Week at a Glance for Computer Specialty at JQES

PBSKIDS pollinator game: https://pbskids.org/naturecat/games/pollinator-pathway

2023 - 24 Computer Specialty Weekly Plan

Computer Specialty Teacher:  Andrea Blake

Questions?    Email ablake@bostonpublicschools.org

Generic Exit Ticket to show what you learned today

Week 38  5/20 - 5/25 International Bee Day is on May 20

The purpose of the international bee day is to acnowledge the role of bees and other pollinators for the ecosystem.

Watch: Why are bees important?  and  International Bee Day video.

K2  code.org (course A).  PBSKids pollinator game: https://pbskids.org/naturecat/games/pollinator-pathway

1st grade: BeeBots and the BeeBot online emulator: What is the purpose of a emulator?

2nd & 3rd grade: Typing.com, Scratch coding.

4th grade & 5th grade: How to make a scrolling game on Scratch. Follow the video instructions by Griffpatch:

Lego Robotics Club: 

Remember: Next week is World Bee Day

Week 37  5/13 - 5/17 May is AAPI heritage month

Asian Americans:  Madison Chock, Olympic Gold Medalist, Ice Dancing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5C0wIQ94aPo

K2  code.org (course A).  Asian Americans. Allen Say, Japanese American writer and illustrator. BrainPop Jr, and his book Grandfather's Journey readaloud

1st grade: KIBO Robots. Max Found Two Sticks read aloud: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXmdsRMwdRM  Challenge: Can you reenact the story using Kibo?

2nd & 3rd grade: Typing.com, Scratch coding.

4th grade & 5th grade: How to make a game on Scratch. Follow the video instructions by Griffpatch:

Lego Robotics Club: 

Remember: Next week is World Bee Day

Week 36  5/6 - 5/10 May is AAPI heritage month

Asian Americans:  Watch AAPI on BrainPop, featuring dr Zhong and his invention CRISPR.

K2  code.org KIBO Robots

1st grade: KIBO Robots. Lights, sounds and sensors.

2nd & 3rd grade: Typing.com, Scratch coding.

4th grade & 5th grade: How to make a game on Scratch. Follow the video instructions by Griffpatch:

Lego Robotics Club: 

Week 35  4/29 - 5/3 Scratch Week to celebrate the birthday of Scratch

Scratch Week:  https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1003825797

K2  code.org (course A). 

1st grade: Typing: finish your "Earth Day Typing practice" google doc.  KIBO Robots. Max Found Two Sticks read aloud: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXmdsRMwdRM  Challenge: Can you reenact the story using Kibo?

2nd, 3rd & 4th grade: Typing.com, Scratch coding.

5th grade:  Lego Robotics

Week 34  4/22 - 4/26  Earth Day  Earth day is an annual event on April 22nd to demonstrate support for environmental protection

K2, 1st grade: Earth Day, Reuse Recycle


Jack Johnson - The 3 R's (Lyrics)

PBSKids AJ's Recycle Game: https://pbskids.org/heroelementary/games/ajs-recycle-rescue  

abcya recycle game https://www.abcya.com/games/recycling_game

1st and 2nd grade: Earth day typing practice

grades 2-4: Scratch coding. Broadcast and Receive.  

1st project, Surprise: Submit your Scratch Program "Surprise" in the Exit Ticket  . Requirements: Use the Broadcast and Receive blocks in your program to control the flow of events.  Use at least three characters.  Some hiding, then showing up when it's time for the surprise, then do some surprising things: spin, run around, sing a song, go to space, whatever you can think of.  Have fun!

2nd project, Bonus Challenge: Hide and Seek. How to use multiple broadcasts to control the flow of events in a program.

Example: Hide and Seek - Remix this project and fix the bugs.

5th grade: Lego Robotics

Week 33 April Break

Week 32  4/8 - 4/12  Solar Eclipse on Monday

K2 & 1st grade:  The Great North American Solar Eclipse read aloud by our Assistant Principal Mr. Ng

grades 2-4:  Scratch coding:  See Scratch Coding Lesson 2 Slides

Submit your Scratch Program "Surprise" in the Exit Ticket  . Requirements: Use the Broadcast and Receive blocks in your program to control the flow of events.  Use at least three characters.  Some hiding, then showing up when it's time for the surprise, then do some surprising things: spin, run around, sing a song, go to space, whatever you can think of.  Have fun!

