Gender Differences in Higher Education Efficiency and the Effect of Horizontal Segregation by Gender

Data postării: Mar 11, 2017 4:40:34 PM

Hajnalka Fényes1

Journal of Social Research & Policy, Volume: 6, Issue: 2, Online First

Date: December 2015

ISSN: 2067-2640 (print), 2068-9861 (electronic)

Abstract: In our paper, we examine the effect of faculty gender composition on females’ and males’ higher education efficiency. According to special literature, horizontal segregation by gender affects students’ higher education efficiency, as the masculine, male-dominated faculty composition has a negative impact on women’s performance. Our research method is quantitative. We have used the database of a research project which was conducted in the historical Partium region, which is a cross-border area of three countries (Hungary, Romania, and Ukraine). We have found that in the examined region, male dominated education fields are computer science, engineering, and agricultural sciences. In the region, male advantage has been shown in five efficiency variables, although our regression models have revealed that this is only due to males’ better socio-demographic background. Based on our contextual model, we have found that at faculties where the proportion of women is lower, men have an advantage in higher education efficiency, in accordance with the findings of the literature. However, at faculties with a higher proportion of women, in some cases it is males, in others, it is females who are more efficient. Our regression model has revealed that as the proportion of women at faculty increases, students’ higher education efficiency decreases, which, nevertheless, cannot be seen in our contextual model figure.

Keywords: Higher Education Efficiency, Gender Differences, Horizontal Segregation by Gender.


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1 Postal Address: 4032 Debrecen, Mikszáth u.7 fszt 1, University of Debrecen, Hungary. E-mail Address: