Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement

Responsibilities of the editors

The final decision for the publication of a submitted manuscript is the responsibility of the editors of JSR&P.

All submissions must receive an answer from the editors, either if the manuscript is rejected, considered for publication or accepted for publication. On a regular basis an article should be processed in less than 6 months from the date of submission by the author to the date of the communication of the editors’ final decision.

Each submission is actively checked for plagiarism using specialized software. Positive plagiarism match leads to rejection. After this filter, editors decide based on a first lecture, if a submitted article will be considered for publication or not. Only manuscripts that are considered for publication will be sent to blind peer review. Editors will choose appropriate reviewers considering the manuscript’s content (subject, methodology). During the peer review process, editors will not reveal to reviewers the identity of the authors.

Editors will expose information about a submitted manuscript only to the corresponding author, reviewers and other editorial advisers, except in the case of a manuscript that is suspected for double submission.

Editors will accept or reject a manuscript based only on its scientific content and they will not consider the nationality, gender, race, age or institutional affiliation of the authors.

Editors may ignore any material that breaks legal requirements regarding libel, copyright infringement and plagiarism.

The editors have to defend the integrity standards of the journal. They will notice and decide about any misconduct on behalf of authors or reviewers. If editors suspect the authenticity of an article, its publication is delayed until any doubt is clarified.

Responsibilities of the authors

Authors will submit to JSR&P only original papers, which are not partially or totally published elsewhere, or submitted for publication elsewhere. Authors need to correctly cite the sources of other materials used in their articles. They are responsible for obtaining written permission in the case of using other images and artwork or for adaptations of such images, if they do not have copyright for them.

Any unethical behavior, manufacture of research results or promotion of deceitful or incorrect arguments may cause the rejection of a submission or the withdrawal of a published article.

Plagiarism will be followed by the rejection of the manuscript. Authors have full responsibility for the authenticity of their paper. In case of multiple authors, the authenticity of the article needs to be ensured by all of them.

Published articles are under the copyright of the journal. Partially or totally publication of an article elsewhere is possible only after the consent from the editors.

The corresponding author must maintain the communication with the co-authors and make sure that all listed co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the article and agreed to its publication.

Responsibilities of the reviewers

JSRP reviewers perform work for the journal on a volunteer basis. If a reviewer feels that the received manuscript does not suite his/hers specialty field and the reviewing process will suffer, he needs to notify the editor.

Received manuscripts are confidential documents and reviewers are not allowed to reveal information or discuss about the articles, beside the editor and other persons authorized by the editor. Any suspected conflicts of interests needs to be reported.

The reviewing process needs to be objective, reviewers should argue their statements and personal criticism is not permitted.

The reviewers must use the review form delivered by the editors together with the submitted article. By consenting to do a review the reviewers accept that their names will be published in the list of former reviewers of the journal.

All reviews should be delivered to the editorial staff in due time. On a regular basis, the review of an article should not take more than one month from the submission of the manuscript to the reviewer to the transmission of the completed review form to the JSR&P editorial board.

The editorial staff can resubmit a manuscript to additional reviewers in case that considers the answer from previous reviewers insufficient, inappropriate or not timely.