5th grade: Build a mobile solar eclipse observatory using Lego Spike Primes.

Week 31 - Women's History Month finish projects

4/1 - 4/5

K2 & 1st grade  code.org 

Watch the video: The Big Event

vocabulary: event, action, actor.

lego robotics: Try the two type of grabbers (soft claw and hard claw). Experiment: Which one is better in picking up an apple, a paper or an empty water bottle?  When the touch sensor "button" is pushed, the motor turns and the grabber grabs then releases.  What is the event, the action and the actor in this case?

grades 2-4: Scratch coding.  Broadcast and Receive.  Let's learn how to use "Broadcast and Receive" for a better way of passing the conversation from one person to the other(s) instead of calculating Wait times. Here is an example: Birthday Surprise

5th grade: Build a mobile solar eclipse observatory using Legos.

Week 30  3/25 - 3/29  Wellness night and STEAM night on 3/27 Wednesday at school, 4:45 - 6:45 pm

grades 2-4: Create a Scratch Project for  Women's Month:  two characters have a conversation about a famous person.  

Example:  Mae Jemison: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/660958035  Opening line: One character says: What do you know about Mae Jemison?  The second character responds with a fact, and then they keep talking about the famous person, having a conversation, revealing at least three facts.  

Some ideas: Mae Jemison, First African American Astronaut (video 2:83 and  biography on womenhistory.com), The Girl with a Mind for Math: The Story of Raye Montague Read Aloud, or any woman you can find in the Biography section on Pebble Go.

5th grade: Build a mobile solar eclipse observatory using Legos.

Week 29

3/18 - 3/22, 

K2  code.org (course A).  abcya.com: Alphabet Zoo 2 (typing), Dress for the Weather (practice drag and drop)

1st grade:  code.org (course B). abcya.com: Alphabet Zoo 2 (typing refresher)

Watch the video: The Big Event

vocabulary: event, action, actor.

grades 2-4: Scratch coding.  Create a project titled "Joke" on Scratch. Two characters will act out telling a joke. 

The purpose of the assignment today is to verify that you can:

5th grade: 

Wednesday After School Robotics Club:  Slide Deck, Spike Prime Inventory, Teams and Tasks

To build and program a robot, go to spike.legoeducation.com

Week 28

3/11 - 3/15

K2  code.org (course A).  abcya.com Typing: cup stack typing.  Practice drag and drop using the track pad: Make a gingerbread house

1st grade: Typing.com.  code.org (course B)

grades 2-4: Scratch coding.  Create your first project, then Share it, then submit it in the Exit Ticket.

1. I created a scratch account for every student. I will tell you your username and password. Go to scratch.mit.edu, and
Sign in to this account, because it will allow you to save and share your work with me.  Your projects will be graded.

2. Click "Create" next to the Scratch logo (top left corner).

3. Create a "Hello World" project.  When you click the green flag, the cat says Hello World!

4. Submit your project in the Exit Ticket: click Share in your scratch project, then copy the link, then go to the Exit Ticket and paste the link in the "Link to your project" field. Submit the Exit Ticket, so Ms. Blake can review and grade your work.

5th grade: Jimu robots

Wednesday After School Robotics:  FIRST Inspires 2023-24 Challenge: MASTERPIECE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zI_vz9YUw1g

Week 27

3/4 - 3/8

K2, 1st grade and 2nd grade:  Teamwork with BeeBots.  Small groups of students write code on paper and coordinate programming their beebots based on the written  instructions.

3rd, 4th and 5th grade:   Adobe Express.

Finish your Adobe about me, click Publish to the web, then submit the link in the Exit Ticket.

Extension: If you have extra time, find a famous woman scientist or computer scientist and write about her in the Exit Ticket.  Mention her name, what she became famous for, what did she accomplish and how did she get there... we will use this information later in your Scratch projects.

Week 26  Welcome new classes for computer specialty

2/26 - 3/1

K2, 1st and 2nd grade:  

3rd, 4th and 5th grade:   Adobe Express.  Lesson 1: Create an About Me animation

---Winter Break---

Week 24 - Kindness Week

2/12 - 2/16

K2 & 1st grade:  BeeBots, abcya.com Valentine Day counting

2nd grade: Typing.com, BrainPOP Empathy  Interland, green level: Spreading Kindness on the internet

5th grade: Robotics.    Robotics Beginner Slides

Week 23

2/5 - 2/9

FREE Fun for You and your Friends:

K2  Code Monkey: Beaver Achiever.  abcya.com  Practice drag and drop using the track pad: Dress for the Weather

1st grade: Keyboard Zoo 2 (typing uppercase letters, punctuations and full sentences). Scratch Jr. Penguin Snow Globe.

