Old Age home prospectus

This is the model prospectus ---for the old age home.


zzzzzzzzz Homes is located in the Fellowship House Complex,

situated on the Aluva-Parur Road, between the Union Christian College

and the Alwaye Settlement. The Campus spreads over 13 acres of lush

green land. There are 62 self care units available in Chacko Homes.


Each unit accommodates a couple or a single widow / widower /

bachelor / spinster, who is able to live independently within the comfort

and privacy that the Homes offer.

In Chacko Homes you are never alone; you do not feel lonely. You

live in a community of caring people. Your apartment ideally combines

companionship with privacy.

If you are married couples, spouses living in Chacko Homes will

realize that should anything happen to one of them, the other will be secure and cared for by supportive friends and a trusted staff. No one wishes to be alone - especially at the most difficult time in his/her life.

Life in Chacko Homes enlivens your spirits; you will be more active,

more enthusiastic about your days, and more excited about the various

opportunities that life holds for you at Chacko Homes.

You can expect a worry- free life. There is no worrying about a

home maintenance, about your personal security and safety, about your food and your health care; you will have no more worries about your becoming dependent and a burden to your family.


Available from the common kitchen. There is a kitchenette in your

apartment. If you need to do something simple, for example, make a cup of coffee or tea, boil or fry an egg, make toast or porridge, your kitchenette will suffice. Elaborate cooking not advisable. The common kitchen will meet all your requirements - beverages, breakfast, lunch and dinner. There is a dining room where the food is served. There are professional cooks who can cater to your taste and needs.


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Kitchen & Dining Room, Lobby, Library & Reading Room, Meeting

Room, Indoor Games Room, Laundry Room, Doctorís Consultation Room, Guest Accommodation, Park and paved roads for a stroll.

Opportunities for activity

There are plenty of opportunities to spend your time usefully.

1.If you like gardening and the upkeep of the landscape, you can be

actively involved overseeing the gardenerís work.

2.You can serve on the kitchen committee, helping to draw up a

menu and direct the cooks to serve food according to the taste of

the residents.

3.If you like to write articles, a magazine called The Church Weekly

is there which will publish your articles and on which you can spend

plenty of time, editing, proof-reading and the like.

4.If you like to speak and participate in dialogues and discussions,

The Fellowship House has ongoing programmes in which you can

actively take part.

5.There is a Senior citizensí forum which meets every Wednesday at

5 pm.

6.Physical exercise can be organized on a daily basis. There are

some exercises quite suited for the elderly.

7.You can make use of the reading room and the library.

8.Some indoor games- like caroms, cards and table tennis for which

facilities are available.

9.If you are interested in small mechanical or electrical repair and

maintenance; opportunities to keep yourself engaged are available.

10.If you are interested in book keeping and accounts, you can certainly

help in this activity of the Fellowship House.

11.There are institutions like The U.C. College, The Alwaye Settlement,

Christava Mahilalayam GirlsíSchool and the YMCAAlangad which

welcome voluntary help all the year round.


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12.If you already have a hobby, you can pursue it provided it does not

disturb other residents.

13.The Campus has 6-7 acres of Rubber Plantation. If you are interested,

you are welcome to assist in its management.

14.There are paved roads on the Campus for you to have a stroll or

brisk walk and a small park where you can enjoy nature.


A doctor visits the Homes twice a week and is available for

consultation. Should a need arise for hospitalization, arrangements are

made with 3 hospitals in and around Aluva or the residents can choose

their own doctor and hospital. In emergent situations, proper and appropriate steps will be taken, simultaneously informing the nearest kith and kin and the guarantors.


If you own a car and would like to keep it on the campus, we will

provide a covered parking area at a nominal charge. You can have a driver too but we do not provide living accommodation for him.


Communication facilities are provided in the Homes. You are free to

apply for a personal telephone connection in your apartment. We have

additional communication facilities like e-mail and internet connection.

You can install an air-conditioner, a refrigerator, a TV set, etc. in

your apartment if you desire, at your own cost.


We have laundry rooms equipped with washing machines. An ayah

who cleans the apartment will also assist you in washing your clothes.


