Hour of Code during CSEdWeek

Dec 6 - 12 is Computer Science Education Week (#CSEDWeek) - A worldwide event!

Ms. Blake and Ms. Boulogne facilitates Hour of Code activities for the whole school during CSEdWeek. Students try Scratch coding, Scratch Jr, Code.org and other coding activities from this list of activities: https://hourofcode.com/us/learn

What is the Hour of Code?

"The Hour of Code started as a one-hour introduction to computer science, designed to demystify "code", to show that anybody can learn the basics, and to broaden participation in the field of computer science. It has since become a worldwide effort to celebrate computer science, starting with 1-hour coding activities but expanding to all sorts of community efforts.

Students can also enter the #BPSCoders Student Contests on bit.ly/bpscoders during CS ED Week.

How to Enter the BPSCoders Student Contest?

You can submit your Scratch animation or Scratch game for the BPSCoders contest during December 6-12.

1. Read the challenges on the BPS Hour of Code website https://sites.google.com/bostonpublicschools.org/bpscoders/2021-student-contests

2. Create a game or an animation on Scratch.mit.edu (or use or modify one of your existing projects). Make sure you are signed into your Scratch account, so your work gets saved. Once you finish working on your project, click the Share button in Scratch so it becomes viewable by other people, such as the evaluator of the contest. (if you don't see the orange Share button in the blue bar above your project, you probably need to verify your account first. Find the Verify your account email from Scratch in your inbox, then click the link provided in the email)

3. Click the ENTER #BPSCODERS STUDENT CONTEST link during CSEdWeek, December 6-12 (the link is NOT clickable before CSEdWeek). The link will take you to the student contest entry form. You have to paste your Scratch project link into that entry form, fill out the rest of the form and submit it. The winners will be announced after the BPSTech team reviews all the projects (end of December or January).

4. Your teacher will notify if you win. (We don't know what the prizes will be, it's always a surprise, but something good).

2020 BPS coding contest winners - Congratulations, Sudhi!

A few of the Scratch projects submitted by JQES students:

Click on the Fruit to Learn Chinese: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/353685446/

Superfox saves pet hippo (Code Your Hero remix):

See Photos of the Event from previous years

Hour of Code Activities

- Main activities linked from here: https://hourofcode.com/us/learn Some highlights... Scratch: AI for Oceans, Dance Party 2019, Imagine a World, Make Your Maze with Kodable, Kodable Beach Cleanup, CS First Code Your Hero (please do this via donors choose to get $100 funding, see link below)

- my favorite old one from a few years ago: Angry Bird maze puzzle

- iPad Scratch Jr. app

- Unplugged activities (no computer required):



https://www.helloruby.com/play/24 (the decoder wheels are from here)

See some Code Your Hero examples in this Scratch Studio:


CS First HOC - Code Your Hero project

1. Join our class on g.co/csfirst/DC-CYH (Ask me for the class code)

2. Write down your username and password for CS First in your agenda book

3. Watch the Code your Hero video, then click the Starter Project on the right.

4. Login on Scratch if you want to save your project (or just try it without login)

5. Come back to CS First, watch another few videos of the Code your Hero activity (glide, spin etc)

See other code your hero projects in this Scratch studio: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/25408109/

Volunteers: If you would like to help during this event, please email the computer specialty teacher at ablake@bostonpublicschools.org. No prior coding experience is necessary. The activity is easy, and we will train the volunteers when they arrive. Meet us in the library 10 minutes prior your assigned class.

How to Prepare?

Teachers and Volunteers, depending on your grade level:

If you want to practice in advance, you can try some of these activities

Grades 1-3 code.org puzzles

- Dance Party: https://code.org/dance (grades 2-5)

- angry bird: https://studio.code.org/hoc/1 (grades 1-2)

- Frozen: https://studio.code.org/s/frozen/stage/1/puzzle/1 (grades 1-3)

- Minecraft: https://studio.code.org/s/hero/stage/1/puzzle/1 (grades 1-3)

Grades 3-5 Scratch coding

A little harder, but more useful for grades 3-5. students could enter their projects in a contest... Scratch tutorials:

1. go to Scratch.mit.edu

2. click Create, then click tutorials and choose one: getting started, how to glide, move, spin, increase a counter and many more...

4. Follow the steps

If you want to save your projects, please create an account for yourself on Scratch.mit.edu. :-)


Scratch Junior app on iPads, see intro video and lesson plans on scratchjr.org/teach.html

Other Contests students can enter later in the year:

(ps. For future reference: If you want to volunteer in the classrooms on a regular basis, please fill out CORI background check form )

Teacher Notes:

CS First HOC activity: code your superhero

Kodable: Beach cleanup HOC https://dashboard.kodable.com/#/kcurriculum/lesson/126/

Tynker Recycle Project: https://www.tynker.com/hour-of-code/responsible-consumption-and-production?utm_source=Teachers&utm_campaign=8fd724acf6-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_11_10_05_29&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_0a72eab762-8fd724acf6-71765785