2nd & 5th grade: Cybersecurity.    

Week 22

1/29 - 2/2, 2/5 - 2/9

K2  code.org (course A).  abcya.com  Practice drag and drop using the track pad: Match lower case and upper case letters

1st grade: Keyboard Zoo 2 (typing uppercase letters, punctuations and full sentences). Scratch Jr. Magic Messages

2nd grade: Typing.com  Games: Fruit ninja, or balloon pop typing is ok, just set it to the level that you are comfortable with: Home Row, Easy. Don't rush into something that's too hard.  Scratch Jr. Magic Messages, then Penguin Snow Globe.

5th grade: Robotics.    Robotics Beginner Slides

Week 21

1/22 - 1/26

K2  code.org (course A).  abcya.com Typing: cup stack typing.  Practice drag and drop using the track pad: Make a gingerbread house

1st grade: Typing.com.  Scratch Jr. Around the world.

2nd grade: Typing.com.  Scratch Jr. Around the world.

5th grade: Robotics Beginner Slides

Week 20 - Role Models in Computer Science: Dorothy Vaughan, NASA mathematician and programmer

1/16 - 1/20, 2024

K2  code.org (course A).  abcya.com Typing: cup stack typing.  Practice drag and drop using the track pad: Make a snowman

1st grade: Typing.com.  Scratch Jr. Around the world.

2nd grade: Typing.com.  Research a Role Model on Pebble Go in the Biographies / Scientists section.  Extension: Look up another famous person.

5th grade: ECForAll Curriculum.  Lesson 3 (Elementary Computing for All)

Week 18 (short week) & Week 19

1/3/2024 - 1/12/2024

K2  code.org (course A). Review: efficient drag and drop using the chromebook's trackpad.  Typing: learn special keys Keyboarding Zoo 2 on abyca.com

1st grade: Typing.com  Scratch Jr: Create a story. The Itsy Bitsy Spider. Make a 4 page long "digital book" with a clear beginning, middle and end.

2nd grade: Typing.com  Scratch Jr: Create a story.

5th grade:  Brainpop 3D printing. Tinkercad. Make a snowflake (or another small object you might want to get 3D printed). 

How to get started with tinkercad for 1st time users:

Week 17 - winter break

Week 16 - Short week, no school on Friday

12/18 - 12/21

Grades 1-2: Choice: Scratch Jr or Santa Tracker https://santatracker.google.com/

5th grade:  Choice: Scratch, Santa Tracker or Tinkercad snowflake. Next how to make a comic strip in Canva: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUuQvZgV2MY

Robotics Club:

Week 14 & 15 - CSEdWeek Computer Science Education Week

12/4 - 12/08 & 12/11 - 12/15

BPS coding contest - Submit your projects here: Dec 4 - 21 https://sites.google.com/bostonpublicschools.org/bpscoders/2023-student-contest

Diverse CS Role Models: https://www.csedweek.org/heroes

Scratch Studio for CS Role Model projects: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/34295005/

Tip:  use remove.bg to remove a background from an image you want to use as a sprite.

1st grade: Make a Scratch Jr Project

Grades 2-5:  Choice: Dance Party: https://code.org/dance or Scratch, original balloon clicking game:

Use the tutorial that comes with Scratch to make a balloon clicking game:

Enhanced Balloon Clicking Games:

Week 12 & Week 13 - Role Models in Computer Science (CS): 

Find a CS Role Model you want to study, or ask me to assign you one, then create a Scratch project about that person.

These are some of the classic CS Role Models:  Ada Lovelace, Grace Hopper, Alan Turing, Margaret Hamilton, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs

And a list of recent role models with all sorts of computer science jobs that you might be interested in for yourself later in your life: https://www.csedweek.org/heroes

11/20 - 11/22 (short week. Please work on a Scratch project over the Thanksgiving break.  We can discuss after the break if you want to submit it for the BPSCoding Contest, which will be open December 4 - 17. Winners get great prizes every year!)

K2  code.org (course A). 

