Full-bloom civilizations

“Full Bloom” Civilizations---article from Mohammed Abbassi

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According to the evolutionary theory, more advanced civilizations develop from primitive. However, archaeologists have been puzzled by civilizations that have appeared “full bloom” – very advanced, with no precursor civilizations. This includes even the first known civilization! The following are but a few examples.

“Full Bloom” Civilizations

Sumer. Contrary to what most people believe, Egypt was not the first civilization. According to archaeologists, the first civilization was Sumer, which flourished around 3000 B.C.[1] Sumer is an enigma- it appeared suddenly, unexpectedly, and out of nowhere. Contrary to what one would expect, it was NOT primitive [as one would expect for the first known civilization] but was very advanced- Sumer had cuneiform, a complex judicial system [even provided for the rights of divorced women], advanced medicine [including invasive surgery], architecture, advanced knowledge of astronomy [to include items we didn't "discover" until the past century], etc.

Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro. Harrappa and Mohenjo-Daro were the key centers of the Indus Valley civilization. They too appeared out of nowhere, with no evidence of having come from a more primitive civilization.[2] They were so advanced, that ancient Vedic texts describe aircraft, aerial battles, and so on. The Mahabharata discusses vimanas, which were flying vehicles. The Ramayanadescribes vimanas as well hangers. The Samarangana Sutradhara even describes take-off, landings, collusions, advantages and disadvantages of different types of aircraft, how to scout enemy aircraft, and even describes power sources! Further, the Vedic texts even describe missiles, an apparent nuclear attack, as well as the effects on the survivors. (See the “Atomics” section.)

Maya. The Maya of central America also appeared suddenly, with no precursors. From the beginning, they had a perfect script! “Coincidentally”, their calendar dates to approximately the same time as Sumeria- 3000 B.C.[2]

Northwestern European Megaliths. The megaliths of northwest Europe also appeared at the same time. The civilization that created these megaliths is astounding; they demonstrate a precise measuring system, knowledge of Pythagorean triangles, a precise calendar, a real compass-bearing north, and advanced knowledge of astronomy.[2]

Common Origin?

These are but a few of the “full bloom” civilizations. What is also interesting is that these civilizations not only appeared full-bloom, but around the world, appeared at roughly the same time, AND seem to indicate a common origin! Author Jonathan Gray has compiled a list of items in support of this[2]:

1. Symbols and hieroglyphics. Many of these are identical worldwide, (such as the swastika, snake and sun combination), which is a highly unlikely coincidence.

2. Systems of writing. Many systems of writing are remarkably similar and found worldwide (even on remote islands).

3. Languages. The older the language, the more they resemble each other. Almost all languages have common vocabulary and construction, as well as words with similar roots or combinations. Look at the constellations- the names are substantially the same, whether in Mexico or Africa. (Interestingly enough, even primitive peoples believe that all spoke the same language at one point- look at the tower of Babel myth.)

4. Calendars. Some of the ancient calendars are incredible, and archaeologists can’t explain their accuracy. However, the similarities are also amazingly striking! For example, the calendars of Egypt and Peru (quite distant from each other) both had 18 months and 20 days, as well as a 5-day holiday at the end of the year.

5. Buildings. Of course, the ancient megaliths are one of the greatest mysteries of the ancient world. One finds pyramids, sphinxes, and monoliths world-wide. Buildings are similar not only in construction, but astronomical alignment, and even purpose.

6. Customs. Similar customs are found worldwide, such as burial, mummification, circumcision, and binding of babies heads to produce an elongated skull.

7. Religious Observances. Around the world, forms of religious observances are remarkably similar.

8. Traditions of Early History. Remarkably, no matter how isolated the location, there are worldwide traditions of early history. Almost every people have a belief in a garden of paradise, a golden age, a global flood, one language, and even a tower of Babel.


Obviously, there is something wrong with the official theory of how civilizations evolve, since we have the first known civilization, as well as others, which appear suddenly and *very* advanced. Further, there is no explanation how several of these type of civilizations appear suddenly at the same time and around the world…

Adding to the mystery, we have evidence that not only did these civilizations inexplicably appear at the same time worldwide, but that they have a common origin. This is also unexplainable by official archaeology. To accept this as a “coincidence” is beyond plausibility or rationality.

What does all this mean? As mentioned, most cultures have a myth of an ancient golden age, followed by a global disaster. On this site, we have put forth the theory, based upon archaeological evidence, that man is far older than thought, and was civilized thousands of years before thought. We have evidence that at some point in the distant past, all civilizations seem to have a common origin. Further, we have presented evidence of global disasters, such as atomic/nuclear attacks or Siberian mammoths found that were flash-frozen chewing buttercups.

It would seem that these myths are indeed based upon actual events. If so, then we have an explanation (which archaeology doesn’t) for not only the appearance of these full-blown civilizations, but also their simultaneous appearance worldwide- their common origin. Obviously, the only rational explanation is that there was an advanced culture which was devastated by a global catastrophe, and these global scattered cultures were the survivors. This is the only theory that explains all the evidence- unlike official archaeological explanations which ignores evidence that doesn’t fit their theory.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sumer

[2]Dead Men’s Secrets“, Jonathan Gray (2004)
