Palasha wood stick

Pharmacopia Indica Awl


remote period, and have obtained a place in their religious ceremonies and mythological fables; ...... The tree is called Parusha in Sanskrit, Phalsa in Hindi, ...... rubbed upon a stickand inflamed it should burn without injuring the wood, like naphtha. ...... In Vedic times the plant was invoked as a goddess. ... - Cached - Similar


The next step is holding the danda or the staff made of palasha wood---Actually the vatu is expected to keep it throughout his student-life as an inseparable companion. It stands for DAMA

means control of the sense-organs at the psychological level. In his day-to-day life at the gurukula, it helps him to take

care of the cows of the household and also comes in handy in times of dangers as weapon for self protection.

ref---to book on palasha tree---in ayur veda

Manu:- Bilva and palasha for the brahmin, vata and khadiri for the kshathriya, and pipal and dumbar for the vaishya are the trees whose sticks are used as dandas. One of the two sticks can be chosen.

(Note : The stick or staff or sceptre are symbols of authority. In the hand of the individual, it is the moral authority to which he himself is subject; in the hand of a king, it is the authority to which all are subject.)