Module 1 - 2010

<= 10th-Pro


Adjective Degrees

My or Mine? Your or Yours? Her or Hers?

Page 14, Ex. A

Page 14, Ex. B

There are two types of articles in the English language: the definite article (the) and the indefinite article (a, an). Try the following practice exercises on definite and indefinite articles:


A / An or no Article? Exercise 1 / Exercise 2 / Exercise 3 (p. 62)

Personal pronouns (Object Pronouns)

Question Words

Present Simple 1 (learn and PRACTISE

Present Continuous 1 (study and PRACTISE)

Word Formation (p. 42)

Personally Speaking

Vocabulary & Culture

European Union Countries

Adjectives (Describing people)

Working Lives & English for Work


Jobs and Careers 1 (Flashcards: Study and Play)

Jobs and Careers 2 (Flashcards: Study and Play)

Careers and Jobs (Flashcards: Study and Play)

Business vocabulary

Jobs and workplaces (p. 42)


I got the wrong job! (Listen and write)

A job interview (Listen and write)

Which Pictures match the audio?

Telephone Dialogues

A job possibility (on the phone)


Job interview 1 Job interview 2 Sex Discrimination at work


Monty Python: Silly Job Interview

Funny Job Interview

Oral Work

It's Speaking time, ladies & gentlemen!

  1. Practice 1: Making an Appointment

  2. Practice 2: Taking a Message

  3. Practice 3: Ordering a Pizza

  4. Telephone Quiz

I just hope your accent is more refined... and grammar has surely evolved a lot ;-)

Writing a CV

Examples of Good and Bad CVs


ePortolios: Example 1 Example 2

Writing a Memo

Listen and complete a memo (Download Document / Download Audio)


Marketing meeting [Too difficult? Start here]

An email reference for a prospective employee (ordering a text) [Too difficult? Start here]

An e-mail answering a job enquiry [Too difficult? Start here]