1st grade: Typing.com.  Practice using Pebble Go for researching Animals.  Scratch Jr:  Create a project that teaches about an animal you researched.  Think of: Name of the animal, Food, Habitat

2nd grade: Typing.com.  Practice using Pebble Go for researching Animals. Scratch Jr: Create a project that teaches about an animal you researched. 

5th grade: ECForAll Curriculum. (Elementary Computing for All)

Week 11 - Role Models in Computer Science, Featuring: 

11/12 - 11/ 16

K2  code.org (course A). 

1st grade: Code.org (course B), Typing.com. Practice using Pebble Go for researching Biographies.

2nd grade: Typing.com.  Research a Role Model on Pebble Go in the Biographies / Scientists section.  Extension: Look up another famous person.

5th grade: ECForAll Curriculum. Lesson 0 and Lesson 1 (Elementary Computing for All)

Week 10 - Role Models in Computer Science, Featuring:

Quotes of:


11/6 - 11/9 (There is no school on 11/10 Friday Veteran's day)

K2  code.org (course A). BrainPop Jr Loops

1st grade: Code.org (course B), Typing.com

2nd grade: Typing.com. Google Lesson 5: Google Slides. Make a Planets Presentation.  Fun: Planets Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQrlgH97v94

5th grade: Introducing the ECForAll Curriculum (Elementary Computing for All).  Role Models in Computer Science, warmup: quotations from Enstein, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Maria Klawe.


Week 9 - Dia de Los Muertos

10/30 - 11/3

K2  code.org (course A). BrainPop Jr: Patterns

1st grade: Code.org (course B), Typing.com

2nd grade: Typing.com. Google Lesson 3: Keyboard Scavenger Hunt  (Shift, Enter, @, !, etc)

3rd grade:   Adobe Express.  Lesson 1: Create an About Me animation

5th grade: Dia De Los Muertos - Scratch Skill: Copying scripts from one sprite to another with drag and drop 

Watch PBS Dia de los Muertos

Project the Events: Sample Ofrenda: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/323737554/

Click on the Right sprite to show there are no scripts. Click on the Middle sprite and drag the when green flag clicked script from Middle to Right. Show the Right’s scripts again

TGH Post survey: https://techgoeshome.tfaforms.net///5033555?courseid=a0s2M00000dqsHn

Week 8 - Digital Citizenship

All students need digital citizenship skills to participate fully in their communities and make smart choices online and in life.

10/23 - 10/27

K2  DigCit: Meet the digital citizens, Lesson 1:  Arms - Balance your media use time. code.org (course A)

1st grade: Code.org (course B), Typing.com

2nd grade: Typing.com. Google Lesson 3: Keyboard Scavenger Hunt  (Shift, Enter, @, !, etc)

5th grade:  Power Up Your Password and start our Scratch coding sessions

Robotics Club:

[Reminder: Next week start showcasing important people in computer science.]

Week 7 - Digital Citizenship Week

All students need digital citizenship skills to participate fully in their communities and make smart choices online and in life.

10/16 - 10/20

Themes: Submit all outstanding google doc work.

K2  DigCit: Take care of devices BPS AUP (Acceptable Use Policy), code.org (course A)

1st grade: Code.org (course B), Typing.com, DigCit: Take care of devices BPS AUP (Acceptable Use Policy). Nearpod "Time To Climb" game: go to join.nearpod.org, the teacher will tell you what code to use join the game

2nd grade: Typing.com. Google Lesson 3: Keyboard Scavenger Hunt  (Shift, Enter, @, !, etc)

Challenge: start a weekly journal titled "My Computer Class Notes" in your Computer Specialty folder.  Write down what you learned in September in computer class.

5th grade: Adobe Express: "Hello, my name is" challenge

Try the new AI feature. Use GenAI text effects to introduce yourself.  Click here to get started, create a Nametag and submit it in the Exit Ticket.

Robotics Club:

https://www.firstinspires.org/robotics/fll/game-and-season info with links to mission model build instructions and challenges (ask students to bookmark this)

Week 6

10/10 - 10/13 (Monday is Indegenious People day)

Themes: Submit all outstanding google doc work

K2  code.org (course A) Fun: abcya Dress for the Weather

1st grade: Code.org (course B), Typing.com, 

2nd grade: Typing.com. Finish Google Lesson 2: Finish writing the Happy Birthday doc or the About Me doc (whichever you worked on last week)

5th grade:   

Week 5

10/2 - 10/6

Themes:  How to be kind . Write a happy birthday card.

