article a/ an - Exercise 3

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