Andrew Robinson

Lost Languages Experts Andrew Robinson Analysis India Archaeology Linguistics S. R. Rao Hindu Sanskrit Semitic Alphabet Language Link Biblical Table Nations Clues Puzzle Indus Valley Harappan Script Writing Solution Brahui Dravidian Dialect Pakistan Kingdom of Kush Raamah Shiva Transoceanic Navigation Explanation Commonality RongoRongo Script Symbols to Indus Valley Proto Sanskrit Writing Biblical History Answers Mysteries Ancient Hinduism

The patriarch of India’s busy modern nautical archaeology movement, the good professor S. R. Rao, who has established that large cities of the enigmatic Indus valley civilization are now submerged in the gulfs of Chambay (bay of Cham/Ham) and Kutch (Kush), has as a linguist also posited that the still-supposedly-undecifered Indus valley script, found almost exclusively on ancient clay or ivory seals (official trade stamps) from the region, embody figures of the proto-semitic (of Shem) alphabet, used by the Canaanites and Hebrews to the west, the seals whose characters which when read with the pronunciation of the semitic alphabet indeed do read as trade seals should, with names, titles, and epithets of those wheeler-dealers during the bronze age, which was the Ice Age, when in southern Asia, the Indus region was not desert, but was lush with greenery and wildlife.

The academic pioneer Dr. Rao, ostensibly a Hindu, still stubbornly adheres to the notion (I think) that the cities now submerged off the coast of India went under in the 1500 B.C. timeframe, actually when the written Sanskrit Vedas indicate that they did, when Kususthali for instance, which means Kush’s port, succumbed to the sea, actually when the Ice Age ended, which I bet Rao has come to realize, ‘though unpopular in mainstream scientific circles, because it corroborates the biblical model, and they can’t have that, now can they? Perhaps the time has come however, for with the Sanskrit written language and its alphabet derived from proto-semitic-alphabet characters proven with the now (thanks to the biblical model) obviously deciphered Indus valley script, and considering that the ancient hindu yugas of time, brainstormed by the people of the archaic Indus valley civilization, derived from the same method used to calculate the length of the hebrew cubit, explained in article #2 at, it’s clear that the people groups in the ancient world were in contact, having had common origins in the Mountains of Ararat after the Flood, then down they went to Babel and beyond.

So let’s give a rouse for S. R. Rao, he’s right on it, comporting with the Bible of which I hope he’s now aware, and if not, those of you who know him, or somebody who does, please forward this to him, as I’m certain he’ll be glad to know that ancient Sanskrit language and writing was indeed directly developed from the archaic Indus valley civilization’s language and script, on those trade seals of the rich and famous, which documented their transactions long ago, back when far away, in the southeast Pacific, Easter Island was settled, actually after the end of the Ice Age, when Hotu Matu’a brought sixty-seven tablets to Rapanui (Easter Island) from their lost homeland to the west, Maitanga Roa (or Hiva), known to the Maori’s of New Zealand, submerged when the sea level rose with the end of the Ice Age.

The interesting thing is that a large percentage of the undecifered characters of the ancient RongoRongo script of Easter Island look just like the characters of the “undecifered” Indus valley script, sailing the seven seas during and after the Ice Age, quite plain for all to see, so please bring this to the attention of your professors, and be sure to seek their opinions on the ancient mapping finding explained in the link, which should be very interesting to Dr. Rao, who should now be even-more-greatly credited for his excellent work.