There are no restrictions on your movements. You can move in and

move out whenever you wish. If you stay out for more than a day, keep the office informed with your contact address and phone numbers.


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Worshipping places of all religions and denominations are available

within walking distance from the Homes. Facilities are available for quiet

meditation, common worship, study circles and the like.


A Studio type unit will be allotted to persons in the waiting list on

the basis of priority and need. Each unit consists of a sitting room, a bed

room, a mini kitchen and a toilet.


If you like the place you may fill in an application in the prescribed

form which is available in the office. An initial payment of Rs.6 lakhs for

one self care unit has to be made at the time of taking the apartment. This qualifies the residents to live there in the unit for a period of 10 years after which 50% of the initial payment has to be made for the extended period of stay.


The ownership rests with the Alwaye Fellowship House. The residents

can stay in the Homes as long as they wish or until death. If residents

leave the Homes within 10 years, an amount after deduction @ Rs. 60,000/- per year of stay at the Homes, is refunded to you or to your nominee. There will be no refund after you have completed 10 years of stay.


Two guarantors shall execute a legal agreement accepting

responsibility on behalf of the single or couple residents for proper conduct of the residents within the rules enforced by the management of the Homes and also for the timely payments of all dues to the Homes. They will also decide the type of medical care required by the residents in emergent situations.


Qualifying age for admission is 60 years and above. In the case of

couples, one of them must be 60 or above.


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The applicants should not be suffering from any psychological/ mental

inbalances / problems or any contagious diseases.

a. All retired persons- single or couple whose children are away either

abroad or within the country.

b. Persons who prefer independent living.

c. Persons for whom loneliness is a serious problem.

d. Persons who enjoy company of people and participation in

community living.

All applications will be screened by the management committee,

and the prospective residents will be required to come over for an

orientation with members of the committee.



2.A receptionist






8.A watchman

Services will be available round the clock.


Chacko Homes is a project of the Alwaye Fellowship House (AFH).

The AFH is managed on a day to day basis by the Secretary and Treasurer assisted by a group called the Fellowship. AFH operates under the control of a Council which in turn is elected by the fifty members of the AFH Association. AFH is run on an ecumenical basis.


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It may be useful for you to go through the following

Q&A, and should you have more queries to make

please feel free to do so.


What benefits does the Chacko Homes offer to its residents?

Ans. (a) If you are alone, you do not feel the loneliness. You live in a

community of caring people. Your apartment offers you two

things that you canít maintain in your house-an active social life

and an uninterrupted independence.

(b) If you are married couples-Spouses living in Chacko Homes will

realise that should anything happen to one of them, the other

will be secure and cared for by supportive friends and a trusted

staff. No one wishes to be alone especially at the most difficult

time in his/her life.

(c) If you run into a health problem, at Chacko Homes, professional,

prompt care and support you need are there for you.

Simultaneously, your guarantors will be informed and any further

action will be taken only in consultation with them.

(d) You enjoy being active and independent. Life in Chacko Homes

enhances your spirits, you will be more active, more enthusiastic

about your days, and more excited about the various opportunities

that life holds for you at Chacko Homes.


Can I expect a worry free life?


Yes-there is no worrying about a Home maintenance, about your

personal security and safety, about your food and your health

care, you will have no more worries about your becoming

dependent and a burden to your family.


Can you tell me more about food and health care arrangements

at Chacko Homes?


Yes, there is a kitchenette in your apartment which is not meant

for elaborate cooking. If you need to do something simple, for

example, make a cup of coffee or tea, boil or fry and egg, make

toast, porridge; your kitchenette will suffice. There is a common


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kitchen which will meet your requirements-beverages, breakfast,

lunch and dinner.There is a dining room where the food is served.

There are professional cooks who can cater to your taste and


And now health care- A doctor visits the Chacko Homes two

times in a week for an hour each. You can consult him whenever

you need such consultation and medical advice. Should you

need hospitalisation, arrangements are made with 3 major

hospitals in and around Aluva for prompt medical assistance.

An Ayurveda doctor also visits the homes once in a month.


How do I spend time at the Chacko Homes?


