Role of Caste and Gender in School Readiness among Children Attending Early Childhood Education (ECE) Programme in India

Data postării: Oct 26, 2020 6:34:8 PM

Monu Lal Sharma 1 & Akbar Hussain

Journal of Social Research & Policy, Volume: 10, Issue: 1, pp. 55-66

Date: May 2019

ISSN: 2067-2640 (print), 2068-9861 (electronic)

Abstract: Early childhood experiences provided rudimentary stimulation for holistic development and school readiness skills. School readiness skills are required to succeed in formal education socially, emotionally, linguistically and cognitively. Moreover, in India socio-cultural factors like caste and gender plays prominent and influential role in early childhood care and education. After 70 years of independence still many places in India both caste and gender decide whether the child will attend pre-school/school or not, situated in their community. Therefore, the present study aims to examine the impact of caste and gender on school readiness skills of children between 5 – 6 years age. The study intentionally portrays co-association between the variables like caste, gender, attendance and school readiness skills through structural equation model (SEM) which reveals indirect path relationship. Data were collected from 100 children attending different type of ECE programme in Uttar Pradesh, India by administering school readiness instrument developed by World Bank (2009). The linear regression indicated significant impact of attendance on school readiness skills furthermore, the regression path coefficient (β-value) leading from attendance through the moderators (caste & gender) towards school readiness skills declared ‘in-direct’ satisfactory model.

Keywords: Early Childhood; Caste; Attendance; School Readiness.


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1 Postal Address: Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi – 110025, India. E-mail Address: