The Paradox of Post-Bureaucracy: Trust Formation Among State Administration Employees in Finland

Data postării: Jul 29, 2012 10:12:36 PM

Jaakko Koivumäki1 & Pasi Pyöriä2

Journal of Social Research & Policy, Volume: 3, Issue: 1, pp. 115-125.

Date: July 2012

ISSN: 2067-2640 (print), 2068-9861 (electronic)

Abstract: This paper discusses civil servants’ trust in management under conditions of organizational change. The paper draws on a survey and qualitative interview material collected from five knowledge-intensive public sector organizations in Finland. The results indicate that the post-bureaucratic model of organizing work in Finnish state administration may increase insecurity and decrease trust among employees. The paper serves as a reminder that all organizational models have their costs and benefits. Traditional bureaucracy fosters predictability and longevity in employee relations. In this respect, the post-bureaucratic model of organizing work may not always be as effective in generating trust as traditional bureaucracy is.

Keywords: Bureaucracy, Public Sector Reform, Post-Bureaucracy, Trust, State Administration, Finland


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1. Postal Address: Finnish Dental Association, Fabianinkatu 9 B, FI-00130 Helsinki, Finland, E-mail Address:

2. Postal Address: School of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Tampere, FI-33014 University of Tampere, Finland, E-mail Address: