Survey "Knowledge of female athlete triad and the triad risk factors among female athletes"

"Knowledge of female athlete triad and the triad risk factors among female athletes" is an instrument for assessing coaches´ knowledge. The instrument collects information regarding knowledge of the syndrome, components, prevention and intervention; confidence of the coaches in their answers; and coach's characteristics (gender, degree held, years of experience in coaching females, continuing education participation specific to the syndrome and its components, and sport coached). 

"Knowledge of female athlete triad and the triad risk factors among female athletes"  is divided into four different parts/tasks:

a) Coaches' sociodemographics. This block includes questions about ethnicity, number of coaches in their program, experience, level of competition, sport, and formal training.

b) Coaches´ characteristics. This block includes questions about gender, degree held, years of experience in coaching females, continuing education participation specific to the syndrome and its components, and sport coached;

c) Knowledge. This block includes questions about knowledge of the syndrome, components, prevention, and intervention; and 

d) Coaches´ confidence in their responses. This block includes questions about coaches´ perception of the adequacy of their answers; 

You can find more information about the design, validation, and reliability of this instrument in the following article. 

Frideres, J. E., Mottinger, S. G., & Palao, J. M. (2015). Design, validation, and reliability of survey to measure female athlete triad knowledge among coaches. Motriz, 21(2), 148-157. [PDF]

In the following link, you can find the survey and a more information about the scale of the survey:

Survey file [Word file / QSF file to import the survey to Qualtrics]

Frequently Ask Questions about the survey and the scale of the survey

* Feel free to use the survey without problem, and adapt it to your needs.


Note: If you have any question or you are interested in the instrument, you contact us through the following email [ or]