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1st: Let's do some Revision Work...

Verbs Be and Have Got (View Download)

2nd: Let's do the activities in the Textbook(View Download).

3rd: Let's do the Exercises in the WorkBook (View Download).

WORKBOOK - Self-correction [Auto-correcção]

Page 3, Exercises 1, 2, 3 and 4

WorkBook: Download the Audio File for Exercise 2, p.6

Interactive Dictation (Ex. 2, p.6)

Unit 1 Friends and Family

EXTRA Activity: Listen to the song Waka Waka's, look carefully at the lyrics and think about the message:

Lyrics | Shakira lyrics - Waka Waka lyrics

What do you think the message of this song is? Pay attention to some of the lines in the lyrics and send me your interpretation of them.

Click here to send your answers.