There are plenty of opportunities to spend your time usefully.

a. If you like gardening and the upkeep of the landscape, you can

be actively involved overseeing the gardenerís work.

b. You can serve on the Kitchen committee, helping to draw up the

menu according to the taste of the resident.

c. If you like to write articles, Church Weekly is there which will

publish your articles and on which you can spend plenty of time,

editing, proof reading and like.

d. If you like to speak and participate in dialogues and discussions,

the Fellowship House has ongoing programmes in which you

can actively take part.

f. You can make use of the reading room and the library.

g. Some indoor games -lime caroms, cards and table tennis for

which facilities are available.

h. If you are interested in small mechanical or electrical repairs

and maintenance, opportunities to keep you engaged are


i. If you are interested in book keeping and accounts, you can

certainly help in this activity of the Fellowship House.


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j. There are institutions like the U.C. College, The Alwaye

Settlement, Christava Mahilalayam Girls School and the YMCA

in Alwaye which welcome voluntary help all the year round.

k. If you already have a hobby, you can pursue it provided it does

not disturb other residents.

l The campus has 6-7 acres of Rubber Plantations. If you are

interested, you are welcome to assist in its management.

m. There are paved roads on the campus for you to have a stroll or

brisk walk and a small park where you can enjoy nature.


Can I keep my own car on the campus?

We will provide a covered parking area at a nominal charge if

you want to keep a car for your own use. You can have a driver

too but we do not provide living accommodation for him.


What communication facilities are provided in the Homes?

There will be a telephone with the receptionist which will be

made available to you on request. You are free to apply for a

personal telephone connection in your apartment. We have a

Computer with an internet connection.


Will you permit me to install an air-conditioner, a refrigerator,

a TV set, etc. in my apartment?

You are free to have any such equipment in your apartment for

your exclusive use with our permission.


How about laundering clothes?


Wehave laundry rooms equipped with washing machines. There

will be a laundry woman to do this service for you.


Will the apartment be furnished?

Yes. Your apartment will be furnished with the necessary

furniture. We discourage residents bringing their own furniture,

but can relax this for special reasons.


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The furnished apartment will have the following:

Steel Almirah - 1, Cots - 2, Beds - 2, Pillows - 2, PVC Chairs - 2,

Steel Table - 1, Centre Table - 1, Light Fittings - 4, Fan - 2, Pipe

Fittings - 4.


What sort of staff assistance do the residents get?


You have a director who will be overall in charge of the homes.

There will be ayas, laundry women, peons, cooks, a receptionist,

an accountant, etc. who will assist you in making your life here

most pleasant, enjoyable and worry free.


What are the restrictions on my movements?


As regards movements there are no restrictions. You can move

in and move out when ever you wish. If you stay out for more

than a day, keep the receptionist informed, leave your contact

address with her. She will inform other concerned staff about

your absence from the Homes. There is a movement Register in

the office.


What do I pay for all these facilities?


Youwill not pay anything for the infrastructure and service provided

commonly in the Homes.

Apart from the one time payment of Rs.6 lakhs you will be asked

to pay for the following.

a. Cost of food you have taken from the common Kitchen.

b. Cost of medicines and hospitalisation if that becomes necessary.

c. Electricity-actual consumption.

d. Nominal charges for water hot and cold.

e. Laundry charges as applicable.

f. Gas if you have your own cylinder in the apartment.


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g. A nominal monthly rent for car park if you use the parking slot.

h. Telephone bills if you own a telephone in your apartment. If you

make calls from the Homes telephones, you can buy telephone

cards and use them.


Who owns the apartments?


The ownership rests with the Alwaye Fellowship House. You

and your spouse can stay in the Homes as long as you wish or

until the death of both. If residents leave the Homes with in 10

years, an amount after deducting Rs. 60,000/- per year of stay

at the Homes is refunded to you or to your nominee. There will

be no refund after you have completed 10 years of stay.


What facilities are provided for my spiritual needs?


Worshipping places of all religions and denominations are

available within walking distance from the Homes. Facilities are

available for quiet meditation, common worship, study circles

and like.