ice age civilizations

follow the link----- James I. Nienhuis---author of the book

The ancients of Egypt, Canaan, and Atlantis, were measuring and mapping the globe during the Ice Age, when there was much more rainfall in the Middle Eastern and North African regions, and then the sea level rose by a few hundred feet because of the end of the Ice Age, causing the submergence of coastal megalithic city-states now found off Egypt, Lebanon, Malta, southern Spain (Atlantis), southern Japan, and off northwestern and southern India.

The Ice Age navigators were able to measure and thereby map the globe, as evidenced with the astronomically-derived dimensions of the Great Pyramid of Giza, which demonstrates that the ancients measured the rate of the slow wobble of the earth's axis against the backdrop of the constellations of the zodiac, and maps by the ancient sea kings reveal that the Ice Age navigators did accurately measure and chart the globe, with marvelous accuracy, so experience this paradigm-shifting account of ancient history by ordering the book and/or DVD through this website.

The new book and DVD production by James I. Nienhuis, about the development of the post-Deluge civilization, is a fascinating look at a subject which has been dealt with very little in our times. I am sure most would find it very fascinating.


Coral Ridge Ministries