Copy and Paste this text into a new google document.  Use the shortcuts CTRL C  and CTRL V to copy and paste.

K2  code.org (course A). abcya:

1st grade: Code.org (course B), Typing.com, abcya, Make a Cake

2nd grade: Typing.com.  Google Lesson 2: Write another google document titled "Birthday Card"

Activity: Write a birthday card. Make it a google document, and store it in your Computer Specialty folder on your google drive.

5th grade: Adobe Express: Make a presentation about a country for Hispanic Heritage month. Students research Spanish Speaking countries and decorate the school with a walk through exhibit.  Each 5th grade class is assigned a different country. Specialists help students research the country:  Puerto Rico 5-306 Ms. Aguayo, Dominican Republic (not Mexico) 5-303 Ms Wang, Mexico 5-304 Ms. Keefe, Ecuador 5-300 Mr. Qiao, Costa Rica 5-308 Ms. Gillespie, Bolivia 5-305 Mr Lee

Week 4  Hispanic Heritage Month

9/25 - 9/29

Themes: Digital Citizenship lesson3, Code.org, digital journal, CS vocabulary. Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept 15 - Oct 15)

K2  DigCit, code.org, abcya: Uppercase and lowercase letter match

1st grade: Code.org, Typing.com

2nd grade: Typing.com.  Google Lesson 1: How to create a folder and a google document.  Introduce google tools. What is Google?  What can you do with google? 

Activity: Create a "Computer Specialty" folder on your google drive, then create an "About Me" file (a google document) inside the Computer Specialty folder.

5th grade: Adobe Express: Make a presentation about a country for Hispanic Heritage month. Students research Spanish Speaking countries and decorate the school with a walk through exhibit.  Each 5th grade class is assigned a different country. Specialists help students research the countryPuerto Rico 5-306 Ms. Aguayo, Mexico 5-303 Ms Wang and 5-304 Ms. Keefe, Ecuador 5-300 Mr. Qiao, Costa Rica 5-308 Ms. Gillespie, Bolivia 5-305 Mr Lee

Week 3

9/18- 9/22

Themes: Digital Citizenship lesson2, Code.org, google docs

K2:  DigCit: "Head" Pause and think online. Start code.org (course A), drag and drop practice. abcya: connect the dots 123 and alphabet zoo

1st grade: Code.org (course B), Typing.com

2nd grade:  Typing.com. 

5th grade:   Adobe Express.  Lesson 2: Good Design and Rubrics for Feedback.

Week 2

9/11 - 9/15 Warmup: listen to NPR: Scout the dog, https://www.npr.org/2023/09/06/1197824640/a-stray-dog-kept-showing-up-at-a-nursing-home-residents-finally-adopted-it

Themes: Classroom Rules and Expectations, curriculum overview, icebreakers, Digital Citizenship lesson1 of 6

K-1 DigCit: "Arms" Balance is important. How to balance your media time.

2nd grade: orientation, classroom rules. Typing.com. Introduce google tools. Google Drive, create a folder "Computer Specialty". 

5th grade:   orientation, classroom rules. Adobe Express.  What can you make in Adobe Express?  Lesson 1: Create an About Me animation

Week 1 (short week) 

9/7 - 9/8

grades 1-2 orientation 5th grade: icebreaker: Adobe Express: My Favorite Place lesson.  Some ideas:  A country, a city, your bedroom, the playground, grandma's house, some place you went this summer, some place you walk through like the Boston Common, umm... school?

The History of Technology Slides Day1

CLARIFICATION about wheels. When was the wheel invented? There is a difference between stone wheels and wooden wheels. Stone wheels were used for pottery in the Neolithical period (aka "New Stone Age", just before the Bronze Age started). Wooden wheels for transportation were invented in the Bronze Age:



Note Catcher:

Generic Exit Ticket to show what you learned today

Next week: Intro to Lego Robotics.  Play with Events: color sensor. 

CS Role Model, Damilola Awofisayo: Black History Month is a perfect opportunity to show students that civil rights isn't just something in the past that we read about in the biographies of our heroes. Damilola Awofisayo is a current-day example of a young person who is both standing on the shoulders of Black history while also making it—in the field of artificial intelligence. Along with her peers, who are part of the youth-powered movement Encode Justice, Damilola recognizes the important role of social justice in our tech-driven culture. In her own words, "Looking at history, civil rights were always fought [for] by teenagers."

Robotics Club:

About Me, Ms Blake How to create your own: