5th Grade Computer Specialty

In 5th grade we currently practice how to:

- Log in on a chromebook (or another device) with your school account, so you can access your BPS provided gmail account, collaborative google tools and many educational tools, all packed in your so called "digital backpack" and accessible to you with a one-click login via Clever (an educational portal).

- Explore what's in your digital backpack and how to use these resources at school and at home. For example if you need a book to write a book report on, read one on tumblebooks.com (login via clever)

- Use typing.com for learning to type and track progress (login via clever)

- Gmail: how to use your school email, the school website, including our webpages for the school library, computer specialty and other specialties.

- Internet safety and etiquette

- Google docs and presentations

- Scratch coding