
The owner of this warhammer tends to be a follower of Odin. They also seem to try and get to Valhalla a lot faster than most people do. Not to say they actually get there...

[Melee Weapon]

+2 to attack and damage

Gera mitt eigið: You are not affected by monster power that prevents you from using the escalation die, nor by anything that allows you to use the escalation die at a cost. You are still affected by secondary effects (penalties to attack, weakness, etc). For example, Fear auras still impose a -4 to attack, but you still get to use the escalation die. You are just that heroic

Útbrot (melee weapon – recharge 6+): When you miss with an attack, reroll the attack with a +4 bonus. In addition, until the end of the battle, enemies attacking you add the escalation die to their attack roll (no effect if the enemy already adds it for some reason).

Hefnd (melee weapon): When you hit with this weapon while you are staggered, deal +1d6 (champion: +2d6; epic: +3d6) damage to that enemy.

Quirk: Quick to take offense.

Quirk: Low impulse control, particularly when it comes to impulsive movements through doors, onto railings, or over tables.